
Multiple days passed and Draco had been in his bedroom, if not there he had been training in the busters guild training area with his War sword and Knife. His phone dinged on the floor next to his bed. He reluctantly looked at the message. There were 4 missed calls and a notification.

Three of the missed calls were from his manager at the guild and the last one was from his cousin. He had quit his job without giving a reason, which angered his cousin beyond belief. The notification however was from the Strikers website. He had been notified when an F-rank Door was discovered and ready to be cleared. The location was outside the city the same day at noon. He looked at it and copped the address before getting dressed. He was wearing a clean t-shirt and cargo pants when he walked out of his house.

After leaving Aurora's place, he had destroyed all his clothes inside his inventory and bought new ones. He also got a haircut, deciding the shoulder length hair had to go. Draco had them shave the sides and leave 2 inches on top. His mother had been getting worried as he would leave early in the morning and go right into his bedroom when he came home. Her worrying made worse when his cousin had called his mother yelling about how he quit and that he had given him that job.

However she didn't say anything to Draco, she simply stood outside his door at night with her hand on the door. He felt bad but until he could get powerful enough to change their situation, there was no room for distractions. Draco knew his mom would cave and ask him to stop and stay with him, And he couldn't refuse her, so this was what had to happen.

He called a taxi and told the driver the address of the Door, saying he would pay extra if they could get there before 10. The driver looked at Draco inside the revoir mirror. "Son, you do realize that location is an hour away, at least." Draco looked into the man's eyes "so?" The guy scoffed "so, it's currently 9:02" Draco held up two hundred dollars in cash so the guy could see it. "So you better hurry."

The man looked between the money and Draco before peeling out onto the road. They arrived at their destination at 10:01. The man looked at the clock and then back at Draco with defeat in his eyes. Draco got out of the cab and walked around to the driver's side of the car, leaned down and paid for his cab ride before he gave the man half of the money. "Nicely done." The man looked at him and smiled before driving off.

He had known it was a difficult task and didn't expect him to make it even close to 10, so when he did he was impressed to say the least. The reason he wanted to arrive here early was because it was first come first serve, however this also brought people of shady character so he wanted to get there before them so he could mark them.

The good news was that to sign in they have to see your face and striker's card. Draco walked over and signed in, giving the employee the $5000 needed to enter, before he walked over to a huge oak that was standing tall 100 feet away from where you needed to sign in. He perched high into the tree before activating .

Draco sat like that for an hour as people started showing up in different ways. Some by taxi, some by peddle bike. Others just appeared. Draco cast on every one of them before grabbing the eye's on everyone's Title. There was a lot of ones he could see there stats and Title descriptions. Then there were some that he couldn't. However there were none that said he had been noticed.

The striker employee announced that they were officially filled up. Some people that were waiting to sign up started to moan and groan, but otherwise left. That's just how it was. Public Doors were very hard to enter on such short notice, however once it was full they would take it down from the strikers page.

Draco dropped down from the tree and walked up to the Attack group. Most were talking to each other like they knew each other which was very common. To go from one rank to another you have to get a Title upgrade. People to this day still don't know what triggers it. Sometimes a person will train with their Title for years and nothing would happen, when others would just get jumped up once they activated their Title. Seeing as most F-ranks make a living out of these Doors, the chance of seeing the same person twice is very common.

Out of the 15 F-rank hunters about 10 of them stopped talking all together to stare at him when he dropped from the oak. He walked up to the group and just stood there. Everyone went back to chatting when someone in the front shouted. "Listen everyone, I will be leading this clear, if anyone has a problem with that, come up to us and tell me." he motioned to 10 guys standing next to him, leaving just 4 people including Draco to "have a problem."

The four all kept their heads down and entered the Door at once, as they entered they all pulled out their weapons. Many had basic weapons like swords, shields. Draco did see a spear on one of the "leaders' " lackeys. A window appeared Infront of all them which was normal for Doors. But something was different. Everyone was confused, some had done this countless times and every time they entered a blue window would appear that everyone could see, telling them the same words every time.

"To guard the door to your world is a noble act.

But be weary, for you have invaded another's Door."

People tried to figure out what that meant but the best they could come up with was that in the act of attacking first instead of letting the door shatter, they were in turn the ones shattering the other side's Door. "why is it that color, and why is the text a different color?" one of the lackeys to the right of the self proclaimed leader voiced out. Draco looked up and a feeling of dread creeped into him.