650, what a coincidence (first update)

Chu Jin, while enjoying the intoxicating peach aroma, looked towards the end of the highway.

What she saw was...

On the other side of the road, several men were carrying a sedan chair, heading in this direction.

In modern society, vehicles are the norm for transportation.

Sedan chairs rarely make an appearance.

It's no wonder they attracted a crowd of onlookers.

In front of the sedan chair stood two young women in long dresses, each holding a bamboo basket. They were the ones scattering the flower petals.

Wafts of peach fragrance emanated from their bodies.

The real highlight, however, was the woman sitting on the sedan chair.

She was a very young woman.

Probably around eighteen or nineteen years old.

Dressed in a bright red dress, with a sheer veil covering her face, she sat lazily on the sedan chair, her hand lightly propping up her head as she looked down on the onlookers with indifference.

In her eyes, there was nothing but disdain.