016 Jianghu shaman?

Chu Jin quickly shuffled the cards while calling the auntie to sit down, "Auntie, please take a seat."

The auntie sat across from her as instructed, looking at Chu Jin with a complex expression, "Girl, what are you..." Wasn't she supposed to tell her fortune? Why has she started playing with playing cards? Was she going to play the card game Fight the Landlord with her?

Chu Jin was in no hurry to explain, continuing to shuffle the cards she said, "Auntie, you have a kind face and generous features, you are a person with an enduring fortune."

The auntie glanced at Chu Jin, realizing that she shouldn't have any expectations for a young girl.

It was but a common opening line for jianghu shamans.

Chu Jin smiled and added, "In your youth, you were a decisive leader. You and your husband have been married for 35 years and had a son in middle age, your destiny bears a son but no daughter."