Dear Draco

Dear Draco

Although we had not known each other for more than 24 hours there was something about you That made me want to trust you. That trust turned even stronger when I saw how you treated my Muscle mutts. It has been 7 months since you went into evolution. This leads me to believe this is your first one. I have gotten stronger, and have broken into the E-rank. My current level while writing this is 52. I say all this because I do not expect to be alive tomorrow. Your evolution is a big one. big enough to constantly be drawing creatures here from different Domains. The current fight I have been fighting has been going on for a month, and the bodies have been piling up on both sides. I can tell you are going to be very powerful if given the time. So that is what I am buying you. You should be awake in the next three days. I have left Brutis and the muscle mutts to your safety. I know if I am to fall they will protect me with their dying breaths. If Brutis is alive when you awake I hope you will take care of him, he will help you leave once I'm gone. He seemed very fond of you the one day he met you. Although you could do it even if I said no, if I am going to die. It would be okay with me if you were to take my body, as you took the others from my Domain. also.

Ps-Brutis likes steak.

Your humble acquaintance

Findor (Caretaker)

When Draco read the last two words, he felt a small thread of Mana rush out of his body and into the body of the bull, Before coming back. Draco was thrown into a vision of a battle, Except his point of view was 20 feet in the air. Draco realized he was watching the battle between Findor's Domain and the elves invading it.

"Where is the creature, bull?" a musical yet cold voice said. The vision looked at an elf that was standing behind the rest. It was wearing a robe and had a staff made out of wood. "The creature is under my protection." Findor raised his shield than his spear to rest upon the top. "Then you shall die alongside it." after saying that, the elf raised his hand, then dropped it.

All at once, elves started sprinting towards Findor's army before each went invisible, However, it was impossible to not hear the devastatingly loud footfalls of the hundreds upon hundreds of feet slamming on the stone floor. Findor ran at the invisible army, jumped, and stabbed the spear forward. Suddenly the image disappeared, replaced with another one.

Findor was standing, but the view was shaky. Findor looked down at his body, allowing Draco to see all the gashes and arrows on it. He could also see that Findor was only standing because he was using his spear as a walking stick to support himself. As Findor looked up, Draco could see that both armies had been decimated, leaving only a couple of dozen Muscle Mutts and a handful of elves left.

Behind the last few remaining elves, the elder-looking elf was also badly wounded. The elf shouted something but the blood in Findor's ears was making everything muffled and hard to hear. The elf's mouth stopped moving before it started twirling his staff in his hand, as though he was a witch stirring his pot.

A large ice spear started forming above his head, getting bigger with every passing second. Suddenly an explosion sounded off. He looked over to see elves coming out of invisibility to break the back of his throne. "BRUTIS, protect Draco, I will finish the elder!'' Without checking to see if the mutt had heard him, Findor picked up his spear, charging the last remaining power inside his body into what both Findor, as well as Draco, knew was his last attack.

Findor aimed his spear at the elf before launching it. It was traveling so fast, it was like lightning had been shot from his fingertips. Findor fell to the ground, his breathing becoming ragged and bloody. "I wish I could have seen how you took away those bodies, if even once.'' The vision went black and Draco was once again looking through his own eyes.

Draco wiped away the tears as he stood up, walking over to the entry to find the same old elf laying there, the top half of his chest, arm, and face completely gone. Behind him was the spear stuck into the ground three feet into the hall leaving the boss's room. Draco walked over to it and rested his hand on it for a moment before he pulled. After two tries, The spear dislodged from the ground and Draco put it into his inventory.

Picking up Brutis' body, Draco walked over to the area near Findor's face and set Brutis down near him before speaking. "I hope you are friends." Draco turned before checking his stats.

Name-Draco lionheart


Title-Far sight





Strength-40 Wisdom-35

Agility-29 sense-23 vitality-30


Seeing his Mana had sky rocked and was full, Draco lifted his left hand while holding a mana potion in between each finger. Uncapping them all before he lifted his right hand out, palm facing the sea of death. Draco mentally targeted all of the bodies, including the ones in the room behind the throne, and those in the shackles.

Draco only left the two laying at his feet untargeted before activating Devour. Draco's Mana left his body like water after a dam breaks. Three seconds later he was grabbing each vile with his teeth, tipping his head back and letting the blue liquid pore down his throat. It seemed like it was about to be done but it again started sucking Mana.

Draco's Mana started nearing 0 so he decided to use the e-rank potion he had gotten from Findor. He grabbed it out of his inventory with his left hand, using his teeth to uncork it. He chugged it and the Mana started to go up, then instantly started racing down once more. Mist was coming out of his hands like a fog machine. Draco's body started to ache like he had been working out for over an entire day. Then a window appeared Infront of him.


An excessive amount of Mana has been filling and leaving your body.

Your body will sustain damage if more Mana is ingested.

Draco checked his stats page, finding his mana was about to empty. He hadn't ever run out of Mana when this skill was still pulling, so he didn't know what would happen. When his mana reached zero, he felt the effects of Mana exhaustion hit him. Pain shot through his veins. Then he got another window. Suddenly his body started to feel like he was getting stabbed by thousands of knives. Draco screamed out, falling to the floor while writhing in pain. He forced his eyes to open to look at the window. Trying to find any indication of what was happening.


Not enough Mana to sustain the cost of Devour

cast will devour health to sustain cost.

Draco read the message before another wave of pain flashed through his body. The pain felt like it had been going on for hours when it suddenly stopped. Draco was laying in a 2 feet high carpet of mist. He pushed himself up, holding his chest that felt like something had taken a bite of him. As he looked forward, he noticed the three heads just sitting ahead of him staring at him.

When he made eye contact with each of them, they bowed their heads but otherwise didn't move. Draco didn't know why they were not devouring all the body's,. And were just keeping their heads bowed to him. Thinking of something, he suddenly spoke in a voice that sounded like he had merged his voice slightly with the three of their own voices. "Devour"

Instantly the three faces dived into the mist. Draco watched as the three creatures devoured body's, some half submerged in mist while others like the mini Ogre's were barely submerged. It took a minute before all body's were taken by the three. The Dragon lifted its head and roared. The goat and lion each doing their version of roars before vanishing beneath the mist.

Suddenly all the mist started flowing into his arms. Once all the mist was gone, there was a second of complete silence, before Draco's vision lit up with hundreds of windows, all continually appearing then being whisked away. This happened for a couple minutes, Suddenly all the windows stopped appearing. Then they all exploded from the corner of his eyes before infusing into one window. The thing was massive, being almost as big as the 'Welcome To The Door' message. Draco stood there, staring up into the dome for a second, then willed the window into full transparency.



Muscle Mutt (x140)

Mini Ogre (x60)

Gelid Elf Assassin (x255)

Gelid Elf Marquess (x1)

Human (x8)

Level up (x36)


New Title (x2)

New Abilities (x24)