Devourer Of Toads (D)

Draco didn't know why she was dropping so many bodies so he just continued Devouring them, wanting to get the most out of her strange act of kindness. On the 31st body, another window appeared like the last. He quickly glanced making sure nothing was wrong, however, he saw red words on it so he took an extra second to read it, noticing he had gotten a Title for devouring so many Leatherskins.






Level up(X5)

New Title(x1)


Title gained

Devourer Of Toads (D)

Description-Devour will take less mana to cast on dead Leatherskin's.

The snake stared at him waiting for something to happen as he was reading what she could only guess was a window. After a few seconds, he looked up at her again. "I don't know why you are showing me this hospitality, but thank you." The snake understood that he was going to keep what he had just seen a secret.

she nodded her head and dived back into the water, disappearing to the bottom to fight the rest of the Slimes still currently doing damage to her insides. Draco moved back up to the trees area, getting to the ledge he had battled the Tredjer he made sure no monsters were around and started making himself a little closed-off area with his spider Threads. After that, he lay against the wall and went to bed. Draco awoke not feeling exhausted anymore and checked his stats.

Name-Draco lionheart


Title-Impaling sight





Strength-104 Wisdom-99

Agility-94 sense-87 vitality-94)


He noticed again that his stat per point was different again. His stat points give more health and mana than before. He wondered if that was the benefits of his race change again, seeing as that was the case when he changed to a high human. Draco, still inside his little room, started moving towards the wall. After getting to it he laid his hand on it and started to speak.

"Brutis you there buddy?" instantly the wall opened and Brutis came leaping out of the Gate, tackling Draco to the ground, successfully knocking the wind out of him as he berated his face with licks. "Have you been eating buddy?" Draco asked as he looked at Brutis's stats as he was handing him jerky and nearly choked on the jerky he himself was eating when he saw the difference in his window.

-Muscle mutt-






Strength-7 wisdom-8

Agility-10 vitality-8

He had leveled up eight times in the time he hadn't talked to him. "Woah, Brutis, where did you get those levels, buddy? Huh? Where did you get 'em." Draco said as he scratched the Muscle Mutt's neck. Brutis pulled away and went back over to the wall and opened a gate, walking into it and disappearing. however this time it stayed open.

Deciding he wanted to show him something, he went into it without a second thought. Instantly he was transported into a completely dark room. Draco couldn't see anything but he could hear water sloshing around. "Brutis, where are we buddy? I can't see." he took a step forward and heard a squishing sound. Instantly a small window appeared in his vision. Lighting a foot radius around him. He looked around first, noticing kickball-sized balls laying in large clumps around him. Draco looked up at the window to read it.


You have stepped on one of (???) eggs.

Draco's face paled as he put two and two together, realizing where he was. He stared at the eggs while talking in a low voice. "Brutis what have you done." seeing the eye appear, he quickly grabbed it and read what appeared.


Description- an egg from the ruler of this Domain. When (???) was out hunting. Something came in and stole her eggs. Without proper heat, this (???) egg has gone back to being dormant. In this state, they are completely helpless and easily killable.

He sighed in relief that Brutis hadn't been stealing right from her nest. Even so, Draco stopped moving, not wanting to hurt the eggs. He picked a clump of them up and tried putting them in his inventory. They disappeared from his hands and a corresponding item appeared in his inventory. Seeing that it wouldn't make them infertile when they entered his inventory he started putting all the eggs he could find into his inventory. After two hours of doing so, he had made sure to clear all the eggs from the little underwater room.

When he checked his inventory, it said he had over 8 hundred eggs, all mostly the size of a kickball. Brutis started whining after he told him he couldn't have any more eggs, leaving Brutis drooling and hovering the entire time Draco had been picking the eggs up. He laughed at his behavior, seeing how he must have been feeding himself with these eggs while getting stronger. Draco would have been mad too if his easy source of food and leveling was taken from him.

After that, Draco asked Brutis to create a gate back to where they had left. He heard a bark and walked over to it before he arrived back inside the small makeshift room. Quickly taking out his knife, he cut the Threading and walked out, Brutis standing to about a foot behind, as they had practiced. "Domain RULER" Draco's voice shifted midway through as he shouted.

A second went by and nothing happened, another second went by, and still no answer. Draco walked over to the edge and pulled out a single egg, lifting it into the sky for the whole Domain to see. Instantly the snake's head shot out of the water, coming within touching distance of Draco and the wall. Her fangs, which towered over him were bared at him. Flinching back at the sheer speed and suddenness of the snake, he spun, shielding the egg and Brutis from the snake.

Seeing that he had protected the egg and the creature behind him, (???) quickly yet slowly enough to not scare the little human any further, closed her mouth. After a second, Draco peeked over at her, noticing that she was no longer hissing at him, but rather looked to be assessing him "I am not the one who took them, however, I am the one trying to return them."

Draco turned back to Brutis. "Go back. And keep an eye out for more eggs." Brutis growled in protest but still did as he was commanded. After watching Brutis's gate close, Draco turned once more to look at the Domain ruler. "I have a little over 800, that was all I could find. If there was more I'm sorry but I didn't see them, I have Brutis keeping an eye out for more."


Domain ruler would like to speak with you
