
(Ed's POV)

"Thanks to that idiot, now I'm late for the meeting. I was thinking of seeing the city a little before heading there but now I have to rush."

Ed was walking down the hallway of the inn after helping Rey with his problem.

"How much time for the meeting?"

A system window showing 9 minutes left appeared in front of him.

"How nice would it be if you could also talk, but I guess special people also get special system."

[Hello Ed! ✧⁺⸜(・ ᗜ ・ )⸝⁺✧]

"Woah! What's this?" Ed was taken aback because his system hadn't responded like this ever before.

[Due to the thing with Sophie, I also evolved a little and although not at her level, I can converse with you via messages like these.]

"Really? That's so awesome. So I should give you a name now I guess. What will it be Clara, Scarlett... wait.... you are not a girl, what about Brett, Ken. But I don't like giving you a male name.

Ughhh, this is so difficult. "

[(˃̵͈̑‿˂̵͈̑), You should focus on getting to the meeting. You can name me afterwards.]

"Ah yes, the meeting." Ed exited the inn and covered his boots with his lightning attribute for extra speed and ran towards the meeting place.

"How much to the house?"

[200 metres to the left.]

" Time? "

[6 minutes]

"Got it"

Ed did a kind of drifting manoeuvre he had learnt to change his direction while in high speed and ran towards the elevated piece of land in the distance. The land was part of the Levington estate, who managed the town.

Ed bypassed the large, iron front gate which was surprisingly open and the guards guarding it in an instant.

'Seems like they didn't notice me again. They are so high level but still can't detect me, guess my skills are getting better. '

While Ed was making his way towards the Mayor's office praising himself, the guards closed the front gate as if they were expecting him to come.

The guards were given explicit orders by Gerald Levington- the Mayor -to not stop Ed and this gave Ed the false impression that the guards couldn't detect him. Whereas in real, the guards always knew that Ed was coming from a 100 metres away.

"Long time no see, uncle Gerald!" Ed entered the office after fixing his messy hair.

"What a pleasant surprise Ed. Didn't think you'd be coming this early."

"What can I do? You know how punctual I am."

"But you are a whole 6 minutes early. You could have taken some more time. It's not like I have anything important to do."

"I see your tongue is as sharp as always, uncle."

Gerald gestured Ed to sit on the seat opposite to him.

Gerald was a little too fat for his age, like the typical fat, extorting, ugly, greedy and perverted moneylender except for the fat, extorting, ugly, greedy and perverted part.

He and Ed's father were childhood friends and even studied together in the Academy and this made Ed a frequent visitor of their estate.

"So, you'll take the regular Orange juice?"

"I'll take a coffee this time around, make it strong." Ed ordered the servant that came to take their order.

"Why the sudden change in preference?"

"You know Rey, my friend. Just got caught up in one of his shenanigans and I am spent."

"Rey..... Rey, the name does sound familiar. Ah that white haired boy you always played with, now I remember. Is he in Birchwood?"

"He came here to visit The Great Library and is currently staying at the Healing Touch."

" Why didn't you bring him with you? It's been a long time since I met him, I remember when you two used to play with Jenny, saying you'll marry her. "


" That is enough embarrassment for a day, uncle. " Rey was embarrassed as the servant who came with their beverages also heard the last part and chuckled lightly but loud enough for both of them to hear.

" Okay, okay. So why did you come here? Your father just told me that you'll be visiting today. I bet it's not for touring purposes, is it?"

"As expected of a businessman, you saw right through me."

The Levingtons inherently ran some inns in Birchwood and surrounding towns, but thanks to Gerald and his unconventional and daring business approach, after 8 years of him taking over the family business, the Levingtons became one of the richest families of the empire and were also given the town of Birchwood to manage. The Healing Touch chain of inns is also owned by the Levingtons.

"I came regarding Jenny."

Ed got straight to the point, there was no point in dilly-dallying with a businessman. He knew that changing Gerald's decision was not easy and he was ready to do anything for it.

"*sigh* So you also know. Listen Ed, I have been to the Academy and know what goes around there. And I don't want my Jenny to witness all the dirty politics that happens there. You and Rey are both extraordinary so you'll be fine but Jenny... she is not as bright as you two. "

Gerald had first-hand experienced the dark side of the glorious Royal Banyan Academy which every 16 year old wanted to enter. Though it was a prestigious academy renowned throughout the continent, it was only so for the strong and those at the top.

Although every student studying there was exceptional and better than any average 16 year old, there was a clear distinction between students based on background and abilities.

