
"To guard the door to your world is a noble act.

But be weary, for you have invaded another's Domain."

"May the hunt begin"

There was a new line added to the text, and the same green color of his windows was almost completely corrupting the blue floating window. The group all looked confused but chalked it up to it being normal and they just hadn't seen it. Only Draco saw something when he read the words on the window. An eye appeared above it. Draco was hesitant but decided to grab it. Instantly his mind was assaulted by a pressure, Draco clutched at his head trying to keep his brain from becoming paste. He looked up trying to read the windows that had popped up when he had grabbed the eye.


Failed to cast predator's insight.


Domain Ruler is trying to invade your mind. Would you like to resist?

(Yes) (No)

Draco clicked yes and the pressure got more intense. Again the same message popped up but he clicked yes once more. The power doubled every time he clicked yes. He clicked yes twice more before a new window came up.

Findor is persistent and is now asking for permission to enter your mind and would like to talk.

Accept a proposal to talk?

(Yes) (No)


I Insist.

The pressure stopped and Draco's finger was about to click no when green mist started to condense around his wrist. He stopped and thought internally. 'You three want me to click yes?' the mist disappeared and he took it as a sign that they did. He tapped on the yes. And another window popped up.


You will be pulled into your mind in 10 seconds to which your body will go unconscious.

Please prepare.

10, 9, 8

Draco activated Cloaking making sure no one saw him when he did it, then he sat down behind a small stone wall that was behind them when they came in.


Draco's vision went black and he was standing in the dark room once more. However this time, standing across from him was a minotaur. It stood at 7 feet tall, had a muscular and scared chest, fur on its legs which bent backward instead of forward. And horns. Huge horns that twisted around his ears before pointing up. When Draco focused he could see a type of metal on the tips of his horns. The Minotaur took a step forward, which was nearly the distance between them in three. Draco instinctively stepped back. He wanted to get out of here but before he could voice anything, green mist started to come from the floor, rotating around him like a tornado. It continued to rise till it was at his waist, where it sat spinning, as if it was protecting him.

"Hahaha no need to fear me boy. I'm here to propose a truce Between creatures."

Draco was confused "creatures?" The minotaur watched the boy for any deceit before he spoke again. "Do you not know what you are, boy?" Before Draco had time to process what the minotaur had just said, he felt all his Mana completely leave his body, causing him to drop to his knees. Draco Looking up at the minotaur with an accusing look. "I thought you wanted a truce." Draco spat out as he had pains going through his body from what he knew to be Mana exhaustion.

Draco watched as the face of the Minotaur morphed from interest to fear, then back to neutral. "That wasn't me boy." Suddenly out of the mist surrounding him came three figures, one was the scout, another was Ann, and the last one was a Goblins. Draco had a look of disbelief on his face, then horror as he saw Ann's face look back at him. "It took some time but we got here." the voice that said that sounded like gravel.

"So-" before he could finish the name, the voice spoke from Ann once more. "We are sorry we had to sap your Mana but it was the only way we could inhabit forms inside this space." The scout looked back at Draco with a wicked smile painted on his face. "Would you like us to get rid of this intruder?" This time the voice that spoke was audibly dripping with barley contained bloodlust. "Uninvited guests are not welcome." the goblin spat out with the voice of the lion.

The minotaur took a step back, which all four of them caught. "Hold on a second guys," Draco turned towards the minotaur after standing up. "What did you mean by "between Creatures?" The minotaur looked between the three before looking at Draco. "I felt the presence of humans in my Domain, however I also felt the presence of a Calamity. So as is my right, I reached out to offer to form a truce."

All the information in those few sentences confused him, and he half expected Sophos to take the lead, however he just stood there. "Then why would you cause me such pain while trying to get into my head." the bulls face looked confused before it realized something. "The knocking? That was me sending a miniscule amount of my mana asking permission to enter your mind." Draco was dumbfounded. 'That was a miniscule amount of mana?!'

Draco composed himself before speaking once more. "Fine whatever, first tell me what a calamity is and why I would want to form a truce with you." This time the bulls face was showing noticeable worry before it hastily spoke. "For you not to know is worrisome. A Calamity is a monster of noticeable strength that comes into a lower monster's Domain. Whether that be to visit or to conquer depends on the truce. And it is the Calamity's choice to pick on what grounds they would like to set the truce. It is also there choice to not create a truce." The bull hurriedly finished speaking.

Draco took a second to think about it before Sophos walked backwards through the mist to stand at his side. It unnerved Draco that it was the face of Ann, however he put that aside for right now. Sophos leaned in and close to Draco's ear and started talking. "What he says is the truth. However this may become a problem later down the road." Draco quickly whispered back to the Sophos Ann.

"What about the truce, do you think I should take it or not?" "That is entirely up to you to decide." Sophos finished talking and walked back to his place between the scout and the goblin. Draco started talking after another moment of contemplation. "If we come to a truce there are conditions that have to be met. Also, I can not convince the humans from trying to clear your Domain."

The half man half bull visible relaxed, if just a little bit. "Of course, Calamity. Then shall we talk about conditions."