
Contract has been made between

Draco (Calamity) and Findor (Domain ruler)


Do these terms suit both party's?

(yes) (No)

He heard a grunt of approval from across the dark space and then a small number 1 appeared to the left of the yes. Draco clicked yes and suddenly more Mana was sucked away from him. Although this time it didn't completely drain him, it stopped leaving him at 7 mana remaining before a window that was the normal color showed up Infront of him.


Contract has been finalized with Findor(Domain Ruler).

This is a life binding contract.

If broken, the offending party will be killed.

Sophos had warned him while they were talking that it would be life binding so he wasn't surprised by this message. After everything was done, Draco looked at the bull and the bull looked at him. "We have been at this for quite some time, what if the humans are already in your room?"

Findor laughed before speaking. "My dear Calamity, you have a lot to learn. Although it has been an hour in our minds, it has only been a minute in my Domain. Now, we must leave to take care of the humans." Before the bull left, Draco stopped him, asking him one last question. "How will I get a hold of you, while I'm outside?"

The bull thought for a moment then simply said "knock.'' After saying that, the minotaur vanished as if he was never there. Draco started to also wake up when he was pulled back to the dark room with the three bodies. They looked at him, then kneeled before bursting into green mist and then being absorbed into the ring of mist around Draco. The the green ring of swirling mist broke its circle, coming closer to Draco.

It spun an inch away from his feet before it started snaking its way up around his body, never getting closer than an inch before plunging into his chest. Draco felt as if he was refreshed, and he realized he had gained his mana back. Suddenly he was back in his body, sitting behind the wall. He looked at his hands and they were transparent which meant his Cloaking hadn't deactivated when the three took his mana.

Draco deactivated it and walked out from behind the little wall to find the group still standing there coming up with hunting positions. He walked out and the leader looked at him as if he just noticed him. "What were you doing back there? Wanking off?" The guys in his obvious group started snickering at each other while the one girl that had come by herself had a look of disgust aimed at the leader. "I'm an Archer." Draco said while summoning his bow and quiver.

Almost instantly all the eyes in the man's group looked at the bow then at the leader. 'You rat Basterds.' Draco knew by the looks and by how the others in his group were acting that they were fishy. 'My luck cant get any worse can it?' That's the reason Draco had agreed to the truce with the minotaur, because he knew these people were snakes that prayed on the people that are unfortunate enough to join them.

"Fine, you will be in the back. If one of us gets hit by an arrow you're not leaving here alive." Draco nodded and after five minutes they started moving through the Domain. After they walked 30 feet away from the Door's gate, a huge wall was erected behind them, blocking their exit. They all tried breaking it but it was no use. After a while they gave up before continuing forward. Unlike the others in the group, who were wandering around blind, Draco had a window open that showed the map of this place, and where he was inside of it.

From what Draco could see it was a humongous labyrinth in the shape of a circle. The others had figured out what this was after the third turn they took led them to a dead end. "It's a gods damned labyrinth, and they trapped us in here with no exit." The leader was the first to speak, quickly followed by one of his lackies. "Does anyone have food? I'm starving!" After three hours of wandering around, the group of 11 turned to the four random people that joined in on this Doors clear.

"We are doing most of the work and we are starving, give us your food." One of the men standing in the back spoke first. "What the hell, we are doing as much as you're allowing us to, but you're not giving us a chance. Screw that I'm not giving you anything." the leader nodded and the man that had just refused them suddenly had his neck sliced open. The woman shrieked before she turned around and threw up. "Don't worry pretty, were gonna keep you around till we can't use you anyway."

There was a nasty smile on his face which talked volumes to what they were going to do to them. The last man willingly gave their food to the people without so much as making eye contact. Then all eyes looked at Draco. He was cleaning his nails when the man scoffed at him. Draco looked up, then smiled. Everyone around him thought he had gone crazy. The leader nodded his head again and Draco watched as the invisible scouts outline came towards him.

Draco kept his smile plastered on his face before he activated Cloaking again, the mist covered him before he was gone once more. Everyone was shocked at what they just saw, huddling into a circle so Draco couldn't sneak up on them. "He just HAD to have a scouts ability!" "it wasn't from his Title, so it's going to be sapping his mana like mad, we just have to wait him out!" Draco took off running down the corridor. The leader shouted out directions. "Scout, after him"

Draco didn't have a concealing ability so his smell and the noise he made was making was all still there. The environment making it worse as his shoes were creating a bit of noise on the stone floor. The scout followed the noise, before stopping. He had been following the footsteps without thinking and now he was somewhere he wasn't familiar with. The scout listened, trying to hear any sigh of both Draco as well as his group. After hearing nothing, he started to run back the way he had come from when suddenly the tendon was cut on both his legs.

The scout cried out as he fall to the floor. He screamed out in pain, clutching his calves just above his cut tendons. An invisible blade went into his thigh, pinning him to the ground. He screamed at the top of his lungs, before he passed out, disabling his invisibility. Draco also deactivated Cloaking and knocked on the wall, deciding if the bull was telling the truth. Suddenly the wall where he knocked opened to reveal three hounds.