
Draco was very grossed out by that passive and almost instantly cast Ability Devour on the spot, however, he wasn't that stupid. He knew going unconference in the middle of a battle is very Dumb. One of the Watermen was thrown back, landing on the ground for a second before getting back up and continuing to fight. This cycle continued for half an hour, the Watermen would kill a frog, Draco would devour it, and then it would be replaced by another frog from the water. Draco had chugged 10 of his mana potions to be able to devour all the frogs after their deaths. However, something interesting happened on the last devour.

Noticing that the bodies were missing and that the green mist was the culprit for it, the Watermen suddenly all collapsed as Draco was devouring the last frog. The wave crashed onto the last frog in turn onto the three devouring the frog. Suddenly the last 200 mana remaining from the potions was being sucked away from him. After 135 of it was gone and desperately trying to figure something out to do he canceled the cast of devour. The mana drain stopped and they got the frog body. Draco stood deathly still, waiting to see if they noticed him, however, they simply seemed complacent to take the one frog body. Draco checked his windows from the frog bodies. Make sure to continue to watch the blob eat the 20-foot frog.




Level up(x16)

New ability(x3)


New ability

Passive-Skin Respiration

Description- this ability activates on its own when you are in a foot of water. Your skin allows absorption of the oxygen in the water. Allowing you to breathe in water.


Due to ability rank, the deepest you can breathe underwater is 100 feet

(Paralyzing Prick)

Description- when cast, your hair will harden into spikes that contain a paralyzing poison.


Poison can be resisted, depending on the target affected.


Due to ability rank poison will last at most, 30-minutes.


Description- by imbuing mana into the legs, you are able to leap like a frog.

The blob reformed and continued walking when suddenly a loud splash sounded and a behemoth head surfaced in the water. The snake rose at least three miles above the lily pad and looked straight down at it. Then a window appeared.


(???) would like to communicate.

Would you like to communicate?


Draco thought about it for a second while looking down at his wrist, not seeing any sign from the three that they thought he should click no. Draco clicked yes, figuring If this creature wanted to, it could drag him down to the bottom of the water and he would drown before he would get up, even with skin respiration. Draco's mind started going black, but before he passed out he saw the snake's head descend on them, devouring the lily pad and the inhabitants on it in one swallow.

"You're different from the rest of the creatures that enter my Domain.'' It was still completely dark in Draco's mind, so he couldn't see the figure talking to him. However, Draco was sure of one thing. whatever it is, is power. Chills went up Draco's spine at the sheer power excluded from the voice. "How so, Great Domain Ruler" the invading voice let out a deep laugh, vibrating the very being of his mind. "For one, you're way too weak to survive here, yet I've felt you grow stronger by a pretty large margin. Second, most try to integrate themselves into the ecosystem without disrupting it.

"You on the other hand seem like a predator that hunts for fun, not hunger, even for a creature you are rather vicious." Draco felt his space tightly by a small amount, however, it had tightened. Draco mentally called out for the three, however, nothing happened. Again he called out for them to no avail. "Do not worry young one, I have closed off your mind so just me and you can talk. I can reassure you I have no intention of killing you in this space. And although I could, it would take a large amount of my energy to do so. And I'm currently dealing with a rather slippery bug at the moment."

"The Watermen" Draco had muttered it more to himself but the snake picked up on it. Suddenly Draco felt rapid movement around him before out of the Darkness, walked a person. Only this person wasn't human. It was 7 feet tall, it had on a suit and was skinny with long legs and arms. It reminded Draco of a horror character from before the beginning named flendermen. However, any skin showing was not white but scaled. Draco focused on it and noticed that it was like a sea of scales were constantly rolling over it.

"You are definitely an interesting one, that's for sure." "Sir...Ma'am?" Draco didn't know what to call the boss, again it laughed, "of all the things you could be thinking." it let out another laugh before continuing. "I am a female so ma'am will suffice." Draco nodded and continued "shouldn't I be dead? I remember you swallowing me whole, right before we came into here." "Well seeing as my body is larger than most, you could be in my body for a while as long as you can breathe underwater. And if you're wondering why I swallowed you, it's because I can sense your evolution should have already happened. So I am curious to see why you are able to hold off on evolving. I moved you into an area inside my body that will keep you safe if you would like to evolve."

Draco was skeptical but decided to take the chance to evolve. "If that is alright with you ma'am, then I will take you up on that offer, however, may I ask if you are also keeping the Watermen here too? They will notice when I'm evolving will they not?" "they will notice, however, I doubt they will care about a creature just moving into the D-rank." The snake could see the expression on the boy's face change to that of uncertainty and skepticism. "Unless you have a reason to call attention to yourself. Do you have a reason?" "not a willing one, however it got my friend killed so, I won't put you in potential danger by evolving here, thank you for the offer though.''

This caught the Domain ruler off guard. she knew that this boy was human, even if they gave off the smell of a Creature. She had come across many humans in her time, So to see him caring for a Creature was rather surprising. She would be fooled into thinking he was a creature lover instead of a predator if she hadn't sensed it for herself. "Do not worry little one, I am the strongest creature here by a large margin. And unless you somehow are able to jump creatures by two ranks nothing is going to be a threat to me" "even the Door invaders?"

''Although it is annoying and bothersome, it is still below me, even if by a smaller margin than I would prefer. Now onto important matters. I see you are eating all the bodies, similar to what we creatures do. I want to know how you do it. In exchange I will create a contract to protect you while you evolve." again Draco visibly winced at those last words, making her even more interested in the boy. "Would you allow me to talk to the other three before I accept or decline the contract.?" She hadn't known what they were when she put the wall up, all she knew was they weren't alone together when she entered. the snake's head nodded and it was like a wall was torn down.

"Draco!!!" all three voices exploded inside his mind all at once making him wince. Instantly Draco felt all of the Mana leave his body once more before the green mist rose around him, swirling faster and thicker. Draco felt the Mana Exhaustion overtake him, however, he stayed on his feet, not wanting to look weak in front of her. Draco couldn't see it, but the snake was impressed. 'To be able to manipulate your mana this well inside the mind takes almost all concentration from the mind. Meaning the boy could seriously harm me if he knew how in here.'

The snake preemptively started backing out of the boy's mind, making sure she could leave at a second's notice. Then three figures materialized walking out of the mist. She watched as a Minotaur the size of her current form arrived. Alongside it was what felt like Ice Elf royalty, and to its right was one of the Tredjer that inhabited the Trees above her water's started walking towards her. "Now that is something I've never seen before." The snake said with surprise evident in her voice.

Suddenly the door she had created for herself closed, and although she could force her way out, it would cost almost as much as fighting. The three kept advancing, the bull meeting her head-on, while the elf and tredjer moved to her sides. As they were getting closer her body started to swell. Expecting to fight it out with the three she was going to transform into her larger body, and although it was nowhere near her original size it was still large enough to rip Draco's mind apart.

"Enough" a voice echoed through the space, sounding like Draco's but it was deeper, and sounded like gravel all at once. All four heads turned to the speaker who was currently waist-high in the mist. "I did not ask for your release to attack, I asked for guidance." instantly the Ice Elf turned its back on the target and walked towards him then passed through the spinning barrier. Then they started talking, only to the outside, it looked like they were simply standing there staring at her. Then at once, the three figures started moving all together to stand just outside the barrier. "I would be honored to make a contract with you on the terms that you would protect me as I evolve and I tell you how I can eat the bodies." the snake agreed and a window popped up.