Calamity Break

Previous chapter:

Sorren lost his words after he heard that he has to be 15 years old and 3 more years in the school.

"Don't get upset Sorren, it is all about time and hard work you do" Asten tried to comfort him.


After 6 years...

"I am going"


*door closed*

"Ok she is gone, let's check, 'Status Window!'"

[Strength: 69]

[Agility: 59]

[Stamina: 340]

[MP: 210]

(A.N: I changed the 'Bone Breaker' to 'Chain Crit' because I think it describe the skills more better than before)

"Status Window close"

"Let's go to Xane Xin I got a request to ask from him" Sorren murmured to himself.

He goes out of his door and walks down the path to Xane Xin.

(Xane Xin is the guy form previous chapter who gave the offer to Sorren)

When Sorren was going to suddenly a ground around the place where Sorren was, started to shake up and all the people around starts to scream "What the heck is going!?", a crack appears in the air...

Asten shouts "Jump back and take your weapon!" Sorren does just like Asten instructed him "First tell me what is going on?"

"It is Calamity Break!"

(Calamity Break: When a dungeon appears out of nowhere and breaks occurs in a instant is called to be 'Calamity Break')

The crack in the air opens up more and some small hands starts to crawl out, small body comes out of it and drops down. It was a dwarf.

"Wait a dwarf?" Sorren questioned himself

"Well, this much enough for a detailed information about the 'Calamity Break', It must be a C-Rank Dwarves"

Asten for some reasons sees it as a opportunity "Didn't you say I am not able to level up properly because those creatures are not Dungeon Monsters?"

"Umm Yeah? I did say that?" Asten got puzzled about why Sorren was talking like that...

"Then this is the Level-Up Opportunity" Sorren grinned.

"Wait no... you can't! Your level is still low to fight against C-Rank Monsters?!" Asten got worried.

Sorren does cares about what Asten says he just spawns his 'Night Dagger' and charges towards that dwarf which was standing alone but Sorren felt something wrong about it... why would it be standing alone?

"It is a trap!" Asten tried to warn Sorren but it was already late.

As soon as Sorren cuts the dwarf into two pieces, it exploded and created a smokescreen.

*Cough* ×3

"What the heck man, *Cough* was it a puppet?" Sorren felt that he fell into a trap.

Suddenly lots of arrows got shot at him. "Shit!"

Using his skill, he dodged all arrows except one which pierced through his left arm, "Damn it my left arm it hurts badly", "I told you before also but you didn't listen to me"

Sorren tries to retreat but when he tried to jump back he got blocked by a invisible wall, "Oh my god, Wind Barrier?" Sorren felt that something bad was coming then.

He turns around then he sees that 10-20 dwarves, 4 magic warriors and one Magic Dwarf, "Yeah I am complete trapped"

Sorren charges towards the Dwarves with his Dagger with activated 'Charge Cut' (lvl 2) in that instances the Dwarves also attacks and the Magic Warriors charging towards Sorren.

"Now have this!" Sorren shouts with happiness.

As soon as he strikes down to the ground, the ground crumbles and also paralyzes all the dwarves. "Awesome, now that's what something!"

"Kill all the long ranges first quickly" Asten commands Sorren


In milli-secs, all those small heads of those 'Archery Dwarves' falls down and monster bloods spurts out of the spot where the head was cut off.

But when he tried to turn around and attack those paralyzed 'Magic Warrior', Sorren's Dagger didn't even penetrated the Armor a bit and with that he jump backs.

"It didn't even left a scratch on it" Sorren was frustrated

Asten suggests Sorren "You just need to over-power it with strength and use your element for speed"

Sorren agrees with the plan of Asten.

"Wait, what time already u-"

The 'Magic Warrior' directly swings it's swords at Sorren, right before he lost his head, dodged at the perfect time.

"Holy man, that almost killed me" Sorren got surprised by that attack.

All three 'Magic Warrior' charges towards Sorren, he jumps up right into the sky and removes his Weapon, "Now have my fist for your death."

Sorren falls down and punches the metal head one of the 'Magic Warrior' and right after landing down he jumps forward towards the heads of other two 'Magic Warrior' and destroys those two also.

"Damn was some works but we got some good amount of level-up man" Sorren was feeling exhausted but it never ended that point, right after Sorren turns around he saw that a huge 'Fire Ball' was coming towards him.

"Oh shit"

A ice wall forms up right in front him and blocking that attack. "Are you fine, Sorren?"

Sorren got stunned for a while and shake up "Xane?"

Xane was coming running towards him "How many times have I told you not get into these kind of stuff, always run away?" Xane was worried about Sorren.

"Look Behind you!" Sorren shouts.

It was the same attack but it couldn't even reach Xane, he again deflected that attack and killed that 'Magic Dwarf' (which Sorren totally forgot about) with a blade which was fully made of Ice.

"Ok, my mistake I forgot about that Magic Dwarf totally."

Xane turned around and look at Sorren but the atmosphere kind of started to cool-up "Umm seems like I am in Trouble now"

After some mins...

In the "Ice Lion" Guild building...

(A.N: Guilds are types of groups formed with many BS Users/UE Fighters

Xane Xin--> He is a famous 'UE Fighter' in the world, his element is Ice, second most powerful UE Fighter in the whole world and earned the title: 'The Ice Lion'..... yeah the name of the guild arrived from his title only, don't question me about it)

"How many times do I have to say huh?"

"Well I didn't mean to... it was a coincidence"

"Before a 'Magic Dwarf can put up it's Barrier there is some time"

"...." Sorren got no words to say against that statement.

"Nothing can be done" Xane sighs.

"Actually I got request to ask"

"What request after causing this much trouble?"

"Can you give me permission to attend a dungeon"

A straight no from Xane "Ofcourse no idiot, do you want to die or what? moreover you didn't reached age of 15"

"Please just once, just once" Sorren continues to beg for permission from Xane.

"Ok fine but under one condition" after saying that Xane grinned.

"Ok that feels creepy" Sorren felt that something was wrong.