015 Roadside Fortune Telling

Old Mrs. Mo watched Mo Zhixuan's retreating figure and let out a deep sigh.

She did not care at all for the sudden storm, the lightning flashing and thunder roaring.

She understood that this was his way of venting.

Old Mrs. Mo only hoped that this time, Mo Zhixuan could really meet that person who would accompany him for life.

After all, the rest of his life was far too long.


Zhao family.

After finishing digging the pit, Chu Jin shut down the computer and picked up a blue-bound ancient book to study.

It was an extinct ancient martial arts technique.

It was a gift from Zi from the Purple Lightning Space, and also one of the daily tasks.

This was to improve the host's own survival ability, to avoid losing life to powerful opponents in the future.

The system's purpose was to train the host into an all-powerful goddess.

After all, if the host dies, the system dies.

As long as the host's experience reaches 100%, both parties will gain their freedom.