Honshu War Sword

Draco Looked at his stats again, and he saw that his fatigue had dropped down to 27. He took the gift Aurora had left him at the guild desk and unwrapped it. There was a note under the wrapping paper just above the box. On it was writing. "I hope you find this useful in the future -Aurora" the note was plain and he wondered if she had someone write it for her, as it was very to the point and not at all personal.

Deciding to forget about it, Draco put the note into his inventory which was noticeably more filled then when he arrived. He decided to check that later and he opened the box. There, sitting inside the box was a tactical knife the length of his forearm. The grip and the blade were both pitch black. He focused on it and sure enough an eye appeared.

Tactical Knife


Description- A 10' tactical knife forged by a C-rank blacksmith.

Is enchanted to transform.

Input owners mana into the tactical knife to transform.

Following what the description said, Draco willed his mana to be taken by the blade, and the blade clouded over with green mist. Draco watched the green mist roll around the item in his hand. As the mist began to dissolve back into his hand, Draco saw a long sword looking item that he guessed was around three feet in length. He checked the eye but this time the information was different.

Honshu War Sword


Description- A 30' weapon forged by the combination of a C-rank black smith and a D-rank enchanter. This weapon was deemed a 'failure' by its two creators as the rank was below their peak potential capabilities.


due to holder imbuing mana into the blade to activate the transformation, the item has been bonded to the holder. Due to the item becoming bonded to the wielder, no other holder will be able to transform this weapon.

Draco looked at the new weapon in his hand. It had a handle that could be wielded with two hands or one, depending on how you chose to use it. It had a small lip to protect his hand before the jet black blade came out of the hilt, the blade curving up into a point. Draco put mana into the sword once more, willing it to go back down to its previous form.

In less than two seconds, the sword misted over and became the knife once more. In the box there was a holder for the tactical knife to be strapped to his thigh, which he took a second to strap to his left thigh.

After taking a second to strap the knife holder to his left leg, he placed the blade into the holder, were it auto locked in by what Draco could only assume was sealer magic. Draco couldn't help but think that Aurora had given him an item worth a lot more than what he should have received, so he decided to talk to her about it when he got back.

Draco checked his inventory that he had noticed before had more stuff in it. Inside it held the drops from the monsters he had absorbed, which Draco thought was rather nice. And though it took the body in collateral for the chance for an ability to be gained, he didn't see any issues with this. Draco figured that he had no use for the body's as it was anyway, and if he ever did, he just wouldn't absorb them.

Draco couldn't help but wonder if he was able to hold monster body's inside his widow's inventory. Draco knew man made and Door made items able to create inventory's couldn't hold living creatures but he might be able to. Deciding he would test it out on the next body he found, he got up once more and started running through the branches, looking for other beasts to kill.

As Draco ran, he started thinking about a hunting plan, as he was running he didn't notice the spear come flying towards his chest.

As the spear got within a 6 foot radius of Draco, he could perfectly see it to his left. it was almost like he had been looking at it the whole time. Draco spun to face it and tried throwing himself to its left, however his forward momentum had not allowed him to fall down fast enough, and the spear slammed into Draco's right shoulder, sending him backwards off the branch.

Draco felt his stomach lurch as he started to descend to the ground rapidly. Draco braced himself for the upcoming impact before he got an idea. Draco summoned his bow and arrows. He then activated before touching his chest in five different places. He connected them all together then connected it to the end of the arrow.

Draco was 100 feet from the forest floor when he shot the arrow, using as much power as he could to drive the arrow into the branch he had just fallen off of. The arrow went buzzing towards the branch and sunk into the underside of the branch about two inches. The web became taught and he felt himself stopping very suddenly before he started to fall again.

The arrow had slowed him down by quite a bit before it had been forcefully ripped out of the branch by his momentum. Draco's stomach dropped for the second time as he cursed himself for not trying to put spider webbing on the tip of the arrow to grab into the tree. Draco smacked the forest floor with a loud thump and groaned in pain. Draco saw a green window flashing through blurry eyes. his vision went black and he passed out.

Draco awoke to find he was laying on grass while looking up at the night sky. His vision kept going in and out, which was causing him to feel like he was going to puke. After taking a few minutes just to lie there and calm his mind, he started to move his head down to look at his right shoulder.

As he looked down, his neck hurt like it hadn't been moved in ages. He saw a stick jutting out of his shoulder. Starting to panic, Draco moved his arm only for nothing to happen. Draco looked to his left to find his arm was laying there limp with the arm from the elbow down twisted at a strange angle.

Draco couldn't help the tears that started to fall down his cheeks as seeing the broken arm was like a trigger for his brain to notice the pain. Before Draco could gain control of himself, he let out a guttural scream which he cut off almost immediately. He started nervously talking to himself, trying to use talking to focus his thoughts. "Okay stay calm, we can get out of here. We can get out of here."

Draco took a deep breath and tried moving his legs. Finding them still functional yet in poor shape. After letting out a small sigh of relief at the safety of his legs, he then looked at his right arm. It was movable but the wrist was hanging there like dead weight. With great effort, Draco pushed himself to a kneeling position before looking down at the object that was imbedded in him. He staired at it till an eye popped up, and he grabbed it before reading the screen that showed the information about it.

Bone Spear


Description- A spear made by an immature Bronchorn. Made out of there first Target's bones. This weapon is primitive yet effective at both close and far range.

Just when he was done reading it's information, another window that had been there when he woke up became solid.

Physical attack

Damage taken-60

Physical damage resistance (17%)

actual damage taken-50

Fall damage taken-16


Health low

Current health-4

Draco's breathing was ragged and he could feel that it was getting harder to breathe. Draco positioned his upper left arm, as well as the arm of his right hand so they were holding the spear between them before telling himself he would pull it out on the count of three, before yanking it out at two.

As the spear fell out of him, a spurt of blood came rolling out of the hole that was now there. He dropped the spear to the ground, leaving it there as He took his old shirt out of his inventory and pressed it up against his wound. Draco couldn't stop cursing himself for not buying any healing potions as he started to get up. His chest burned with every movement but he kept on going towards the direction he thought the door was, as he was trying to reach people so he could get healed.

Draco hadn't walked ten feet when a window appeared, alerting him that his current health had dropped by 1 point. He didn't need it to tell him that though. He could tell, he was feeling sleeper and there was more and more blood soaking his shirt. Suddenly he heard talking up Infront of him. It was faint but he could hear them laughing. Draco tried to ask for help but all that came out was a gurgling wheeze.

He heard one of them shh the others and it was quiet again. He tried again to call out for help, this time getting out a wet yelp before he collapsed face first into the ground and his vision faded to black.