The Disaster (pt 2)

Previous Chapter:

"I guess we might be able to win this?" "Guess what? we have to"

Sorren got no choice but to attack the leader with his all strength and buy as much time he can.


"How about you attack me first?" the leader asked Sorren

But Sorren didn't intended to answer him at all and he also thought that by staying silent was buying more time for the Assist team to come.

"Are you been confident that you can survive my attacks huh? you made it easy for me kill you then"

He stored up energy on his hand then released at Sorren. Sorren was still using the power of merging so he was quite fast enough to dodge all the projectiles. "You got some pretty decent speed"

"Yeah! I am not a moron like you who will not be able to dodge your slow attacks!" Sorren thought of making him do wrong moves in rage.

"Oh, you think you are more powerful than me?"

He moved in front of Sorren so fast that Sorren couldn't even traced him movements.

He hit Sorren so badly that Sorren was slammed at a tree and the pain he was feeling was like he broke his spine from that force. "Oh I am sorry I hit you to hard"

"Your and his level are on different leagues, just run for now" Asten tried to warn him "No, I can't run now...I am supposed to buy time" Sorren didn't listened to his warning "Uff, you are way too much stubborn...ok listen to me this time, try to focus and gather your lighting energy in your legs, you will be able to do 'Lighting Rush'"

"Another type of speed skill?"

Sorren tries to focus, "Oh why did you closed your eyes? are you that scared that you need to close your eyes? that'd really disappointment" then he realised that Sorren was doing something else but it was too late "Shit!".

He saw that lighting energy was sparking was from his legs and then Sorren opened his eyes.

Sorren was literally on par of his agility "What the heck how did he got on par with my speed so fast!"

Sorren dashed towards with his charged dagger and did vertical strike on his blade which the leader tried to use to block Sorren's attack.

He was pushed back with a heavy forced and a little scratch was left on his blade. "hahaha, you are the first person to leave a scratch on my blade kid"

Sorren was surprised that he was able to do that "Awesome! but I didn't knew that there is a limit to merging?"

"There is nothing infinite in this world" Asten replied him.

"I have to get serious it seems like to be" the leader said while getting angry because Sorren was ignoring him. Without wasting any time he charges towards Sorren and tries to strike him with full power this time.

"Sorren! He is using Shadow Element, get away from it right now!" Sorren strafed to left but the explosion which was cause when the strike hit the land, Sorren was thrown down but flipped back to normal stance.

"Woah, you managed to survive the explosion, try to survive this!"

The enemies leader gathered a huge amount of 'Shadow' energy on there sides and Sorren saw that numerous number of Beast came in form of Shadow and started charging towards Sorren. Sorren got scared by those.

"Sorren, keep yourself together and kill those!" Sorren also charges towards and those and one by one he kill all those beast but got some heavy bruises on his body.

"Agh, how are you still alive? that doesn't matter I guess, I will kill you myself"

lvl 2)>

lvl 2)>

lvl 3)>

lvl 2)>

[Strength: 28]

[Agility: 89(+66)]

[Stamina: 87]

"Killing this Shadow Beasts gives xp points also!" Sorren felt that his body was feeling more lighter than before he thought this must be because of the level up he got.

"Hey! where are you looking huh?" The enemy suddenly comes in front of him and gives Sorren a huge Energy Blast. Sorren was pushed back.

Sorren says "Taste my new power" He charged his fist with Lighting Energy and strike it down to ground and the ground got shatter and the stretched towards the enemy, which hit on him and dealt a quite lot damage.

"What the hell? How is this possible! I put all my strength into this strike!"

Sorren was surprised to see that it only give a minor scratches on him.

Suddenly a flying sword came at the enemy and it damaged through the suit and exited from his back a bit.

Blood was the brim of the sword and dropped at the end of the brim, a little bit of blood was also coming out from the gap between the face protector which tells that blood was also coming out from his mouth.

Sorren was surprised and looked at his back and saw that the assist team has came. "Hey kid get aside! Let us deal with his person" Sorren got aside as soon he heard that.

"Back-up team? damn it!" the enemy tries to escape them but he was caught by one member of the Assist Team using Ice Element. He just freeze him to death almost.

The members of the Assist Team was discussing something among them "I really can't get enough of this Dark Association"

"Yeah I know, they have been attacking everywhere".

Then one them came towards Sorren and said "Kid, you did a great job by buying us time, may I know your name?"

Sorren replied " Sorren Liston and I got a question what happened to that girl who -"

"I know what you want to ask, we have sent her to her family"

"Oh" Sorren was glad to hear that.

Sorren see that the Team was talking everyone to the nearest hospital and soon enough it got empty. "Hey, I got a offer for you" the person who asked his name before.

"What kind of offer?" Sorren was quite curious, "We wanna take you into our team, you will have to move on to the city, practice your skills and become a successful UE Fighter after that we would like to recruit you, and yeah you can take help from us you want to take on any dungeon that would be in our range"

Sorren thought of it carefully "The offer is bad" then he ask "Would be it be mandatory to join the guild which you all work for?"

"No, it wouldn't be but if you do so then we would be glad that's all" replied that person.

"I accepted the offer and I want to add something to it that I want my sister to move on to the city with me and every week I wanna come here to meet the people here with whom I have been together for 3 years"

"Ok that can be done " that person accepted the things mentioned by Sorren.

Soon enough everyone was gone and that person said that he would come after some mins because he need to do some stuff. "I guess I am going to have a stable life now?"

After a month...

Sorren got a stable life now, his sister goes to her school every day just like a normal kid and Sorren practices at home. *huff* *huff* "This should be enough for today" goes back to his room gets some water and goes for a run now...

"I am still not strong enough to take on long have I have to wait?"

"You will have to wait until you are 15 years after that only you can get in to the UE School, after passing passing that which will take 3 more years, you can be a Officially UE Fighter"

Sorren lost his words after he heard that he has to be 15 years old and 3 more years in the school.

"Don't get upset Sorren, it is all about time and hard work you do" Asten tried to comfort him.


A.N: Well I am sorry for the delays and all... got any issues with the story? don't hesitant to say that... I will try to fix that. See you in next chapter!