
Notice-unable to absorb traits from title as

Your level is too low.

Would you like to try again?

Warning, the title holder will notice you are trying to do something if You attempt again.

(yes) (no)

Draco immediately clicked no. He was so nervous he actually clicked the no with his hand. John gave him a suspicious look. Once again John's eyes drifted above Draco's head where a title would be if he had one. But there was nothing, however how he moved his hand it almost looked like he clicked something only he could see. Like strikers do with their windows. Not putting much thought into it, John decided it wasn't worth it and started walking back over to his team.

John couldn't help but think it was bad enough his team got paired with the newbie, no need to put more on his plate. Draco was curious, now that he thought about it, he never really stared at people's titles so he hadn't seen the eye symbol there before. He decided to check the rest of the people that came with the man named John.

trying not to act suspicious, he decided to distance himself from the group of what he could only guess as being student's of the Striker's association. He moved to where people were now deciding was as close as they were willing to get to both the Door and the Strikers. Then he just stared without blinking at the man to the left of John. After double the amount of time it took to see the green symbol on John, it appeared on the man next to him. He reached out with his mind like he had done for the last one.

Elbort Lardner


Title-Shield Bearer(E)

Error-can not show more information

due to level difference

Description-the title holder is native to the world earth.

Notice-unable to absorb traits from title as

Your level is too low.

Would you like to try again?

Warning- title holder will notice you are trying to do something if

You attempted again.

(yes) (no)

Once again Draco clicked no. although he wanted to find out what would happen if he was to click yes, the hostility john had shown him was unnerving and he had a feeling if they suspected him of trying to do anything to them they would take him away and he would never be seen again.

He went through the same motions with the last 3 that were standing around John and Elbort, only taking real interest in the last one. It was a young man, shorter than John but taller than Elbort. He was wearing a hoodie and a hat both stamped with the Striker logo. Nothing about him was professional, in Draco's eyes he actually looked like someone on a tour. But that wasn't the interesting part; what interested Draco was what he saw on his windows.

Carter stamps-worth



Error-can not show more information

due to level difference


Notice-unable to absorb traits from title as

Your level is too low.

Warning-(title holder has noticed eyes upon them)

Would you like to try again?

Warning-title holder will notice you are trying to do something if

You attempted again.

(yes) (no)

The man's head whipped to the right, searching for someone. After reading the message, Draco had instantly hid behind the group of people he was standing near. The air suddenly dropped a couple degrees, that's when Draco decided to head out. He didn't have to be a genius to know who was responsible and guess why they were doing that.

Everyone in the group saw the man's title so they were questioning why he would be using it on them but they aren't sticking around to argue. Draco finally left the area of affect and started to head to work. On his way to work he was walking by the strikers association when he got an idea. It always said his level was too low to "Absorb traits", so he figured maybe he had to be closer to the spied upon persons level.

He walked over to the striker registration building, found a spot far enough away where if he needed to, he could get away. He decided to call into work. Draco spent the rest of the day sitting there watching people's titles. Only one person noticed him looking at them, but by the time the man was looking at where Draco was sitting, he was already moving away from the area. After six hours of sitting and looking at people's titles he decided it was his last one before going home for the night. He spied a boy walking towards the S.A so he checked his title. He was a short boy with a healthy amount of muscle on him, like he worked out every day. He wore round glasses and had beach blond hair.

Benji Harter

Title-Eagle Eye(F)


Title Description- Eagle eye allows the title holder to infuse mana into their left eye allowing them to see things more clearly.

Description-title holder is native to the world earth.


strength- 17 wisdom 12

Agility-13 sense-10 vitality-18

Notice-current level is high enough to absorb traits

Would you like to absorb Eagle eye?

(Yes) (no)

Draco was stunned. He had come across a couple people with the same color title, yet they wouldn't work and it wouldn't show him the title description or their stats. He wanted to click yes but he was skeptical. Draco couldn't help but think, 'What if it notified the person he was "Absorbing" it from.' 'Would it be visible to everyone around him that he was doing this?'

In the end he decided that he would just go for it and if anything did happen he would say there was no way he could have done anything as he didn't even have a title. Draco clicked yes and another green window popped up in front of him.

Notice- to absorb the traits of the title holder, you have to be touching the object of Absorption.

Draco's face paled. "You gotta be kidding" 'I have to be touching him? What if he knows something is happening to him?' Draco kept asking questions that were going unanswered. After a couple of minutes he decided now was better than ever to try it out. From what the description of his title said, it only helped him see farther. So he didn't have to worry about flaming fists coming at him if it went poorly.