Sound check! One, two~! Showtime !

Fifteen minutes before the concert started. The current members of Project MirAIs had already run through their dress rehearsal and got a general idea of how the show was going to go down. Now, all that was left was to make sure that everything worked smoothly so that they could start on time.

But that left the girls from Prototype without anything to do... and also without much to do for a while considering that they wouldn't be the opening act. So, while John- Or rather, "Jenny" and Titor double-checked the systems and setup to make sure everything went right, Alphy, Asako, and Rin were sitting down in front row seats before the stage.

Asako watched Jenny walk around the edges of the stage. She shook her head and then stared at the walls, turned into giant monitors to give the illusion of a giant concert hall. "I still can't wrap my head around all of this, even after seeing it work." She tucked a strand of her hair, still an icy blue, and said, "How does all of this even fit here? Is this place even still up to code?"

An understandable sentiment. Just from a casual glance around, the current setup didn't make sense- No, it did. But it was unbelievable.

The floor had completely changed from when the girls walked in, and was continuing to change as Jenny moved around the stage. Pieces giving way while others rose up to form steps... And then some pillars that popped up out of nowhere.

And that didn't even address how there were giant monitors overlaying the walls and ceiling with such high resolution and fidelity that it was impossible to tell where the room ended and the concert hall display started.

Then there were the completely silent drone cameras flying around the stage recording everything and displaying it on a screen within the screen at the back of the stage...

Asako rubbed her temple and said, "What did I even get myself into?"

Rin, sitting on Asako's left, turned to look at her older sister and said, "Is it really that bad, Aneue? Who cares if it's super high tech stuff! It's all for us!"

"That's exactly why I care, Sis." Asako frowned and looked back up at the stage.

Jenny moved back to the center of the stage. The moment she did, a small hole opened up in the floor and a mic stand popped up.

"Sound check, one, two~!" Jenny leaned over to tap on the mic and said, "Can you hear me okay?"

One of the camera drones flew around, focusing on Jenny's face. The moment it did, the monitor at the back of the stage showed a close up of her bright and smiling face.

"I think it's working..." Jenny glanced to the left side of the stage and said, "Titor? Everything okay?"

There, Titor was standing on an extended portion of the stage with a synthesizer and soundboard setup in front of him. Clutching one side of a headset to his left ear, he nodded and stuck up his right thumb. "Coming through loud and clear, Miss Jenny!"

"Perfect!" Jenny smiled and then turned towards the Prototype girls. "And you three? Can you hear me? Is my lovely voice coming through alright?"

Asako let out a wry smile. "Yeah. Almost too clearly, Jo- Jenny."

Rin nodded and stuck up both her thumbs. "Crystal clear, Miss Jenny!"

Alphy didn't respond. Instead, the currently ashen-haired beauty giggled and shook her head in amusement.

Jenny giggled as well and then nodded. "Great! Now let's see..." She looked around the stage and then focused on one of the camera drones.

It noticed her actions and then moved close, focusing on her face.

Jenny flashed a peace sign and then winked, sticking out her pink tongue a bit as she did. And when that happened, a tiny gold star flickered next to her head.

Asako gasped and pointed at Jenny. Turning to Rin, she said, "Y-You saw that, right? That gold star? I'm not just seeing things, am I?"

Rin laughed and said, "You're amazed by the simplest things, Aneue."

"And you're unfazed by the craziest things, Sis!" Asako looked back at the stage and said, "That was real! And if it wasn't, that was crazy realistic! What the hell? I can get us looking like this because we're wearing some special uniforms, but that's like if anime came to life!"

Rin blinked and then tilted her head. "But Aneue... Aren't we basically that right now? I mean, we look like if the people we voice turned real, don't we?"

Asako paused and then rubbed her face. "Right. Forgot about that..." She lowered her hands and stared back at the stage.

Jenny spun around, causing golden lights to trail around her. After stopping, she gently held up her hand and let out a soft smile. When she did, one of the lights floated over, hovering above her hands. A beautiful scene, just like a princess from another world casting a magic spell.

"...Putting that guy's crazy acting abilities aside, just where the heck did John even pop out from?" Asako glanced towards Titor.

The self-proclaimed mad scientist and MirAIs operator held his hands out, tapping on a holographic console and reading data from a dozen floating windows.

Asako frowned and said, "I'm starting to think that John Titor guy might be the real deal... Or if not, that John is secretly an alien overlord or something trying to take over Earth."

Alphy giggled and said, "You're funny, Asako-chan."

Asako looked at her and said, "And don't get me even started on you, Miss 'So Cute She'll Kill You With A Smile.'"

Alphy blushed and said, "I-I'm not that c-"

"Stop!" Asako quickly held up her hands and said, "Don't finish! I am *not* about to deal with another mental attack this close to the concert start!"

Alphy flinched and nodded. "I-I'm sorry, Asako-chan. But-"

"No buts!"

Rin looked over at Alphy and quickly nodded. "Yes, Onee-chan! Just accept the compliment!"

"Um... okay?" Alphy slowly nodded. "If you say so, Rin..."

"Anyway," Asako said. "...Just where did your Dad get all of this, Alphy?"

Alphy paused and then shook her head. "I'm... not sure? I want to say Betty helped... but I don't think she's been free enough to help out with any of this. And it doesn't seem like her work either." She frowned and said, "Papa is really good at designing things too, but he's been busy with Mama... so I guess it has to be Mister Titor?"

"...That doesn't help debunk the whole time travel theory, you know?"

Alphy shrugged. "Does it matter?" She smiled and said, "After all, you fulfilled your dream of becoming a magical girl, didn't you?"

