Daddy to the rescue

Rey ran towards Ed, picking him up in his arms, trying to stop anymore blood from flowing out.

"Ed, wake up! WAKE UP!" he tried to slap him lightly on his cheeks to wake him up but got no response.

Ed had fainted from excessive blood loss.

"Shit. Shit. Shit! This can't be happening."

Rey started panicking as he was not sure what to do. He was injured himself and not in a state to carry Ed all the way to Rosewood and according to sys, stalling for time can be detrimental because of the damage to the organs and blood loss.

For the time being, he dragged Ed to a nearby tree instead of leaving him in the middle of the road. Leaving a bloody trail behind him.

"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?"

[Are you really gonna waste time like this, idiot?]

Sophie was disappointed by Rey's actions and started scolding him for his indecisiveness.

"What an I supposed to do then? I can't carry him myself and there is no building of sorts nearby." Rey was trying to think of some way but seeing Ed, he couldn't think of anything. His brain was filled with the thoughts of losing Ed, which hindered his decision making.

[Call someone dumbass!]

Sophie was frustrated by Rey's reply as he couldn't even think of such a simple solution and instead have excuses.

"Right! Let me quickly call someone."

Rey felt embarrassed and quickly summoned his contact list which only had like, four contacts- his mom, dad, Ed and newly added Jenny.

Rey was thinking of whom to call for help but even such a simple task was taking him a lot of time.

[What are you waiting for? Quickly call your dad.]

"Ah... Yes, my dad!" Rey hurriedly pressed his father's name and waited for the call to get through.

"Come on, come on..... " he was getting more impatient the more time it took for the call to connect.

"Hello Rey!" he soon heard his father's voice in a cheerful tone.

" there is no time for pleasantries. Please come quickly." Rey started panicking as Ed was losing more and more blood.

"What happened Rey? Everything ok?"

"N.. nothing is ok."

"Rey tell me everything."

"D... dad Ed j-just collapsed and i-is bleeding a... a lot." Rey kept glancing at Ed and everytime he saw him, he just felt guilty. He didn't wanna lose his best friend, not like this.

"Collapsed? Where are you guys? Is there anything nearby where you can take him?"

Rey's father suddenly got serious when he heard that Ed collapsed.

"W.. we are about 2 hours away fr-from Rosewood a... and there is nothing close by us."

"Rey take a deep breath, calm down and stay right where you are. I am coming right now. Do not do anything foolish. You understand?"

" Y-yes"

Rey's father hung up the call and went to see his wife Amanda, in the kitchen.

"What happened honey? Was it Rey? Did you tell him the good news?"

"Listen Amanda!" Amanda stopped her work midway and turned around with a serious expression. She knew that everytime her husband calls her with her name, it is either a very serious matter or he has messed up big time. And from his face, it was probably the first.

"I know I promised you but Rey just called. Ed is in a very critical situation without any help nearby and i need to go there. Please just this once."

"*sigh* Is it really that urgent that you have to risk everything? I know it is Ed but think about how much you have already sacrificed. Will it be worth it?"

"I don't know how serious it is? But I have never heard Rey so panicked, even when he was a kid. And my heart says that I should go."

"Nathan..." Amanda put a hand on Nathan's cheek, contemplating for a second. After a while she just nodded with her head down and turned around without looking at him.

Nathan just squeezed her hand and went out of the house and into a secluded alley.

"I just hope I don't regret this." he removed the bracelet he was wearing on his left hand and a wave of essence surged out of his body.

"Now how do you do this again?" he took a deep breath and wind started to revolve around him, slowly at first and then violently. The trash around him also started to move with the wind.

Nathan moved his hands, controlling the wind which slowly lifted him off the ground and the next moment, he flew in Rey's direction.

Nathan's movement attracted the attention of a few strong people in Rosewood like the Mayor, just as Amanda feared.

The Mayor rushed to his father as soon as he felt the fluctuation in essence.

"Father, did you also feel that?"

"Yes, and by the wave only, I reckon that person is stronger than me. Instruct your men to find that person and keep a close on him."

"I have already dispatched some of my men and also ordered the guards to submit a list of people entering Rosewood."

"I'll also ask my men to investigate."

The Mayor went away to review the list brought by the guards.

(In the forest)

Rey was carrying Ed on his back, completely soaked in blood. He tried waiting for his dad but seeing Ed, he couldn't take it and decided to carry him till his father arrives.

He didn't know how long he'd have to wait, so he asked Sophie to turn off his pain reception and carried Ed on his back.

Meanwhile Nathan was flying with all his speed above the forest. The distance that would have taken Rey and Ed about 2 hours, he covered in almost 10 minutes.

"Where are you Rey?"

Nathan slowed down, hovering above the thick canopy of trees and closed his eyes, scanning the area with his essence.

The forest area was too large to cover on time and Rey also didn't give him his location. Searching the area with his essence was the quickest way to locate them.

He spread out his essence in a large area and started to look for any signs of Rey or Ed.

This method was very taxing on the mind of the user and also required a lot of essence which made it rather unpopular among the masses. But this was the quickest way when time was of importance.

"I told you to not move *sigh*." Nathan located Rey's position and flew down to him.

"*huff* Where are *huff* you dad?" Rey was struggling to walk properly, even with his pain reception turned off. But he still pushed through the fatigue and kept moving forward.

[Rey please listen to me. Please stop, you are overexerting yourself. Your dad must be coming, please stop!]

"I.. I.. can't... not.. no..." Rey was adamant on continuing but as Sophie said, he was overexerting his body and was starting to black out.

His wounds were starting to open up and he already started to lose blood, as he was on the verge of exhaustion.

He closed his eyes after his body couldn't move anymore, accepting the fall. But no matter how long he waited, he didn't touch the ground. He was too tired to open his eyes to see what was going on as he only heard a smile and a subtle smile appeared on his face.

"Troublesome as always." Nathan arrived just as Rey was about to fall and used his wind to carry both him and Ed back home.