Red Fur And Teeth

They had red fur and teeth that stuck outside their mouth. They snapped at Draco and were about to bite into them when silver chains appeared on their body's before they turned red and the dogs whimpered. Then they disappeared and the three looked at him then dropped their heads. "Can you understand me?" The biggest dog out of the three nodded its head and Draco was grateful, this way it was going to be easier. "Can you drag him somewhere I can get to him later?"

Draco looked at his window and he couldn't see his stats or anything but the Title would be better all the same. "And keep him alive until I come to get him." The dogs snapped at him but did as he asked, dragging him by the ankles into the open wall, before it closed behind them. Draco decided to let them keep making their way into the labyrinth seeing as he got all dead body's. That included the ones from the Door as well.

The bull hadn't liked it but in the end he agreed if he got to keep 75% of the humans belongings. Turns out the bosses in Doors use the body's of humans to replenish their monster stock, the essence they got from the body's was used to breed more monsters, however Draco had cut him off at that point, not wanting to learn about monster birds and bees. So really the bull was losing, however he said he liked the items. They were like trophies, and if he was to be trusted, so did every other boss. The concept reminded him of a dragon and there treasure pile.

Findor did say that the fact that he had been able to make a truce with a Calamity no matter where they were from, gave him some credit in the Monster Community. Draco forgone casting as he could see that they had moved on from the area from before. Draco started walking back to where the group had been when he left. He had been expecting the man's body, However, what he found surprised him while also disgusted him.

The man that they had killed for not sharing his food was stripped naked and ripped apart. While the lady they said they were going to use was also on the floor stripped of her gear, Also dead. He double checked they weren't around and cast devour and targeted both of them. The lion whom name Draco still hadn't learned, came out of the mist and devoured the male only to stop and look at the female. Then it shook its head before it and the girl sank into the mist. Draco hadn't expected the lion to be the pity type, but he guessed everyone had their own ways of doing things.




Level up(x1)


New ability

Description- by sending mana into your hands you are able to send healing to others from a short distance


Due to the original Title holder being low rank. Current distance of healing hands is one foot.


Due to the original Title holder being low rank. Power will only heal bruising.


New ability

Description- when you sleep your body releases a minuscule amount of mana into your body, slowly making a protective film that will cover your skin and negate a curtain amount of magical damage.


After one film is destroyed another one will take its place.


It takes at least a week of sleep to complete the first film. After that you will start to store the same level film for use after this currently equip one breaks.


Due to the original abilities holder being a low rank. Current points of damage that one film will negate before breaking is-(2)

Draco looked at the two new abilities. Although they were not even close to being the best. There was still potential in both of them. For instance, It didn't say it had a cool down to equip the next film. Meaning if he was to build up his stock, he could probably negate a triple digit worth of points. Plus it was a passive one when he slept, so as long as he got 8 hours of sleep a night that would take him a bit of time. Draco did the math in his head, figuring it would be 21 days before he got his first film. He would have disregarded it, putting it to the back of his mind to never use it again if it hadn't been a passive skill.

Right when he finished thinking about his new abilities two of the glowing outlines disappeared from his sight. He was quite surprised so he activated Cloaking and started walking in their direction. He was in no rush, figuring the more they killed the more he got, and he got the body's of both monster and human so he didn't care what happened. By the time he turned the corner that opened into a square room, he could already hear the clashing of equipment on equipment.

"I thought you said this was an F-rank Door!" "it was!" "then why are there enough mobs here for it to be an E-rank Door!" Draco also started wondering about this. Turns out that when a Calamity comes to a Domain and forms a truce, some of their mana is sucked away and has a boosting effect to the Domain, enabling the current creatures in the Domain to be boosted, as well as making the produced Creatures gain a buff for there first week born and for there hatch cost to cost less.

Draco took out his tactical knife and walked forward. He came up behind someone that was firing a bow from the back and checked his information. It was an E-rank Title named Pierce, other than that he couldn't see any information. However as he watched he noticed that his arrows penetrated the ogre's metal helmets and body armor as if it was made out of butter. 'So you have an ability that makes your arrows ignore armor, hm?' Draco came up behind Mr. Piercing Arrows and put his hand over their mouth, covering it so he couldn't scream for help.

Draco stabbed his knife into the man's kidneys a couple times. By then they had dropped their weapon and he could activate Absorb which canceled Cloaking. This time the three didn't waste time. They knew speed was important. Sophos came out of his arm, the lion from the side of the stomach, and Thanatos from his shoulder. They had the body absorbed in 5 seconds and had returned inside of him in another second. Instantly Draco activated Cloaking, picking up the bow and adding it to his inventory to take out later.

Draco heard a window appear but ignored it.

Findor could sense what was going on everywhere in his Domain, so he knew Draco was acting according to their contract, however what surprised him was how the body's were disappearing. One second he could feel their presence, then he could feel Draco's magic would flare up and their body's would be gone. The bull couldn't help but wonder, 'Is he a Necromancer?' 'Is he a Cannibal?'

Draco of course didn't hear any of this but even if the bull was next to him he was too concentrated to hear other people. He was sliding in and out of the battle raging between the two opposing forces. The battle masking his noise perfectly. And though his attacks were clumsy ,they were getting the job done. When one of Findor's minions would attack a Striker and they would block, he would go in and inflict small amounts of damage. Not enough for them to die but enough where they would need to pull behind to the back to heal up. That's when he would strike.