Fur Cocoon

Draco looked around but didn't see anything, as it was pitch black. He started to panic, he took a big breath in only to find the air musty and spelled horrible. He started retching. Before pulling himself together. his hands few out to feel around him. His hand didn't make it a foot away from his body when he felt fur meet his fingers. Draco pulled back, expecting something to happen, however nothing happened.

He stuck his hand out again, feeling the hair like texture. It was stiff and it had flaky stuff that broke off every time his hand touched it. Draco tried to sit up, only to find that he was pinned where he was. there was a furry like feeling all around him, almost like a cocoon. He decided to continue feeling the fur, moving across it until he came down to skin. Draco pulled his hand away before poking at the dry feeling skin before continuing to investigate what it was.

"No…" Draco let out a sad breath as he got to the furs face and his suspicion was confirmed. His hands first found the ears, then the snout, before feeling the teeth. Draco laid his head down onto the ground, closing his eyes. After sitting like that for a little bit, he reached below him, feeling what was beneath him. There he found a stone floor, the same as the labyrinth.

Draco presumed he was still in the Door. Draco held his breath, before knocking on the floor. Nothing! Again he knocked. Still nothing. He knocked once more and this time he fell through the floor, falling a foot before landing on something that yelped at his weight. Draco rolled off of the origin of the yelp and back onto stone, only this time he could see. He was looking up at the minitour's dome ceiling.

Draco quickly sat up looking around, only to find a bloodbath around him. Draco was horrified, there was at least a hundred Muscle Mutt corpses strewn around on the floor. And dozens of Ogre body's as well. He looked down where he heard the yelp to find The distinct figure of Brutis laying there. He was riddled with new scars and a bunch of open gashes. Laying next to him was what looked like an elf.

It had pointed ears, huge eyes and blue skin. It had puncture wounds in its neck, where Brutis must have ripped out its throat. Draco jumped towards Brutis in worry. "Brutis, what happened here?" The muscle mutt bared its fangs where it lay, turning its eyes every direction before finding Draco's, to which it settled down and started to wine.

The wine gave off the impression of multiple emotions. The two Draco could hear the most however, were relief and sorrow. Draco came up to Brutis and started giving him his healing potions. Pouring the healing potions into the dog's mouth while he activated everyone of his healing abilities, Yet nothing helped.

His ability's were from low ranked Healers, they could do nothing for the types of wounds he had sustained. Draco looked around, trying to find Findor, only to find his large avatar body laying on the floor near a broken shield. A tear fell from his eye before thinking of something. "The adventures we captured. They would have healing potions!"

Draco got up, making it three feet towards the other room to get them when he heard one last wine from Brutis, before it went quiet. Draco slowly turned around, noticing Brutis's chest rise, then fall, before stopping all together. Draco stood there as if his inaction would start his heart again.

However after standing there for five minutes, his chest wouldn't move anymore. Draco couldn't help the tears that fell from his face in silence. He let them fall, even though they just met, he couldn't help but feel connected to Findor and his Domain.

After all his tears had been cried, he started to walk around the area. First over to where the captured party members were. Their body's were all still in shackles, however their heads were all lying on the floor. He then went back into the domed room, walking up near Findor's body. It was bloody with arrows sticking out of it, and small gashes everywhere, those of daggers.

Draco laid his hand on Findor's shoulder and bowed his head, apologizing that he hadn't been able to hold up his side of the contract. He kept looking around, to see what had happened, finding Ogre's and Blue Elves lying near the entrance of the boss's room. Draco knew Findor kept Ogres near his room from the ones he had seen fighting with the party, but the sheer number of body's that were in his room alone, were almost like he had brought them all into his room.

Then a memory flashed in his mind. "You will be safe inside this room, I will make sure no one that steps foot into my Domain brings harm to you. I swear it upon my name." Draco remembered what Findor had said, and when he looked to where he had died, he noticed Findor was standing right next to the back of his throne.

Leaving his body, he walked over to check the back of the throne. It was completely smooth except for one hole. When Draco walked over to it he saw a bunch of dead Muscle Mutts laying there on top of one another. "They had covered me to protect me." Draco was devastated.

Draco was sitting next to Brutis's body, staring at the blood colored floor when suddenly a window appeared Infront of him.


Contract with Findor was to be announced fulfilled by Findor (Domain Ruler) If he was to die. Due to death while still following the rules set by the contract holders, items left for Draco (Calamity) will be given,

Would you like to accept items?

(Yes) (No)

Draco clicked yes. And items were added to Draco's inventory. Draco clicked into his inventory to see a bunch of stuff in it that hadn't been there before. Draco looked through it, a bunch of it was low grade armor, and weapons. Things Findor said he enjoyed collecting. Then there were the Spinewebs.

Draco counted them, finding 1,563 F-rank Spinewebs and 200 E-rank Spinewebs, next finding potions. There was a bunch of Mana and Health Potions of the lowest rank. 15 of each, and one E-rank Mana potion that restored 200 Mana. Zero also found 4 weird looking egg shaped things with (???) As their name and description. 2 were red while the other two were a pinkish grey.

Draco should be happy at this, however Draco knew what this was and he couldn't be happy about this. It was Findor's treasure room. He had given him his treasure room, tying it to his Contract. Draco was about to close his inventory when he saw something at the very beginning he had missed. Thinking it was the ink and paper from the return scroll. Draco took it out, finding it to be a letter written by Findor, and it was titled to Draco.