342 Old Friend (Fourth Watch)

Capital City.

A certain office building.

Sitting in front of his desk, Qin Zhenglin's hands flew rapidly over the keyboard, a slight expression of fatigue flashing in his eyes.

The screen displayed a string of code that was incomprehensible to most.

It wasn't clear which key he pressed, but the screen switched to a news story.

Seeing the news, a spark of energy seemed to light up Qin Zhenglin's eyes.

He quickly picked up the mobile phone on his desk, opened the contact list, found a familiar number, and dialed it.

However, an icy automated female voice came through, "Sorry, the number you have dialed is switched off. Please try again later."

Switched off?

Qin Zhenglin frowned slightly, puzzlement flickering across his face as he stared at the dim screen.

Didn't the news say that Brother Jin had already returned?

Why was his phone still switched off?

Just then, there was a knock on the office door, and a woman dressed in professional attire walked in.