Asako blushed and said, "My dream is *not* becoming a magical girl! I only sang the Sailor Luna opening because it was nostalgic!"

Rin hummed and placed a finger on her chin. "I don't know about that, Aneue~. You did the pose really well..."

Asako turned a darker shade of red and then pointed at Rin. "O-Oh yeah? Then what about you, Sis? Didn't you say you got over your crush on Mister John? What was that song about then, huh?"

Rin blushed. "I-I did! And i-it was nostalgic too, okay!?"

Alphy's eyes widened. She looked at Rin and said, "You have a crush on Papa?"

Rin turned a deep red and said, "I don't!"

Asako gave Rin a blank stare.

"...Okay. A little." Rin lowered her gaze and said, "But only a little! I mean..." Rin looked back at the stage and said, "Mister John is just so reliable and handsome... and then he can act super cool, just like Mister Titor! And look! He's a super great idol too!"

True to Rin's word, Jenny was acting like a perfect idol at the moment.

Humming a faint melody, idly dancing around on the stage as if lost in her own world... An enchanting and charming sight that naturally drew the eye.

Rin looked at Asako and said, "See?"

Asako shook her head and said, "I... don't think Jo-Jenny is a good example of what an idol should be."

Alphy tilted her head. "And why's that, Asako-chan? Papa is the best, isn't he?"

Asako gave a hesitant nod. "He... is. But I don't think it's a good idea to be taking lessons about being a proper idol from a guy like that."

"...And why's that a problem?"

Asako gave Alphy a blank stare and then sighed. "I'll explain it over some drinks sometime. I am *way* too sober right now to explain why your common sense is wrong."

Rin's eyes lit up and she said, "Ooh! Can I come when you do, Aneue?"

Asako glanced at Rin and shook her head. "Sorry, Sis, but no. You're still too young to drink."

Rin frowned. "But isn't Onee-chan too young to drink too? Right?" She turned to Alphy and said, "You're only eighteen, aren't you, Onee-chan?"

"A-Ah..." Alfi shifted her gaze. "That's..."

Asako laughed. "She might act like this, Sis, but don't forget that Betty's already like twenty. Since Alphy's the older sister... she has to be at least that. Right, Alphy?"

Alphy gave a hesitant nod. "That's right... But could we not talk about my age? It makes me a bit embarrassed..."

"Oh." Rin nodded. "Right... I did forget about that. Onee-chan just seems so much like someone my age..."

"Yeah, but she's not." Asako glanced at Rin and said, "That's why you two can't get together, alright? Even if you're both girls, that's still a crime because of the age difference, you know?"

Rin blushed and then punched Asako's arm. "A-Aneue! I'm not interested in Onee-chan like that!"

Alphy blushed as well and then placed her hands on her cheeks. "I-I'm the same! Rin is just Rin! Thinking of her like that..." She turned an even darker shade of red and started fanning herself.

Rin glanced over at Alphy.

Alphy met her gaze.

The two flinched and then quickly looked away.

Asako laughed and said, "Just kidding. It's not that big a deal considering how innocent Alphy is. Though come to think of it..." She frowned and looked at Alphy. "It's not fair how young you look, Alphy. Betty's got that mature vibe going on, but you're so sweet and innocent I keep forgetting that you're around my age."

Alphy lowered her gaze and smiled. "...Thanks, Asako-chan. You're sweet too!"

Asako flinched and looked away. As she did, a faint blush appeared on her face and she muttered, "I'm definitely going to need to get used to that..."

At that time, a soft clap echoed through the room. Jenny turned towards the girls and said, "Okay! Everything's set, and we've done the rehearsal. All that's left is to start!" She smiled and said, "You girls ready to steal some hearts?"

Asako sighed. "As ready as we'll ever be... Though." She looked at Jenny and said, "Are you seriously going through with that? And those songs too, John?"

"It's Jenny, Asako-chan~! And of course!" Jenny winked and said, "Since this world is such a dreary place, I'll warm up the audience for you girls so your songs have the biggest impact! Ah, but don't worry. I'll make sure not to steal the show."

Rin looked at Jenny and said, "...That's going to be hard to do, Miss Jenny."

"Oh don't worry, Rin-chan!" Jenny smiled and said, "I've got lots of practice playing the supporting role and coyly passing the limelight, you know?"

Alphy laughed. A full-on laugh, unlike her usual giggle. "Like that time you passed it to Auntie Zhaojun, 'Mama?'"

Jenny let out a nervous giggle. "P-Please don't remind her about that after the concert, Sweetie? Please?"

Before Alphy could respond, Titor's voice echoed. "Two minutes left! My other half, are you prepared?"

"Oh!" Jenny stepped back and turned towards Titor. "I'm ready when you are, Mister John Titor!"

Titor walked towards Jenny, hands tucked into his pocket. "Very well! Then... let us overturn this world order, my other half- No, my mythical Golden Princess!"

Jenny giggled and said, "Well, I'll do my best, Mister Mad Scientist."



Asako covered her face. "...How are they not cringing? Why are they not cringing? Oh god, do I have to really sit through fifteen minutes of this?"

Titor pulled out an old flip phone from his pocket and checked the time. "One minute... And then Pandora's box will be thrown wide open."

Jenny winked at the girls and said, "Leave it to me, girls! Watch carefully and make sure to have fun!"

Asako sighed.

Rin nodded and said, "You have fun too, Miss Jenny!"

Alphy giggled and then said, "Good luck, Papa!"

Titor spun around and stuck his hands into his pockets. When he did, the camera drones moved back.

And then the lights shut off. When they did...

"It's showtime!"

"It's showtime ☆!"

...The concert special live stream began.