Chapter 126

|3rd POV|

Viserys returns to his horse after seeing his army take over the wall. He looks at the cavalry behind him and says.

"We will stop the incoming reinforcement! Charges!"

The cavalry gets out of the forest, and their target is the incoming army from the north. When Viserys and his men arrive, Lord Randyll and his army have already arrived near the wall and are currently fighting against the infantry who stay behind.


Viserys waves his hand and creates a hundred spikes from the ground to stab the enemy in front of him. He quickly cancels his spell and takes out his sword. When his horse crashes into the enemy, he swings his sword.

Viserys swings his cavalry saber left and right while casting shield spells every few seconds using his other hand.

When he sees an incoming cavalry group, Viserys takes a deep breath and pushes his gravity magic on them. The people around the thirty riders can hear the sound of bone and flesh getting crushed and see the pool of gore left behind by the magic.

Many soldiers near the now-dead riders decide to bail out and start running west. Viserys ignored them and focused on the one in front of them.

"Die! Targaryen!"

He looked to the side just in time to block the incoming attack. His shield can take the blow, but he will fall from his horse if he lets it, and the impact still hurts him. He grits his teeth when he sees a bald, middle-aged man pushing him.

This man is Lord Randyll Tarly.


"Fuck off!"

Viserys shouts and pushes his magic to throw the old lord away. Randyll falls to the ground and grunts in pain. He shakes his head and quickly gets up. He takes his sword from the ground and runs toward Viserys.

However, Viserys' men decide to stand against his path. However, Randyll Tarly proves the title of one of the finest Battle Commanders in Westeros to be true. He cut down many of the opponents on his way and even ignored the stab and cut wound.

He continues to run and shout while swinging his sword.

Sadly for him, Viserys has seen enough of his men get killed. He waves his hand, and the last thing Lord Randyl Tarly sees is a blue energy fly at him before his head falls to the ground. Viserys looks at the head for a few seconds before shaking his head.

He waves his hand and releases another wind spell. He wants to save some of his mana to rebuild the wall, but he also wants to finish the fight before it gets completely dark. However, he doesn't want to waste a lot of mana at once completely. He only needs to make them surrender.

So he used a lethal spell that did not require a lot of mana. The Wind Cutter spell is the right spell. Seeing your commander die with a wave of your hand is so scary that ordinary people will run to save their lives.

And that is working.

Seeing their comrade dying one by one without knowing what kind of attack they get, people start to get afraid and slowly run away. It is a domino effect. Seeing their comrade die, they start running and see the first group running and another group running. Combine it with the news of Lord Randyll's death, and people lose hope and start running.

When they cannot run, they drop their weapon and surrender.

Seeing the situation, Viserys casts a spell around his mouth and says.

"Attention!" His voice is so loud it can be heard through the battlefield. "Anyone who surrenders shall be spared! Anyone who did not drop their weapon in a minute shall be killed! Choose!"

The outcome is obvious. People start to drop their weapons to the ground and raise their hands.

~On the ocean~

"Turn! Turn around!"

One of the captains from the Redwyne Fleet shouted, but before his men could turn around the ship, a massive torrent of fire rained upon them. Three dragons fly around the battlefield while breathing fire upon the ship underneath them.

This is what Viserys and his men have planned. Using the fleet stationed near Storm's End, the admiral on the ship will lure the Redwyne's Fleet and let them get closer. When they are close enough, one of the admirals will fire a flare into the air to inform the dragon that it is on a massive ship behind the bait fleet. When the flare appears in the sky, the three dragons fly and burn the ships on the back.

Lord Paxter Redwyne glares at the dragon above and takes the bow his knight has. He takes the arrow and starts to fire at them.

"Die! Die, you bastard!"

His arrow hit the massive flying beast but did not leave any mark on their thick and durable scale.

"Die! Your age is over! This is the age of man! Man is the one rule over the world! Not you!"

Lord Paxter has lost his mind. His biggest pride and joy have been defeated once again. Previously, he had been defeated by Greyjoy and lost a lot of prestige because of it. He works hard and spends a lot of money to build another fleet from scratch.

Seeing his pride and joy get destroyed once again makes him snap.

Lord Paxter keeps firing arrow after arrow at Alduin, and the black dragon starts to notice. Alduin looks directly at Lord Paxter and opens his mouth. A second later, a torrent of fire spits out of Alduin's mouth, flies at the ship, and burns him alive.

On the land, Stannis and Viserys finished capturing the city and securing all the weapons from the one who surrendered. Even the knights guarding the castle already surrendered and even captured Renly for an offering, so Viserys and Stannis spared their life.

Stannis looks at his brother and says.


The said brother looks at him with anger.

"What do you want, brother?"

Renly spat the last word.