John Swagor

Draco jolted up wondering where he was, as he was getting up he slapped his head on metal. He knew that feeling, he looked to his left and reached out feeling for something, there he found a light switch on a lamp he used to light his room. "I'm back home? In my bed?" Draco wondered if it was all a dream, had he passed out when he was receiving his title? "MY TITLE"

Draco hadn't even thought to check it when he first woke up. He thought about opening his window...when nothing happened "..." "Open Window" Draco tried saying it but still nothing would come up. Was he title-less? Draco started to freak out when suddenly something sharp poked him in the side. Draco yelped and jumped out of bed, expecting a rat or something. What he saw once he looked was the part of the Order that he picked up in the tunnel. "So it wasn't a dream?" "But if this is real, where is my title?"

Draco was so confused but he wasn't going to say anything. If people knew he got his collar off and he had yet to get a title, he would be shunned. Three days went by and still nothing with his title, though he always carried around the piece of the horn. After testing it with a hammer he noticed it still wouldn't break. Draco figured it was made from a monster from a Door; it would be stronger than an average tool, if just by a little bit. He thought about selling it to see what he could get. But decided against that seeing as if he was to have no title, most things if not all things could kill him with ease. He needed a way to defend himself.

Days passed and still he couldn't pull up his window, he kept trying every day for a week. Then suddenly on the last day when he was walking to work, there was a heavy pressure on his shoulders, then suddenly it was gone. He started panicking while looking around, people were running all over the place. He knew what the pressure meant but he couldn't find the Door. 'For the pressure to be that potent it had to be near.'

Then he saw it, coming from the subway entrance was an emerald green glow. As he was about to walk towards the Door he felt a leather hand fall onto his shoulder. He looked over to see a man with what could only be called Scout clothes on. The man had a full suit of leather clothes on. "Don't be stupid kid, without a title that gate would eat you up and spit nothing out."

Draco didn't know what to say, he had intended to go into that door even without any special powers. Draco was eye level with this man's left shoulder and on the left side of his chest he could see the symbol of the Strikers. It was a silver sword constantly clashing with what looked like a claw. His eyes traveled up to the man's floating title to find 'fleet foot' floating there.

Draco was taken aback, not by the title or the man's build but by what he saw floating beside the man's title after looking at it for a couple seconds. It was a pulsing green eye no bigger than a half dollar coin. Without a second thought he mentally reached out and grabbed the floating symbol. All of a sudden the man and his title was somewhat covered by a semi transparent green window.

John Swagor


title-Fleet Foot(E)

Error-can not show more information

due to level difference

Description-the title holder is native to the land


This got Draco wondering, what was this title's power? How did he know I wanted to go into the gate? "What's the error mean though?" "What was that boy?" Draco was pulled out of his thoughts by the man talking. Draco looked up, he had completely forgotten about the man that he was prying into. "Nothing sir, I wasn't thinking about standing outside the Door. I just wanted to make sure no one got hurt from anything that wanted to come out." the man gave Draco a once over. Draco knew he wasn't much, he was a 5 '4 skinny boy with dark black hair, overall he looked like he couldn't weigh a buck fifty soaking wet.

The man grunted what Draco took as disbelief. The man obviously thought he was lying and wanted to head into the door. "Well my names are John, John Swagor. And I'll be the one watching this door until backup arrives. Now if you don't have a problem with that mighty protector, how about you go away." Draco was baffled, he understood the man thought he was lying. But to treat him like this was going a little too far wasn't it? Draco was about to agree and leave when something popped up in front of his eye again.