Two Princess Meets, Everyone Meets. " The Meeting Of Wives ".

Supernal World.

In the queen's room, the atmosphere is

somewhat odd. Aeya, the little queen

stared at Edian waiting for a satisfactory


*Don't get the wrong idea.

She has no where to go

so she decide to follow


*I don't believe it. Look

how beautiful she is.

You don't want to let go

of this goddess and

took her with you.

This little girl's childish side appeared

again and spoke like this.

*You little girl. Don't talk

nonsense and get ready

to leave. But you can stay

if you changed your mind.

*You wish! Now that my

aunt is doing my

obligations, I will follow

you wherever you go.

*Well, do whatever you

want but I hope there's

no regret in the end.

Edian won't argue anymore to a stubborn

little girl and end the matter quickly.

*Brother, It is more

regrettable if I choose

not to follow you. I

won't regret it but I hope

you will take care of me

in the future.

*You really think too much.

If I don't care about you

then the most treasure you

have has been taken away

by the sytirran Lord.

*Brotherrrr! Your the one

who talk too much. Do

you need to say it in front

of her. I'm gonna beat you

to plump.

The little girl said this and jump to

hugged the man with both arms and


*I'll beat you with hugs

and kisses.

Edian was hugged tightly with no chance

of escape and can't dodge those

multiple kiss made his face full of the

little girl's saliva.

*Aeya, do you planned to

bath me with your saliva.

Could you stop it already.

Surprisingly, the little queen stopped and

got down.

*That's your punishment

for reminding me of that

disgusting pervert.

The man heard it and realized that what

he just said is a bad call. But this little

sister still needs to be warned and said.

*Aeya, you should not act

like this when we are in

Earth, do you understand?

*Brother, I know your

worried to be seen by your

wife and sister Luicy. Of

course I will refrain myself

when they are around but

don't expect for them to be

your side all the time.

In was this moment, Edian knew that

bringing this little queen will give a lot of

trouble but there's nothing he could do:

only to regret it.

*I don't want to argue

with you anymore. Come

on, let's go.

Aeya was also excited to meet her

sisters and went to hug the arm of

Edian. The fairy on the sideline who

never speak, saw the little princess

action and went to do the same not

thinking anything about it. Now that it

was settled, Edian didn't waste even a

second and activate the device. As

usual, after gathering the energy to

supply the journey, send three figures in

there destination.


In a cave, seven beauties are having a

good women moments. Everyone smile

and laugh, seems that they already build

a good relationship. But this moment

was interrupted by the sudden

appearance of three figures. Edian with

two beauties still hugging his arms was

seen by the group. The man immediately

realize it and hurriedly but gently pulled

his arms then said.

*Well, this two sisters want

to join your sisterhood so

please take care of them in

the future.

This two princess was already

enlightened of human words by Edian

before they came so there's no problem

to communicate.

*Hello everyone. My name

is Aeya Phoenix, queen of

Supernal world. I left my

obligation to come here

and become Edian's other

woman. He saved me and

gave me another chance

to live so I will live that

second chance with him.

Sure enough, this celestial little girl

couldn't kept what's in her mind and said

it all. Edian who felt guilty, bowed his

head without saying a word and only

hope that things will go to everyone's

wish. Hearing the words, four wives

didn't reacted at all but looked at the

most beautiful sister in the cave. This

fairy once the princess of fairyland who

was looked by many beings and didn't

feel anything but now, she's nervous.

With a soft voice as beautiful as her face,

she said.

*My name is Sheena Airy,

princess of Fairyland. I

was send to be a concubine

of an old Lord against my

will but Edian saved me and

I... I also choose to be with

him so please accept me in

your family.

These reasons may be reasonable but

what matters is how will these four

wives reacts. Edian who bows his head

heard this kind of conversation once

again and realized something. He

suddenly realized how unfaithful he was.

He didn't want this but can't say no to it.

The man felt more guilty specially to

Khristeine and can't help for those eyes

to turn red ready to shed tears at any

moment. Before anyone could speak,

he said in a soft voice.

*Everyone, I'm going out to

do something. Please stay

here and have a good


The words fell so was his tears and

came to the sight of these beauties but

before someone could ask what's wrong,

the man disappeared in the place. What

else these beauties want do but only to

worry and hope that Edian will be fine

after leaving like that...