
Draco awoke with a start in a dark room, similar to the one he faced the goat in. The difference however was with this one, he could feel it went on for miles in all directions, as if it was a desert of darkness. Suddenly a voice echoed through his head. "Pathetic."

The voice was so loud and sudden that Draco clutched his head in an attempt to keep his head together. This time, another sounding voice, one not so violent but just as strong sounded in his head. "Go easy on the boy, it's been less than a month." The first voice snapped back almost immediately.

"He can absorb any ability and he decides to just forgo getting a healing one. I might do him a favor and just devour the first healer he finds." "watch what you say Thanatos." The second voice had a cold edge to it, almost threatening. Draco couldn't keep in his thoughts any longer, feeling like he had to voice them or go crazy.

"Why can't I see you guys? Yet I can hear you in my head?" It went quite for a couple very long minutes before a new voice spoke, this one sounding like gravel. "You could say we are your main Title, however we are sentient so please don't call us Title. We all have names and would prefer if you called us by those names."

Draco could tell that the being was intentionally dampening its voice so it didn't sound like a thunder clap. Draco was confused and decided to ask questions. "Where am I? And what do you mean by the main Title? I never got a Title. I had to take it." The three invisible strangers laughed which sounded mocking. The second voice answered this time.

"You are inside your mind, young one. And to answer your second question, you did get a Title, but we suppressed it so it wouldn't be made your shown Title." Draco was confused and couldn't help but think, 'do I have multiple personality disorder?' Draco put that to the back of his mind and he asked the next question that came into his head. "So now that I have a Title, are you going to let me see my original Title?"

Silence once more followed his question. "We can give you the Title and the powers that come with it, however be warned. If people are to figure out what you are and what you're capable of, they will hunt you down." The third voice told him. "You possess power, power that will continue to grow, it's up to you what you would like to do with it." The second one chimed in.

Draco was confused by their words. 'What he was?' "What do you mean by wha-" Suddenly the room was filled with a strong odor, it burned his nose forcing him to stumble back while trying to cover his nose. He was about to black out when the first voice invaded his mind one last time. "AND GET A HEALING ABILITY!"

The words were practically yelled at him as he lost consciousness. For some reason he could feel the second voice rolling its eyes. His eyes opened to that smell that had knocked him out of that dark area. There looking down at him from about a foot above him was an old lady. Her eyes were a dark brown that held wisdom. Her face was full of wrinkle lines, the most prominent ones he saw right away was her crow's feet.

The lady showed a bright smile and started talking instantly "Leo, the handsome one is awake." Draco smiled at the compliment but felt nothing towards the women as she must have been at least 60. He pushed himself up into a sitting position as he noticed that his left arm had been put into a makeshift sling made from what he could only guess was low grade bandage wrapping while his right wrist was back to normal. His legs were also in a better state than when he had passed out.

A man that looked as thick as the branches he had been hunting from walked over to where he was sitting. The man had on huge armor with a shield on his back that made him instantly stand out as the team Tank. And given his armor quality, he was doing a good job of it too. "Where is your group boy?" The woman snorted to Draco's left, when the man looked her way she busied herself with something in a leather bag.

Draco looked into the man's eyes. "Sir?" Draco figured it would do him no good to get on their bad sides. He was outnumbered and he wasn't a rapid shot so he would be at a heavy disadvantage. "You came to the web forest by yourself?, and at night?" The large man stared at the boy with a doubting look before he started to scan the surrounding woods for what Draco could only guess was an ambush.

"Why does it matter that it's Night?" Draco couldn't help but ask. Deciding to not answer the group question. The man looked at the boy again but this time it was with disbelief before looking at the lady. The man threw up his hands in a defeated way and turned to walk away. The lady looked back at him with a disarming smile.

"Don't worry too much about Leo, he's really a big softy when you get to know him." Draco smiled weakly at her words which were obviously said to calm him down. "big is one way of describing him." the lady giggled at his comment. "So what are you doing in the web forest alone at night?" Draco was confused by why they all kept saying night like it was a huge deal.

"We started at the beginning of the day but when I was running I was ambushed by something. It knocked me off the branches of the tree and I fell. Thankfully I was able to negate some of the momentum but I still hit pretty hard, Blacking out in the process. skip to when I woke up and there were already stars in the sky. And then here we are. Thanks for patching me up by the way, I'm figuring I wasn't looking too well."

The lady listened to his story and understanding registered in her eyes. "No big deal with the healing, it was mostly you that did it, I just prompted your blood to speed up the process. And yeah, we followed the blood trail and found a Bronchorn spear. That's why it's dangerous around here during the night, while during the day the weaker monsters roam around here, while during the dark the true predators become active. The spear looked shabby so it was probably just a newbie testing out its aim."

