Titor – Pandora’s Box

The screen preview showed an image of Jenny and Titor. The same used to promote the concert on Readit, but without the text. And then, when it turned 12 PM JST, the stream started and the image dissolved into static.

White noise covered the screen, and then it shut off with a blink. Just like an old CRT, the blocky television sets from the past. And when it did, there was only darkness.

But then music started.

The sound of a clock rapidly ticking down. Piano notes, intermixed with rapid violin notes. Following that, a distorted tone echoed, like a phone call never connecting, the dial tone stretching out for eternity.

[Play Steins;Gate 0 - Fatima]

Upbeat and frantic music... and then a male voice started to sing.


This world, a reality just filled with lies...

It's just, a distasteful vision in our eyes...


Static rippled across the screen, showing the streets of Tokyo and faceless silhouettes walking pass.


At the boundary of all time, at the point of no return...

There exists a god that dares to declare fate is unchangeable.


The scene shattered into three shards, breaking apart like glass. And then those three shards started to fall into the void, slowly turning. As they did, they showed different scenes.

One showed a young girl with orange hair, matted with dust and ash, walking aimlessly through a city filled with listless people.

Another showed a beautiful young woman with blue hair lying in the snow, blood staining the pure white as she held out her hand towards a sword just out of reach.

The third and last shard showed a beautiful young woman with ashen hair kneeling before a skeleton. One wearing a tattered lab coat. Staring at the skeleton, her burgundy eyes glimmered before she covered her face, breaking down crying.


But the lives doomed to fall down, those who were tossed in the dark... Now you know the truth so reach out your hand to just go change it all.


A golden light flew forward. Not just one, but hundreds- thousands. When they appeared, the golden light reflected in the glass, showing different scenes.

The young girl with orange hair... Hana, tears flowing down her face with a happy smile.

The young woman with blue hair, Aoko, ears red as she let out animated gestures scolding someone in front of her.

And then the last young woman, Alfi, with a radiant smile on her face as she carefully held a microphone in her hands.


We can all go against the tide...

Break down the gate now, make up your mind vow that you'll give them wings to soar away!


The glass shards dissolved into golden dust, turning the screen into a night sky filled with golden stars. And then the camera panned down to reveal Titor standing with his back turned and walking towards a capsule with [IA0 - TITOR] emblazoned on it in gold.


Light the sky!


A black hole swirled, enveloping the screen in darkness again.


If that very moment, if those words that they say,

If you hold them precious, wishing that they would stay...


A small square of light emerged in the dark. A clip from Hana's first stream. But that wasn't all. Some other screens started appearing as well.

Hana's first gaming stream, Alfi's debut, Aoko's Superchat reading... Every stream the girls had done up until that point started playing, lighting up the dark.


Don't ever take back your hand, reach out and tear down time for brand new MirAIs.


The camera zoomed out until the screens were just white lights in the dark. Just like the starry sky. And then it panned down again to show the Tokyo cityscape at night, with countless starry lights filling the skies above.


Facing the resistance, facing a cruel demise,

If you have the courage, stand now and then just rise!


The camera panned down again and zoomed in on the streets. There, more faceless sillouettes walked around. But this time, a few of them stopped. When they did, they pulled out their phones, showing flashes of light amidst the darkness.


Become the light to start it anew... again...


Static filled the phones. And when it cleared, a logo with [Project MirAIs] appeared. The moment that happened, the screen distorted and the camera panned up again.


Dethrone the god... Create a new world...


Countless golden threads spilled out, along with something that looked like a shooting star.

And then it all blinked out, leaving just two lines of text.

[Project MirAIs]

[Mirror All Ideals to reach the future untold]


The music cut, leaving silence. And at the same time, the screen turned black, nothing but pure darkness in the place of the glimmering text.

A few seconds passed. And just as it started to seem like an error occurred in the stream, beams of light cut through the dark.

One, two... Three floodlights shined, illuminating the darkness and revealing the surroundings. When they did, a stage emerged. One with a single man standing in the center, his back turned to the screen.

The camera zoomed in, slowly panning on his back, emphasizing his pristine white lab coat and slicked back black hair.

A few seconds passed, and then the man started to laugh. "Fu. Fufu. Fwahahaha!" He held out his arms and then looked up into the light. "At long last, the sealed gate has opened! Pandora's box has revealed the hope hidden within, severing the cruel destiny ahead!"

[Play Steins;Gate 0 Messenger -main theme-]

Music started to play. An ominous bell toll, joined by rhythmic synthesized notes in a repeating melody. After that, strings started up.

The man- No, John Titor spun around, causing his lab coat to twirl. He lowered his arms and tucked his hands into his pockets before grinning. "I have to say, you all did not disappoint me. The message to the past was received well, and the futures of those three girls have changed for the better. From here on, a future untold will emerge... But of course!" He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. After that, he smirked and said, "What else could I expect from my fellow MirAIs Operators?"

