651, get lost before I take action. (Second update)

Today's journey.

It made Chu Jin deeply realize the importance of money.


Chu Jin's gaze fell upon a fortune-teller's booth.

The fortune-teller was a very young man.

The tools for divination were a deck of playing cards.

A deep blue cover.

Barely had Chu Jin's eyes touched upon that deck of cards when three words flashed through her mind.

Tarot cards.

In that strange stone house, there was such a deck of Tarot cards.

It seemed the same, yet not quite the same.

Chu Jin always felt that her Tarot cards looked better than others.

Right then.

The young man laid out a Universal type spread.

The one who came for divination was also a young man.

He asked the question, "Is my current girlfriend really the one I will marry in the future?"

To come for divination with such a question, it seemed that this young man had quite a distrust of his own girlfriend.

The card the young man drew as his bottom card was 'The Lovers'.