"I don't know uncle, whether the Academy is as good as they say it to be or not because I haven't gone there myself but if you are worried that Jenny will be bullied, you are contradicting yourself. "

Ed looked Gerald straight in the eye, he was determined to stand up for his friend. He didn't know why but he felt like he shouldn't or more accurately couldn't leave Jenny behind. He wanted her to be with him during his most important years of life.

Of course he didn't know all this, for him it was still just a feeling of leaving a friend behind.

"You yourself said that both Rey and I are extraordinary, so if you can't believe me then at least have faith in Rey and his talent. One of us is sure to be at the top of not both and we'll not let anyone harm Jenny. We will protect her always."

Gerald looked at Ed with a fierce gaze as if testing his resolve.

"That is all just big talk Ed. I have seen people change at the drop of a hat. How can you guarantee that you or Rey won't change? "

"I promise on my family's name. If I somehow fail, I'll let you be the judge of my punishment, as for Rey I'll also take his punishment. "

Rey instantly replied, he didn't know why he was going to such lengths for a simple matter.

Even Gerald was shocked, he didn't expect Ed to go as far a to bet on his family's name. He put back the cup of green tea back in his desk and took a one last look at Ed.

"I hope you stick to your words Ed, but whether Jenny will go or not is still her decision. You'll have to take to her about it. "

" Thank you uncle, as much as I want to see her right now, I think Rey and I should talk to her together. "

" That I leave up to you. "

Ed exited the office in a happy mood as what he came to do here went successfully and now onto something he didn't come here for.

" Now I should check out the locations and make a plan for the tomorrow's date. "

Yep, the side character got a date before the protagonist and that too a pretty beautiful one(according to him).

(The next day)

Ed was getting ready in his room for his date. He met Anna some time back on a trip with his father. Though she was not a noble, her family was plenty rich and she and Ed hit it off on their first meeting.

Coincidentally, he met Anna again in Birchwood, where she took the initiative to ask him on a date.

As it was Ed's first date ever, he decided to go with the time tested and classic approach of going black. He wore a well fitted sweater as Birchwood was located in the northern part of the empire, skinny chinos, dress shoes, a pair of shades and an expensive Dolex watch he bought just for today spending most of his money that he brought with him.

"Do I look good? Of course i do.... Shido senpai, please help me."

Ed was about to head out when he remembered he hasn't applied any perfume. What a noob?

"As if you're one to talk, loner! Shit, I don't have a perfume with me. I'll have to buy one on the way."

Haha, that's what you get, seems like your senpai is helping you out a lot.

Ed quickly ran towards a lifestyle store to buy a handy perfume bottle. He bought one with a floral scent and a slight woody undertone to it.

(4 hours later)

Ed and Anna were now heading to a luxurious restaurant for lunch. They have been walking around the town, checking out stores and tourist spots.

"Ed I think I need to use the restroom for a minute. Can we stop by that inn, I feel funny?"

For the past 15-20 minutes, Anna had been acting weirdly, first itching all over and now tummy troubles.

"Sure, I'll be waiting by the entrance, then we'll go together."

"Th..... thanks Ed!" Anna rushed inside the nearest inn.

Some distance away from them, Rey had been following them the entire time.

"See, I knew something was wrong with that girl the moment I saw her."

[I also had a bad feeling about her. What do we do?]

"We'll take Ed away, of course. The question is how."

Rey was in a narrow alley some distance away from them wearing a hat, sunglasses and a large brown overcoat, looking extremely not shady.

He looked around the alley for anything useful when he spotted a bunch of sacks lying around him.

[Are you thinking what I think you are thinking, master?]

"Of course... it's kidnapping time. Now how to distract their attention?"

Rey again looked around the alley to find another solution.

"You know there are an awful lot of glass windows here and some stones here. How about some glass breaking?"

[How will you go unnoticed? Someone will probably spot you.]

"Leave that to me."

[Then I am all in!]

*crack* *crack* *crack*

Rey threw a dozen stones simultaneously and windows broke in sync.

People rushed everywhere to take cover from the glass shards, some even shouted that it was a terrorist attack.

[Now's our chance, master.]

"On it"

Rey disappeared into his shadow and a short while appeared behind the still confused Ed.

Ed who was still trying to understand what happened, turned around to see a glimpse of Rey and his hand approaching him and before long he was out cold.

Rey dragged him into an alley, as everyone went to take cover, no one saw him, tied his hands and feet, gagged him and put him in a sack before vanishing.