At his words, the camera zoomed out, revealing the whole area. When it did, a vast concert hall came into view. One with enough seats to fit hundreds of thousands. And at the same time, the area right below the stage began to fill with pillars of golden light.

Titor smirked and then snapped his fingers. When he did, the lights vanished. And in their places, figures emerged.

People of different appearances and outfits. Some, like they walked straight out of an MMORPG with outlandish armor and weaponry. Others, like random background characters in an Anime. And then others still that weren't even human, like slimes, dragons, and other fantastical creatures.

A low roar echoed, the sounds of the new arrivals all talking at once. But it was incomprehensible. Words were being spoken, but they didn't belong to any language in existence.

Titor laughed and said, "I see the connection process was successful!" He swept his arm out and gave a dramatic bow. "Welcome, everyone, to the land between dreams and reality. The space between cognition and perception, the Load Region of Déjà Vu!" He straightened and then turned to the side.

The camera panned, focusing on his face.

When it did, Titor smiled and said, "I am sure you are well aware of my identity by now, but for those who are receiving this transmission for the first time, welcome!" He spread out his arms and then placed his right arm over his heart. "My name is John Titor! MirAIs operator IA0 and the one administrating this worldline! From a ruined future I have returned to ensure the survival of those lost to the dark! And for that, I have sought your help, people from the year 2024!"

The camera panned again, showing the crowd.

Was it because of the grandeur? Despite the dramatic words and overexaggerated gestures, everyone in the crowd stood with rapt attention. A low murmur echoed again as they talked, but none of them were taking the situation lightly.

After that, the camera panned back to Titor. He shook his head and said, "But of course, your help has already been received. Were that not the case, I would not be standing here to prepare the stage for those lovely beauties... Ah." He looked up at the camera, causing it to pan and zoom in on him. "But I suppose I am being rude. After all, there are some of my fellow operators who could not arrive in person and only attend through this transmission. Worry not! You are not forgotten!"

Titor snapped his fingers, causing a floating holographic window to appear in front of him.

At the same time, the screen flickered, distorting. And then a floating copy of the live chat appeared on the right side of the screen, letters lit up in white over a black background.

[impressediguana] WHOA!

[mediocremonkey] Look ma! I'm on TV!

[surprisedsnake] Holy crap! Are they actually there!?

[rattledrat] No way...! That crowd's gotta be CGI! But how?!

[prettypenguin] Is that John? But he looks different!

[splitsquirrel] Were Titor and John really two separate people then?

[foulfox] My head hurts...

[techytanuki] What the hell? There are live captions for the onscreen chat too?!

[regretfulrabbit] Dammit! I should have bought a VR headset!

Titor laughed and said, "Though you are not standing in this room with me, I have not forsaken you." He snapped his fingers again.

Floating windows popped up in front of each member in the crowd. After that, one appeared in the middle of the screen, obscuring the camera feed.

[Chat commands]

!Gift - Converts your last Superchat during the stream into a gift for the performers on the stage

!Love - Show your support with digital hearts

!Clap - Show your support after a performance by applauding

The window shrank and moved to the top right corner of the screen. At the same time, the chat shrank a bit as well to make room.

Titor's face reappeared and he held up three fingers. "Three. These three commands, I have established for you who is receiving this transmission from beyond the screen. Of course, your messages will be received as well... I presume you have received the extended documentation? If not... Well, experimentation shall be the mother of learning in this instance. But enough of this."

Titor clapped his hands. With that, the camera slowly panned out, revealing the full concert hall again. At the same time, it showed that the seats were full now, each one occupied by a silhouetted figure holding a glowing white phone.

Light flickered at the back of the stage, and then Titor's image appeared, as if projected onto a giant screen.

Titor's expression turned serious and he said, "Tonight, we gather for one purpose and one purpose only: to thank you, the people of 2024 who reached out your hands to the girls in the dark, and allow the girls to express their gratitude through song. Of course, it would be too much for both you and the girls to begin with such an emotional affair. So..."

"That's where I come in!"

A shimmer of golden light mixed with pink petals appeared beside Titor. Then, with a brief flash, a person appeared. No, not just a person, a beautiful young woman.

[confusedcod] What the hell?

[littlelion] Who's that?

[fishyfish] A new girl?!

Dirty blonde hair and clear blue eyes. Soft pink lips set in a cheerful smile. While her hair was short and gave off a tomboy feel, the young woman let out an undeniably feminine aura. One that was actually magnified by that tomboy appearance.

She winked and spun around, twirling her clothes, causing her short white skirt and her white suit coat to shift, flashing just a bit of skin. After that, she finished with a pose, raising a peace symbol beside her head before winking. "Jenny Smith, here to brighten your day~!"

[enchantedeel] OMG I LOVE HER ALREADY

[pearlypig] She's so cute!

[slipperysalmon] Wait... she's not CGI?! THAT'S A REAL GIRL!?

[Jin_Kai] John has a twin sister!?


[GhostUdon] LOL. You go girl!