I had been home a month ago, talked to Mew about what had happened, and caught up with the university.

With Mew, he spoke daily, sometimes we played games, or we called each other.

A few days ago, we had a video call. She was a pretty looking person, she had well-groomed hair, a well-marked body, oh, and his hands, his hands are so sexy. The veins on his arms and hands are very noticeable, but in a very, very, very sexy way.

Changing the subject, Hilary has become more attached to me since what happened, I told her not to worry so much, but she ignored me.

It was already time for dinner and since it is Saturday, I am at my parents' house. So I go to the kitchen, finding my mom cooking, my dad setting the table and my little brother looking at my mom sitting on the counter.

—Hi Kanom, what are you doing? -I said taking him in my arms.

—I'm watching mom cook, so I learn, and I can make them food as delicious as mom's-

Kanom always wanted to learn how to cook and Mom liked that he was interested, they would watch cooking shows together and sometimes prepare food together.

For a 9-year-old, Kanom was very smart.

—Gulf-said Kanom- do you think you can take me to buy tomorrow? -

—Clear champion, what do you want to buy? -

—A new kitchen apron for me-

—is fine-

That night we had dinner, I showered and went to sleep. Of course, not before saying goodbye to Mew.

(The next day)

I was getting ready to go to college, but suddenly my cell phone rang.

"Hello?" I replied without looking at the screen.


It was Mew ...

—oh hello Mew what's up? -

—Nothing, I just wanted to hear you-

As Mew spoke, I heard a knock on the front door.

—Mew, wait a minute, they're knocking on the door, I'm still-


Omniscient POV

As he opened the door, Hilary entered.

"Who are you talking to, Gulfito?" She asked.

—with Mew- Hilary already knew about Mew, they told each other everything.

She put on a shocked face, hugged Gulf, and took the phone from his hands.

—Hi Mew, I'm Hilary, Gulf's best friend-

—Hi Hilary-

Hilary without taking the phone away from her face yelled.

—Gulf, you were right, he has a very sexy voice- she said to Gulf- I wonder if he is also as sexy as you say-


—Way-I speak Mew- Kana hides things from me. She thought we were friends-

—no, no, no - Hilary spoke- don't be mad at him, he only told me that, besides you still hear me because I have him trapped, if it weren't for that, you would receive an invitation to my funeral-

Mew and Hilary laughed at what was said.

—well, it was nice to hear "Mew's sexy voice" as Gulf says, bye Mew-

—Goodbye Hilary-

The youngest released Gulf and handed him the phone, it was totally red. She held the cell phone to her ear and spoke.

"Hello ~ hello?" Gulf's voice trembled with embarrassment.

— "Mew's sexy voice" -said the older one on the phone -I hope you don't speak bad about me, Kanawut- he said flirtatiously.

—Mew ...-

—Quiet little one, everything is fine, but I have to go. It's shopping day. Take care of yourself-

And without further ado, he cut.

Gulf turned his face to where Hilary was standing.

"You're dead," he told her.

Hilary ran out of the house, being chased by Gulf ...