Goblin Grunts

After about an hour, Draco had pushed into the forest about 10 miles, always watching for any type of movement or ambush. He had just missed a spike pit because it seemed to be not quite done being made. Deciding it was far enough into the forest for him to start hunting he looked up.

The branches of all the trees were all at least 3 feet thick from what he could make out from this distance, and they all crisscrossed each other making for a perfect way to travel without being seen. These trees reminded Draco of the red wood trees his mother used to talk about wanting to visit when he was younger. He found a tree with vines hanging down from the tree's canopy.

Deciding to get to high ground he yanked on the vines a couple times, seeing if they would hold his weight as he ascended up. Figuring these would do, he started to climb. It took him half an hour to climb up to the lowest branches of this tree. By the time he was sitting on the branch he was panting for breath. His body was soar already so he decided to take a look at the man's window from before while his body rested.

Grant Jamision


Title-Falsity Meter

Error-can not show more information due to level difference


Title holder is native to the world earth


unable to Absorb target as your level is too low.

Would you like to try again?

Warning, title holder will notice you are trying to do something if you attempted again.

(yes) (no)

Noticing nothing special about this person's window compared to any other one he had seen, he closed it instantly after reading it. *CRASH* Draco jumped at the sudden sound from below, almost throwing himself off the side of the branch . He scrambled to regain his balance, which wasn't hard as the branch was at least six feet in diameter. He crouched, and slowly moved to the trunk of the tree and leaned over to see what was happening.

Draco activated the enhancement to get a better view when there he saw little green men. They wore loincloths and were holding various different types of weapons. Some had clubs made out of big sticks while others had blades that looked like they were made out of stones. They were fighting a spider that was at least 6 feet tall and was standing at least twice the times taller than the green men and it was doing a lot more damage than the men were doing.

He decided that he was going to view the power of the spider and the men before doing anything else. Picking a green man at random, he focused on them for a little bit before the green eye came into existence above the creature's head.

Goblin Grunt



can not show more information due to level difference


A bipedal monster from the world Arknis. They have low wisdom. Bloodthirsty by nature they are hunters of anything in their weight class. Due to coming out of the shattered Door they are out of range of their leaders' sway and have reverted back to their savage ways. Due to more then 5 goblins in one pack the race trait horde has been activated.

Draco mentally clicked on the race trait which was glowing.


For every goblin in a pack of over five, they will add one wisdom to all pack members.

Draco figured that if he was reading this right, their race trait would add one point to wisdom for all goblins once they reached over five goblins in a pack. Draco looked down again and shuddered from what he could see at the moment. There were twelve of the little green men running around which meant they were adding seven onto their overall wisdom.

Draco thought for a moment. The Goblins description said they naturally had low wisdom so lets say they start off at ten wisdom. Figuring he started at seven and he didn't seem dumb but he also didn't know how the windows classified wisdom besides mana. Meaning they were operating at about the same wisdom as him. Next he looked at the spider waiting for the eye to appear, when it did he grabbed it and heard an ear piercing shriek from below. Thinking it sensed him looking at it like that man had he ducked back to read the spider's window.




can not show more information due to level difference


A creature that walks on eight legs from the world Ethen. Due to the barbs on its legs it allows this creature to walk on walls. Spiderlings have adapted to being awake during the day to keep its nocturnal brothers and sisters safe.

Draco's face started to go white when he saw the level of the spiderling. Seeing as he hadnt seen anything saying it had noticed him he looked back down to see that two of the spiders legs had been chopped off by the goblin's. However two of the goblins had been stuck in what looked like purple webbing. With no hesitation on the spider's part, it pierced one of the goblins in the chest, splattering blood everywhere in the process, while it leaned down and bit half of the other goblins body in half.

Draco could already tell something was wrong, the other goblins were moving with less fluid movements and the coordination was also worse. Deciding that the spider was otherwise occupied and probably wouldn't notice where he was if he did something, Draco took his bow out of his inventory and nocked an arrow before taking aim at the Spiderlings head and fired.

The arrow flew towards the spiderlings head, creating a small whizzing sound as it flew. The speed surprised Draco until he realized he had his strength buff adding to the bow's power. He watched the arrow fly straight for the spiders face and sink into one of its four eyes. The spiderling let out a shriek and started to scratch at the arrow with its legs. The Goblins, although confused, didn't hesitate to attack in its moment of confusion. They sprinted towards the spiderlings' last remaining legs and sliced them off.

The spiders body fell to the ground with a thud. It was continuously shrieking while it moved the 8 stumps trying to get away. Draco could just make out the ten remaining goblins circling the spider waiting to see if it had any other tricks. Deciding now would be a great time to also dwindle the Goblins numbers down he searched for one that might go unnoticed.

Draco hoped they couldn't sense when there wisdom dropped as he found a goblin standing farther away from the spiders body. It held a club and was crouching in a bush. Making sure none of the other goblins were watching he released his arrow. It flew straight, punching the Goblin in the left shoulder and sending it to its back. Draco watched and to his horror as the goblin got back up, albeit slowly and started to howl. All the Goblins started to look around, looking for a new threat to face.

Draco knocked a second arrow and fired again at the Goblin, this time hitting it in the chest. It didn't get back up from his attack. He continued this until the last two goblins were left. Draco had noticed that when he had killed the sixth, the rest stopped looking for him and turned towards the fallen spider which had died while he was shooting the goblins.

The five raced towards the spider corpse where they started to savagely rip into the spider's body. They were eating it while he was firing at them. Draco couldn't believe it, for them to just forget about him and go towards the obvious food source. He had overestimated their intelligence.

He shot the last remaining five with no troubles as even when he missed a vital area they would look up from their meal, look around for a couple seconds and then continue eating like it never happened. All while this was happening there were transparent windows showing up every so often. He ignored them for now, if they were important he was pretty sure they wouldn't be transparent. He looked at them in confusion but put it to the back of his mind for now.