Dragon's Coil

Again a fit of white-hot pain ran through his body when suddenly he heard Thanatos's voice. "YES!!! I was the best choice by far. You won't regret this. Now that your body is D-rank and a Draconic you are able to start absorbing my portion of the powers in our little trio."

Once more, windows started appearing in Draco's vision, however, the pains were getting worse so he couldn't open his eyes far enough to read them. "Anytime, don't rush, seeing as time in here moves differently, we will be here way longer than the outside world moves."

Draco knew he was trying to comfort him, but it made him know that the pain would last longer. After what felt like an hour the pain finally started to lessen, and he was able to look at the windows Thanatos had not so subtly been hinting he should take care of for the entire time.

You are a Draconic, Rejoice as you are now Lowest Royalty among creatures.

The Dragons were powerful creatures able to transform themselves into humans to hide. You have absorbed their ability to hide your Draconic qualities and look human.

Dragon scales are highly resistant to Mana-based attacks, you have absorbed their ability to resist Mana to a certain degree.

You have inherited the Dragon's impassive attitude towards violence and brutality. Allowing you to not feel remorse towards taking a life.

Draco looked at the window, which was saying he had received multiple abilities. "Shapeshifting?" "yeah! you will find out later, for right now you can pick an ability out of three from my powers. Pick something good!" Again windows appeared in front of Draco, so he started reading.

Description-By summoning the will of (Thanatos) you are able to mark targets for slaughter, allowing you to deal double physical damage to preselected targets.

Description-By summoning the will of (Thanatos) you are able to summon a Dragon's tail to materialize and wrap around a target, incapacitating them.

Description-By summoning the will of (Thanatos) you are able to produce a paralytic Venom from your teeth and claws.

Without even thinking about it, Draco picked Dragon's Coil. Although he thought the others were good, he had come across too many situations where he couldn't keep up with a target, or they were moving too much to get a clean kill.


Are you sure you would like to pick



New ability inherited

Dragon's Coil

Description-By summoning the will of (Thanatos) you are able to summon a Dragon's tail to mineralize and wrap around a target, incapacitating them.


Any target that's one rank above you will be able to cancel the cast onto them.


Range is 100 feet. The closer your level to the targets, the longer the target will be held.


If the target fights against the cast, the time held will deplete faster.

"Awe come on, you had a physical damage buff. What's your problem with getting soaked in blood? Huh?" Draco rolled his eyes as he was used to his behavior and reminded him of an impulsive child, albeit a psychotic mass-murdering child, but a child nonetheless. Draco asked if anything else was needed, and getting a no in response, he asked to be returned to the outside world and his vision went black again.

Draco woke up and felt instantly different. His body felt stronger, quicker. He stood up, testing out his new limits. He felt like he could take anything on and destroy it completely. Suddenly, the ground under him moved and he remembered he was still inside the giant snake. "I am awake," Draco called out, hearing his voice was again different. His voice now sounded more like Thanatos's voice.

He was about to pull up his stat sheet when suddenly he was moving through her body. Falling until he was thrown onto a lily pad, like a wet towel being thrown at a wall. He coughed up blood, losing 200 health from the impact alone. He looked up to find the snake towering over him as an ant would look at a skyscraper. Gulping down his nervousness as the full weight of the situation fell on him, he realized he couldn't take on anything in here and win.

"I can tell you how I am able to eat the bodies or I could demonstrate it, however, to demonstrate I would need a body to do so. And I don't think I'm able to take on any of the creatures in your Domain." The snake's head watched him for a long second before it shook its head and opened its mouth to the left of Draco, dropping something onto the lily pad. Draco walked over to it and saw chunks of black armor sitting in a pool of thick blue liquid.

Knowing what this was, he remembered the suggestion to Devour them by Sophos. Trying not to show his excitement, he started explaining that he would manifest Mana into a mist that would then devour the creature and give him the creature's essence. Once he had said that, he demonstrated Devour. 400 of his mana was taken to devour it, the snake watching the whole process without blinking once.

Two windows appeared, one he noticed was saying the contract was completed, and the other was telling him about the devour, so he acted like he didn't get anything besides the contract's update. Again the snake spit something out, this time it wasn't a Waterman corpse, but rather a leatherskin's. Draco looked at it, then looked at the snake with a questioning gaze. The snake's head nodded towards the body so Draco again devoured it.

This time it took 22 mana, again the body disappeared and Draco acted like he didn't see the window. The snake watched Draco devour both the bodies and waited for something to happen within his body. It noticed his mana get thicker, meaning he had risen in level, however, his body didn't change even a little bit. She didn't sense him get stronger or his agility rise nor his body or resistance.

It was almost like he was suppressing his stat increase. She knew the contract had ended, as she also got the window telling her it was complete, however, she decided to keep going, waiting for him to do something different, so she dropped a total of 29 Leatherskin bodies before he gave a noticeable reaction.