"Oh… I Hadn't known that about the forest." Suddenly a man appeared 10 feet in front of Draco just sitting and looking around. Draco jumped back with an expression or surprise. The man looked over at Draco with a bored expression and the lady waved at the man dismissively. "Don't mind him, he's our scout, Scar."

After talking for a while, Draco had learned that the group was made up of 5 people, but two of them were running the perimeter. There was Leo the tank, scar the scout, Ann the healer, Bryce the knight and lastly Elizabeth the mage. Draco couldn't help but feel amazed by how put together they were, and also a little on edge, he was out numbered 5 to 1 and he didn't like that.

"Well, I feel a lot safer knowing there's high ranked Strikers here." Ann looked at him with a questioning look. "Sorry to disappoint you handsome, but the best you're going to get is an E rank Striker." Draco laughed awkwardly. "Coming from the viewpoint of an F rank newbie, you guys are like a torch in the darkness." After a while Ann left him, walking over to Scar and started to talk to him.

Draco couldn't understand them as they were keeping their voices low but he figured it probably had nothing to do with him. Now that Draco knew none of them were above E rank he figured he would try to look at their information. But first he had to check something he had noticed when he had first woken up. He opened his abilities and sure enough there was a new Title and new abilities.


Active Title-Far Sight

Other Titles-Chimera


Passive Abilities- 17% physical resistance

Seeing the four new abilities he mentally clicked on them to view what their descriptions were.

-New Ability-



while the caster is touching a target near the same power level, they can absorb the target and their power.


Stronger targets will need to be unconscious or in a weakened state for Absorption.

-New Ability-



Caster can devour dead body's by either touching them each or all together by mass targeting them from afar to take your prize.


The more body's that are Devoured and the bigger the body's, the more mana that will be used.

-New Ability-

Predators Insight


By sending out a minuscule amount of mana at a target, the caster can gain information on the target.


Targets that are more powerful than the caster will repress the effects of the mana, allowing less information to be gathered.


Auto activates when caster grabs the floating eye


Targets with specific abilities or that are more powerful than the caster will sense the caster's intentions and will send the mana back and follow it to the caster.

-New Ability-

Predators Tracking


Send a minuscule amount of mana to attach itself to a target, allowing the caster to sense how their mana is moving, in turn the actions of the target.


Due to the mana not trying to invade the target it will go unnoticed and uninterrupted. If the target is sending a strong wave of mana outward from their body at the time of cast, Predators Tracking will fail.

A bunch of things had been made apparent now that Draco had read how the abilities worked, as well as their limitations. Plus it had confirmed what he had been thinking. That if the Title holder, or as the window called them the target, was a certain rank or power above his own it would show them that he was spying on them.

Draco couldn't help but wonder if there was a passive ability for the Title Chimera. Draco eventually decided against that, seeing as the three voices had made it very clear that people should never find out about his original Title or "what he was,' whatever that meant. Looking around him to make sure everything was still alright as he had been engrossed in his window for quite some time, he found that Leo and the scout were gone.

Now, sitting near a fire in the middle of the clearing about 30 feet away from him were two new people. There was a female with green hair that was wearing a brown robe with a pointy hat that was also brown. Her face was down and was eating something from a wooden bowl. So engrossed with it that he didn't think she would notice if an ogre smashed into their camp this very second.

Sitting to her left on the same log was a middle aged looking man with golden hair that was down to his shoulders. Draco couldn't believe they called this man there "knight". Draco couldn't help but think that his vision of a night fit Leo more than it fits this man. This guy wore a leather long coat that had reddish scales going down the right shoulder. His left hand was on the handle of a sword that was laying across his lap.

After reading its window he saw it was a Roman sword. When he looked up at the man's face again he saw the man staring at Draco. A little creeped out, Draco decided to look at his inventory. There he found the dagger he got from the Goblin grunts, which was not even enchanted, and a black ball which turned out to be the spiderlings' hardened eye. After reading the Description of the eye he found out it could be used for multiple things pertaining to crafters.

Lastly, Draco saw the Spinewebs which were instantly put into his inventory after the lion ate all the body's. There were 11 in total, the ones from the Goblin Grunt's were small, about the size of a dime. While the one from the spiderling was about the size of a Nickel. They varied in size only a little bit, going from about a small marble to the size of a baseball. But what really made one more valuable was the energy it gave off.

The energy it gave off was what determined how much they were worth. The more energy it gave off the better the price.