New Ability

After finishing off the last Goblin Grunt, Draco started his descent down to the body's. After looking around for the body's, he dragged them all near the dead spiderling, which had huge chunks missing. If he had been taking the body's back to sell them, he would have been rather ticked off by that. But seeing as he had no way to carry them back, he didn't worry about it.

Draco started to look around the bodies to see if he could find any items. Though by the level he guessed they were only F rank mobs. As he was looking for materials he started truly looking at the creatures. The goblins were about 3 feet tall while having no noticeable hair on their bodies. Their ears were thick and pointed, while their teeth and nails were sharper than some of the knives they carried.

"They should have just used their nails to pierce the spider's hide." Draco couldn't help but mutter. Although they were rather ugly looking, Draco found the weirdest part was their eyes. They looked like they were being squeezed out of their body. Draco was holding the Goblins mouth open while looking at the teeth when a green window popped up on the left of his vision. Draco looked at it and was taken aback.


Would you like to Devour Goblin Grunt

(Yes) (No)

Draco was shocked. The last time he had done this was with the man in the alley way and it had given him his current Title. But this time it was saying devour instead of absorb. Draco mentally clicked yes while holding onto the creature's body and another screen came up.


To devour one target, make skin contact.

To devour more at a time, stand back and will all of selected targets to be Devoured.


devour uses a small amount of mana.

Large scale devour requires differing amounts of mana for size and number of body's.

Draco was completely shocked once again. He had no idea he could Devour without having to touch the target. After standing there for a minute Draco heard a shriek echoing and decided to just Devour all of them at once. He didn't have the time to wait. He stepped back and held out his hand facing the dead body's. Keeping his Palm facing the monsters before mentally selecting all of the creatures for his window to devour.

Instantly he felt a huge amount of mana leave his body before Draco fell to the ground gasping for air. No longer holding his palm up to the creatures. After a few seconds of mana continually being sucked out of him it suddenly stopped and he was able to stand up. Once he had caught his breath he put his hand up again palm facing the body's, but this time green mist started flowing out of it before collecting around the body's. Then something happened that sent Draco falling onto his arse.

A lion's head came out of the mist, swallowing all of the monster's entire bodys in one go. It looked over at Draco. It was massive, just staring into Draco's eyes before it bowed at him and burst into green mist before being re-Absorbed by Draco. Green windows started flashing in front of his eyes, overloading him with information. He was shocked but he knew staying down here was a death sentence, so he quickly regained his composure and started looking around for items they might have dropped. There he found a dagger and a dark orb the size of his fist. He whisked them into his inventory without even looking and headed back up the tree. Once up there again he put his weapons into his inventory and checked out the windows.


mana has been 100% drained

Level up(x4)


You have Devoured

Goblin Grunt(x10)


Ability gained

Draco looked at the windows in shock. Just from firing from his safe vantage point, he had gained four levels and from what the windows were saying he also got a new ability. Which was supposed to be very rare to get from monsters. Most times to get any type of item that allows for an ability to be gained you have to be hunting in a D rank Door or above to have any chance. Draco clicked through the windows before finding the ability he had gained.


New ability

Spiders Web


Your fingertips can release a thin purple web. Depending on the mana supplied to the ability the web can withstand more damage.

Draco read over the window that appears to tell him about the ability and he was impressed by the possible uses for this ability. The only downside was he had no training with hand to hand and that was when the abilities true powers would shine. Draco decided to get some training in with short range weapons for close combat when he got back. He decided to take off in the direction he heard the shriek from.

Draco ran across the interloping tree branches for twenty minutes until he decided that whatever had made that sound was probably long gone or long dead. He looked around the tree till he found a notch in it big enough for Draco to comfortably sit in it. After doing that he brought up his stats page.


Name-Draco lionheart


Title-Far sight





Strength-20 Wisdom-15

Agility-9 Sense-8 Vitality-10

Available points-20

The only difference Draco noticed was now his numbers had gone up from his clothing and he also had available points to put into his stats. Looking at his current mana he figured it took twenty mana to activate . And his fatigue had risen, however as he sat there he saw it tick down two points in the last half an hour. Figuring he was doing alot more moving than his body was used to, he put four points into agility, bumping it up to thirteen. He wanted to see if it did anything. After putting the points into agility his body felt lighter and he wasnt that tired anymore. He decided to save the other 16 points for later.