
Draco got back up and decided to hunt seeing as his stats had been raised and given that he could now see where the three coming after him were at all times, he saw no problem with trying to get more Spinewebs. Draco started sprinting while smiling, he couldn't help but think 'this is what an F-rank feels like, I wonder what an S-rank feels.'

Draco knew he wasn't being silent, but he couldn't be bothered to care, he was enjoying running this fast, and if he needed to he could always just stop moving. After a while of running around, Draco started coming to a stop under a branch that dipped till it was around 6 feet off the ground. Figuring he could just use this branch to climb up to the branches that were hundreds of feet above the ground.

Draco jumped with all his force, trying to grab onto the branch with his hand. He wasn't prepared when he jumped straight into the underside of the branch with his body. He fell back to the ground with a thud. He stood back up looking confused. 'Had adding my stats made me able to jump higher?' Draco came out from under the branch and looked at the branch again, but this time he was going to jump on top of the low hanging spot. He crouched, before springing up. He bolted up going three feet above the branch before coming back down to land on the top of the thick branch.

Draco smiled, he was excited to see how much he could do with this new power. He climbed the low hanging branch until he was able to jump over to the intertwined branches. He started running along the branches when he came across two spiderlings that were crisscrossing their purple Threading to cover what seemed like a hole in the tree. Draco slowed to a walk and started to get near the two spiders when his leg hit something. He looked down but couldn't see anything.

Just then, a screech sounded from the spider's direction and he saw the two spiders crawling towards him. He looked at them then at his leg when realization struck. "Spider Thread!" The ability he got from the spiderling he Devoured. 'They must have set up the Threads to tell them when an intruder was coming.'

Walking backwards, Draco took out his bow, knocked an arrow, and fired it at the spiderlings eye. The spider dropped its body at the last second, sending the arrow off into the distant trees. Draco shot two more arrows, one high then one low. The spider ducked again. Missing both completely, the second one they lifted themselves up and it once again missed both. However Draco hadn't intended on hitting them. The arrow flew under both spiders where it went flying into the hole they were trying to cover. The two spiders sensing something heading for the hole turned around and started to scurry towards his arrow.

The spider farthest back jumped, sending it straight into the path of his arrow, The arrow piercing into the spider's body. It shrieked before turning its eyes towards Draco's direction, only this time was different. It was looking through him. Draco realized he must have left the spider's threads so they couldn't see him anymore. Deciding to come back when he had a better weapon against these spiders, Draco put his bow and arrows back into his inventory.

He then tried something that almost worked before. After walking about 400 feet away from the spiderlings he canceled and cast and started connecting Threads all over his chest. He touched his chest over 200 times before connecting it to a base thread, this time he added more mana to cast . The resulting Thread was thicker then the one he used before, still too small he suspected for others to see but it was good information to know.

With more mana put into the cast, the larger the thread came out. He then took out an arrow and fired it point blank into the branch under his feet. The arrow borrowed itself about 2 inches in before snapping. Draco thought about why it would snap, then it hit him. 'With my strength stat now higher, the power the bow can take practically crushed the arrow on the branch.'

Deciding to do two tests he touched the side of the branch about 20 times and got an arrow knocked and ready. He was about to jump when he suddenly stopped and wondered again why he was trying this, before saying "what the hell" and throwing himself off the branch. He flipped in mid air and aimed for the branch he was connected to, waiting to see if it would hold. And after 3 seconds the Threads on his chest pulled tight and he got pulled to the right in a swinging motion before coming to a stop in the air.

Draco smiled at the success of this attempt. He looked down and he was about 30 feet off the ground. He took an arrow and shot it at a low hanging branch that was about 20 feet above him, adding about 40 feet to it before it connected with the branch. Now he was being held between two points. Almost like a swing. Draco took out his tactical knife and swiped at the old Thread. It cut like it was butter, and he was curious why it cut like this when it had held him just fine.

The Thread cut and he started to fall again, again in a half circle until he was now about 9 feet off the ground. He again cut it, letting him fall to the ground where he landed with a soft thud. He decided to run without activating . He put the knife back into its holster and ran for the rest of the day. It became dark and Draco was tired so he climbed up into one of the trees, looking for 5 minutes before he found a small indeed in one of the trees. After 20 minutes, he had closed off the exit with .

He layed down and instantly fell asleep. It had been a long 2 days and he was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He awoke and continued running till he came up to the big doors. As he neared, he slowed, showing his hands to the man on the gate he walked up to the door. The man on the wall asked him to state his name and when he had entered the field. The soldier from before heard what the man claimed his name was and came running out to find the kid he warned away from here a week ago standing there in front of him.

The soldier asked the boy if he was willing to go into the hut near the main doors to be asked a few questions. The boy obviously being Draco looked at the man with eyes that were different then when they entered. 'He's been to death's door, the only question is, was he about to enter, or did he take someone there himself.' The man couldn't help but wonder as the boy sat down in the chair he was ushered too.

The soldier sat across from him. He kept looking at Draco with a puzzled look. 'He seemed different, almost stronger. What happened in that field?' "Please state your name and Title for the recording device that's sitting to your left on the table." The man waved his hand to Draco's left and sure enough, there was a recording device sitting there. Draco knew he didn't have to do this, he had every right to deny answering these questions. But if the group that attacked him came looking for him, then having the story confirmed by a soldier that he guessed could tell when someone was telling the truth would be worth it.

"My name is Draco lionHeart and my Title is Far Sight" "Did you hunt the whole week you were in the field?" Draco was thrown back but kept his face neutral. To him it had been only three days, so he figured he was passed out longer then he thought he had been. "No, I did not." "Did you come across other strikers while in the field?" Draco answered without hesitation once more. "Yes I did."

The man had expected this. He knew that fields, although large, have a high rate of criminals preying on the weak in them. But for this kid to have come across others and survived was a bit shocking to him. "Would you care to tell us how it went?" "They saved me from bleeding to death, from which they deliberately didn't fully heal me. After I told them I had a group of F-ranks that needed my help to survive, they led me to the place they found me. They went out to look for my group while the healer and the scout stayed behind with weapons aimed at my throat. I then protected myself from the scout by killing him."

Draco paused before continuing. "The healer then ran towards me, I knocked the incoming person I Perceived to be a threat out, I did not kill her however. Then I hid from the three returning group members before making my way to the door." The man had his Title's ability active the entire time he was talking, so he knew everything he said was the truth. "For the record my name is Grant Jamision and my Title is Falsity Meter. The man being questioned was telling the truth through all of that."

The man then shut off the recording device and looked at the boy. "Seeing as the fields are lawless areas we are unable to do anything for you regarding this situation. However I must warn you, the people may come after you even if it's not in a field. Please watch yourself." Draco nodded while standing up. He walked out of the hut and decided on exchanging the crystals for cash before he headed home. He never told his mother he was going out, so she was probably worried sick about him. But all he could think about was how he killed the scout, and liked the power that came with it.