
"I see we upgraded." The sight of Findor stung a bit but he got over it quickly. "Now's not the time, we will talk about this later, for right now, you should know that the Door you were about to walk through, does not lead to your planet. It leads to the planet the creature in black armor came from." Draco took notice that Sophos called all thirty of them 'the creature' not creatures plural.

"How am I supposed to get home if that door does not lead back to my world?" The three went silent. "We do not know, unless you are able to get a Domain Ruler to specifically choose earth as a Door location it is up to chance and luck if they do. However, know this, as this is an S-rank Domain, it is like a mini world. Meaning it has its own ecosystem, so if too many changes big things can happen. That also means if the strongest of the strongest is killed, the place will not disappear like Findor's Domain, but rather a new boss will rise to fill the empty position though that would take time."

so we highly recommend you continue to level up, this place is a great area for that if you're able to devour or absorb creatures. However be warned, although you are shooting up very quickly in levels and strength. It gets monumentally harder to level as you rank up." Draco nodded, showing he understood this. "What do you think my course of action should be? I only reason I got lucky in killing that Tredjer was because it was distracted and wouldn't cross its line."

"Body snatch. Although it isn't honorable, in a place like this you have no other way to kill and devour the creatures. Besides, were creatures, we don't care So activate devour on the body of targets, then run like hell." Draco's mouth fell open at that suggestion. They were telling him to act like a rat. "And if they notice what I'm doing? Because currently the only ones I've seen so far killing is a snake that I suspect is over 50 miles long, which pulls its meals into the water. Where let me remind you, I can't see, nor breathe and the other can turn itself into thirty killing machines which then absorb the creatures it killed to become stronger. I think they will both be pretty upset if I take their meals."

"as we said before, it is an ecosystem, think about what creatures you have seen so far. Snake eats frog, bat eats leftover frog, but what does frog eat? We are confident you will find a way because if you go into that Door, you will find a lot worse than the creatures in here. And on another note, I'd suggest devouring every one of those, 'thirty killing machines.' As you called them." Draco asked why but they didn't say anything else so he dropped it. "How long will the next evolution take to complete?" "it will take an hour, however, be warned, you won't fall unconqess but you will lose all your powers. Abilities and all will vanish for the hour. However, you will keep your current stats."

He then canceled the cast as he didn't want to get rid of any of his Titles. They were all useful and the skills they gave were better to keep. 'What does the frog eat? Other frogs?' Draco pondered what they could eat as he started moving to catch up to the thirty creatures, he didn't dare cast Predators Insight as they would instantly know he was here so he instead just decided to call them Watermen. He caught up to the Watermen and followed from 50 feet away.

They took their time as they walked, almost completely different from when they were attacking the Tredjer which confused Draco but it wasn't important so he continued to follow in silence. After making it all the way to the bottom of the stairs they simply took a step off the ledge, one by one they started plummeting down to the water. Draco leaned over the edge and watched them drop like sacks of dead weight before they landed on the water. Draco was impressed. They had just landed on the water like they were falling to solid ground from two feet up. Then they continued to walk forward at a leisurely pace.

Draco looked in the direction they were going and realized it was back to the area the snake had attacked the frog before, and that's when he noticed the floating land looked like a gigantic lily pad. Noticing they were getting farther away than he was thinking, he quickly cast Spider's Thread and started connecting a Thread on his chest to the wall giving it 58 feet, then he Dropped. Letting himself freefall until the Thread pulled tight and he was abruptly stopped 10 feet from the water. He again activated Spider's Thread attaching it to the string and the wall, before cutting above where the Threads connected. Again he fell but he stopped a foot above the water.

He looked at the Watermen and cast Predator's Tracking before cutting the rest of the Threads, falling into the water. He opened his eyes inside the water, finding the same murky sight that greeted him last time, only this time there was a green outline 50 feet in front of him. He started swimming and quickly found that with his improved stats he was having no trouble holding his breath. He had been followed behind them for about 9 minutes before he had to come up for a breath.

When he came up he quickly breathed in again taking a look around, before submerging himself back into the water. 'If I'm looking at them, then that means there's a lily pad about 100 feet forward and to the right.' Draco continued to follow the watermen and noticed when they stepped onto something, figuring they were at the lily pad he surfaced and after confirming, climbed up onto it with them. They were currently fighting two 20-foot-tall frogs, and although they were holding their own, it was pretty obvious the frogs were going to lose this fight. Draco watched, waiting to activate devour when he got an idea. He cast Ogres' Roar, feeling his mana leave, only this time he could feel the mana first move to his vocal cords before bursting out all around him.

A loud roar sounded in the very air around them. Instantly All eyes turned towards his direction for a second, however, Draco could tell none of them could place where he was. Mana kept being pushed out of him in what he could only consider a sphere. And he was its focus. Before it suddenly stopped. One of the 30 Watermen disengaged from the battle, coming towards his direction. Draco slowly stepped away, however it seemed to have pinpointed his location because it turned as he turned. And then suddenly all hell broke loose.

At least 20 Frogs appeared, coming out of the water. A dozen stayed in the water while 8 frogs jumped onto the pad. The pad dipped at the weight of all the bodies on it but held up. The 30ith Waterman turned around and started sprinting back to the group when the other frogs showed up. Draco watched as they stopped defending and attacking and went on the full offensive. They started decimating the two frogs that had been fighting them before.

in under 10 seconds they had killed them and moved on to the other eight. Seeing that they were involved in fighting the frogs he cast Devour on the two bodies. When 93 mana was taken to make the mist and devour the two bodies he was dumbfounded. He kept an eye on the intense battle while he quickly checked the window.




Level up(x8)

New Ability(x1)


New ability

Passive-Rubber Skin

Description- your sweat glands will now produce mucus that will slowly be absorbed by your skin. Making it more resistant to physical attacks.


After a while of the mucus being absorbed, skin will turn green, and will always have a layer of mucus on the skin.