344 Overjoyed (in the fifth watch of the night)

Chu Jin had just stepped outside when Miao Xinran wrapped an arm around Zhang Fangyi's shoulder, looking every bit the good brother and said, "Little Zhang, have you noticed that Jin seems a bit different from before?"

The sensitive teenager during the throes of puberty blushed immediately at such closeness, stammering a bit as he said, "No... no, I haven't..."

Miao Xinran released him, picked up Chu Jin's workbook from the table, and handed it to Zhang Fangyi, "Take a look at this handwriting, does it look any different from before?"

In truth, Miao Xinran already had a vague suspicion that something about this situation was off.

From Chu Jin's handwriting and their earlier interaction that morning, there was something inherently odd about this person, something eerily strange, but it was hard to pinpoint exactly what it was.

It was as if some truth was waiting for her to uncover it.