Pizza Guy

After a minute of waiting, he placed his ear against the door. When couldn't hear anything inside the house he figured she had silence orbs set up with probably a bunch of other types to keep her privacy. The door opened to reveal a shirtless man standing there in nothing but pants. He had golden blond hair and eyes that were a soft yellow. His jaw was chiseled and when Draco looked down he saw a six pack. "You the pizza guy?"

"ah… um, no." Draco stuttered as he figured the man at the desk played a trick on him. "I'm looking for Aurora." The man looked Draco up and down, and that's when Draco realized he had put on a pair of clothes he found in his room. He hadn't been expecting to go visit Aurora so he completely forgot about his choice of wear. He probably looked like a bum. "And you are?" The man looked at Draco "Yeah I'm a frie-,"

Before Draco could finish there was a pressure pushing down on his shoulders. Draco got a flash back to the clearing and his hand started reaching for the knife that was normally at his thigh. The man saw his hand moving for his thigh and narrowed the pressure onto Draco instead of just around his body. Draco's legs started to wobble before they bent and he fell to his knees.

Draco was sweating profusely by now, just trying not to be crushed to the floor. All this happened in the span of a minute. "Babe, who's at the door?" Draco heard Aurora's voice, causing him to look up with pain in his eyes. The man saw this and figured he did in fact know Aurora. He rained in the pressure and looked back. "Just someone claiming to be your friend" the man looked back at where Draco was standing and couldn't see him anywhere.

Draco had heard footsteps coming closer to the Door after the man said that and had activated . He didn't dare move as they might hear his footsteps. Aurora came up behind the man, sliding her hands under and around his bare waist. She looked over his shoulder and through Draco. She had a confused look on her face. "Someone who knew we? Where did they go?" the man's eyes started faintly glowing before making eye contact with Draco. "I don't know, say, do you have a friend who has longer black hair? Dresses like a bum?" "Draco? I wouldn't say he is a friend, more an acquaintance from a long time ago. Why did he show up here?"

The man continued staring right into Draco's eyes while he spoke. "Yea he showed up but then left." "Well that's creepy. We were friends when we were younger, I had dinner with him and his mother after his mother asked me to join them." "Does he like you?" the man asked her, while still holding the door open.

"Gods I hope not, he's just a loser anyways, still living with his poor mother." Draco's face fell as he sat there on his knees. The man watched as a tear rolled off his cheek. Aurora had walked back to wherever she had been before coming to the door. The man had a smile on his face that went from ear to ear. "Sorry pal, didn't think she was going to say all that. That must be rough. Unrequited love and all that." The man was about to shut the door when Draco spoke. "Tell her thank you for the gift." the man snorted and closed the door, leaving him there.