
Seeing that everything was good, Draco just had to wait for something to happen. They finally got to the tree when Leo stopped and turned to speak. "We're going to go make sure it's safe and we will have a look around for your friend's. Stay here boy." Leo then turned and started walking, the mage and the knight got in an attack line with the tank up front with the knight in the middle and the mage in the rear.

The healer Ann stayed with Draco, walking ahead of him in case they needed her to heal if things got bad. Draco had no qualms against taking these people's abilities, he had heard that a lot of people died in this Forest, and he was willing to bet they were one of the reasons for people's deaths. After ten minutes of pacing around, he got a window saying his mana fully recovered.

Draco took out the knife and started to practice doing different moves with it, evading fake enemy's before clumsily stabbing them. Ann watched this before shaking her head and mumbling. "Why are the handsome ones always the dumb ones." She walked a little farther forward and that's when Draco made his move.

Draco imbued mana into the tactical knife, transforming it into the war sword. While this was happening, Draco spun to his right, finding the scouts outline and targeting the scouts neck. The scouts outline moved back but it was already too late. Draco was leaning into the swing, the blade connected with the scout's neck before it sliced into it, biting deep. Draco twisted, bringing his left hand to the handle and using both hands to finish sliding through the neck of the invisible scout.

As soon as the scout died, his body and head became visible. The body fell to the ground with the head rolling next to it. Draco held out his hand targeting both and cast . Draco felt his mana fall by a little. Then green mist came flowing out of his hand and condense around the body. This time, instead of the lion head devouring them and staying there, the body's sank into the mist, vanishing in seconds.

The mist rolled up into his arm quicker than last time but before it disappeared into his arm the mist condensed into that of a lion head on the top of his hand between his pointer and thumb finger. Its mouth opened into a silent roar and then vanished. A green transparent window popped up, but before reading it he looked over to see if Ann had seen anything. There he found her looking at him with disbelief and horror on her face. He quickly checked the Window, praying to find what he had been hoping devouring the scout would give him. And sure enough there it was. A new ability.

Level up(x3)




Ability gained

Draco clicked on the ability he had just gained and quickly skimmed it.


New ability



by making a virtual cloak around yourself made up of mana, the caster is able to vanish from sight.


Due to the mana requirements to cast. Caster can not use mana related abilities once active. In doing so will cancel Cloaking.

Draco felt his humanity drain away as he looked into Ann's eyes and smiled before casting . His body from the feet up started to turn into green mist before the mist vanished, leaving nothing there. Ann took a second to stare in disbelief before she turned around and started running in the direction her party had gone off towards. Draco sprinted past her before stopping and facing the incoming Ann. He side stepped while kicking his left foot into her left shin, sending her sprawling to the ground.

Ann frantically tried to get up but an invisible force slammed into her face, sending her back to the floor where she laid unconscious. Draco canceled his cloak and a Draco shaped outline of green mist appeared before dissipating into the man himself. Draco grabbed Ann's wrist and activated . First to appear was the goat. But this time instead of coming out of his leg it came out of his hand. more precisely It was like it came out of his wrist, its mouth opening around his hand to bite onto the woman's arm.

Draco couldn't see his hand any longer, but he wasn't worried, he could still feel it inside the mist that made up the goat's neck before it fully became the goat. Next to appear was the Dragon, it came from his chest this time, and it snaked down Ann's arm to clamp onto her thigh. Lastly was the lion, this one came from his shin and it instantly lunged for her head. It's jaws going fully around her head to come down like a guillotine.

Draco watched them devour her before they could finish, he started speaking. "Thanatos." Instantly the dragon's head stopped eating to turn towards Draco. He couldn't help a small smile creep onto his lips as the dragon locked his eyes with Draco. "I got a healer." Thanatos's lips pulled up at the ends and they parted, showing teeth that were dripping with red Before bowing its head and finishing eating. It had only taken 10 seconds for them to absorb her. Draco reactivated Cloaking and started towards the group as he checked the Window that appeared after absorbing Ann.




Level up(x2)


Title absorbed


Please rename Title


Draco renamed it blood rush, seeing as Ann had described it as prompting the blood to speed up.




By sending mana into the blood, the caster speeds up the clotting process



By sending mana into the bones, the caster is able to start the bones process of fixing itself.


If Mend is used before bone is reset, the bone will set wrong.

Draco knew the ability wasn't the best, it only helped clot the blood so he would stop bleeding but that's a very important part. It would have helped him when he pulled out the spear before. Draco also knew there were a lot better skills for fixing bones but this would work fine for an F-rank like himself. Draco was fine with these Abilities. "SCAR?!" a voice roared as three people came running towards him, or rather towards the area he had been with the scout and Ann.

The Knight was leading while the mage was between the knight and the tank. Draco thought 'so, he was the one with the telepathy ability. It's a shame devouring and absorbing doesn't take the abilities people buy or find, just the ones their Title or race gave them.' "Ann, Scar? Shit where's the Archer?" The knight talked for the first time, his voice sounding high, almost boyish. "Spread out, first find Scar, if we can find him we can get communication back up."

The three spread out, the knight and the mage going together while the tank went by himself. Draco walked behind a tree that the three walked away from and canceled cloaking. Once he did that he used Coagulation> and to fix up his arm which took about 10 seconds to completely recover, confirming Ann hadn't intended to heal him. Draco's mana dipped 20 points after using both skills. He tried to activate but a window popped up saying he didn't have enough mana to activate skill.

Making sure the group wasn't coming his way, he did mental math to figure out took 30 mana to activate. And after using the healing abilities his mana dipped five points below 30. He watched the three striker's outlines through the tree. The tank turned and was making his way towards the tree Draco was standing behind. Draco looked down at his window, finding his mana was at 29. The tank was about to walk around Draco's tree when suddenly the mage called out. "Leo, have you found anything?"

Leo's outline stopped, turned around, and walked back towards the tree he had fallen from. Draco looked down, finding his mana had hit 31. Instantly he reactivated and came out from behind the tree, he changed the war sword back into the knife and put it away before summoning the bow and quiver. Draco let out a sigh of relief when they both were covered by cloak. He started sprinting in the direction of the exit, keeping active.

Draco had been sprinting for over 20 minutes before he had to stop. He was covered in sweat and lightly panting. His mana had dropped 30 points on every activation but he wouldn't lose or gain mana when he was using Cloaking. Making it impossible to reactivate it soon after if he was to deactivate Cloaking at the moment. When he looked back he could see the three green outlines only thanks to his current Titles passive, and even then they were pretty small. Needing to catch his breath, Draco Decided to sit down and looked through his stats.

Name-Draco lionheart


Title-Far sight





Strength-20 Wisdom-15

Agility-13 Sense-8 Vitality-10

Available points-41

He now had forty one available points to put into his stats. He decided that for right now seeing as his stats weren't even that of an F-rank he needed to get them up. He decided to split them equally among all of his stats and gave the last point to wisdom, as all his abilities required Mana.