The Rage Of A Man Who Lose His Love One.

On the top of the tallest tree in the

place, Edian sitting in a large branch like

an idiot looking at the horizon. The man

was like this for more than an hour and

no one knows what he's thinking.

There's no other sound to be heard

except of the sounds of nature when

suddenly. " Edian " ! The word was not

heard but it was felt. Edian was fully

awaken by the feeling and had a bad

premonition. In an instant, the figure

blurred and completely disappeared. It

didn't take even five minutes and Edian

came inside the cave shouting.

*Khristeine! Are you

here? Khristeine!

The sound is loud resounding all over

the place. Arrianne who is the nearest

person at that time came running and


*Brother, steine went out

just now to find you.

The man clench his fist upon hearing

this and exude a strong energy made the

beauties feel like dying specially Arrianne

who is just in front of him. The girl in anuncomfortable voice hurriedly said.

*Brother! Your hurting us.

Please wake up.

Edian who unconsciously did this was

awaken and immediately took it back.

In a soft voice, he said.

*I'm sorry everyone for

acting like that. I going out

to find Khristeine and all of

you should stay here and

wait for us to come back.

Do you understand!?

Learned from the past, the man was

able to keep his mind in time like this

and calmly said the words.

*Edian, sister Luicy

accompanied sister

Khristeine to find you.

Did something happen

to them?

Aingelikca has something in her mind

and went to say this.

*Don't worry about it.

Just stay here and wait.

No matter what happens,

don't come out. Do you


No one spoke but Edian took it as a yes.

*Alright, i'm leaving. Take

care of each other.

The last words was said and the man

disappeared leaving these beauties in a

complicated mood. No second should

be wasted and Edian came outside the

cave in less than five seconds. The man

stopped, close his eye and search for

the breath of Khristeine and Luicy. A

minute later, Luicy's faint breath was

detected not far away. The feet moved

and Edian arrived at the destination only

for a few seconds. An unexpected tragic

scene came to sight made Edian almost

lost his mind. Quickly rush to hold the

dying Luicy in his arms and hurriedly

took out a lifesaving legendary potion to

feed her. Luicy who felt the actions, open

her eyes and recognize the man. In a

weak voice, used her remaining last

strength and said.

*Edian, Khristeine was

taken by a group of super

beings belong to the race

of angels. I tried to...

*Let's talk about it later.

You should first take a rest

and wait for the potion to

take effect.

Luicy was blocked and didn't finish her

words but still went to say it.

*Edian, I already drank a

lifesaving legendary potion

a few minutes ago but still

no effect. I think the one

who stabbed me with an

Estoc sword has the

special ability of poison.

Edian, let me say my final

last words before I leave.

Edian will never give up that easy. With

tears falling like rain in his eyes, took

different kinds of legendary healing

potions and let her have it all. With too

much liquid in the throat made her

cough violently.

*Luicy! Are you okay. I'm

sorry! I... I'm sorry, this is

all my fault. I shouldn't left

for you and Khristeine to

follow. Hu! Hu! Hu!

The man finally realize that his woman is

really hopeless and broke down. Luicy

with a faint life in her eyes put her hand

in the man's face and said her final


*Edian, don't blame

yourself or be sad

because of this. I'll be

gone but forever my soul

will be on your side. I'm

already satisfied with my life.

Meeting you and all my

sisters was able to fill what's

lacking. Edian, thank you for


A faint smile on her face appeared and

continue to say.

*I suddenly remember

that we have never kissed

so Edian, can I have my

first and last kiss with you.

Edian who can't hold his emotions, shed

more tears and also went to say his final

last words.

*Luicy, you may not know

but your the one in the

whole universe that I

spend more of my life.

Thank you for everything

and I will always love you

where ever you are.

After saying this words, slowly went to

kiss Luicy with all his heart in it. Four lips

touched and two lovers felt how much

they loves each other. Luicy got her

final wish and the hand in the man's face

lose it's strength and fell on the ground.

Edian notice this, put away the body in

the space ring and went to roar looking

at the sky above. " Heeeeaveeennnnn! "

The man is not fearless person but when

thing went like this, no one can stop a

raging man who lost his beloved woman.

Right now, a pure energy was surging in

the man's body and some of it is leaking

out. It seems that the body is on the

process of transformatiom. All of a

sudden, the body slowly rises, up to the

sky. The metamorphosis is to high

profile that made the whole place like

facing a super typhoon. It took a full

minute for the final form to take shape

and sheet the hail whoever did this to

Edian but falk the way I look at him is no

longer an existence for these stupid race

to handle.Thunder bangs, lightning

strikes and a wind that can bend a

strong bamboo to the ground. As soon

as whatever being Edian is now,

disappeared so as this phenomenal

scene. No one can imagine how many

lives will be taken but one things for

sure, it will be an extermination...