High-grade Teleportation Scroll

Draco walked back into the Thread room, fixing the cut he had made in it before clicking yes as (???) went back into the water. He was transported back into the dark room where the snake already stood in its avatar. "Are you going to hold my eggs for ransom?" "No, they are your children. You can have them back. Simple as that."

The snake cocked its head at his reply almost like it didn't believe him. "If what you say is the truth, then I thank you. I must ask though, how did you find them?" Draco took a moment before answering. "Brutis, the Muscle Mutt that was behind me had found them. He took me to them and I took them all." The snake slightly nodded at his words. "Sadly there was an intruder into my Domain a while ago, they had stolen my only eggs and hid them from me somewhere I couldn't see."

"Why didn't you have other eggs?" "I can only create children once in my lifetime, it was a promise I made a long time ago in exchange for power." "I see, well I will hold true to my word, you can have the eggs free of charge." The three voices had been standing guard the whole conversation, never moving, nor ever speaking.

"You are a caretaker, are you not?" Draco didn't know where this was going so he was skeptical to answer. "I am." "You could have created an army to fight for you with those eggs, so why didn't you?" Draco thought about it for a moment before responding. "To feed one of you would be a nightmare, let alone 800"

She felt that he was only joking and that he had no plans to keep them, yet his answer made her laugh non the less. "Well I didn't start off like this, I wasn't even a creature that lived in water. My kids wouldn't be either if they ever grew up. But that's not important. Seeing as you have done me great kindness, I will repay it in kind. You may request something of me. It does not bother me what that something is as long as it's within my power."

Draco wasn't expecting something like this so he was blown away. He had just been told he could ask for a favor from a boss of an S-rank Door. After thinking long and hard he decided on a request. "Would you be able to make a door to the World Earth? It is where I'm from, and I would like to return there."

The snake didn't say anything for a second before it answered. "I don't see why not, however, you do realize that a Door is made to be passed through, by both sides. So for me to make a Door to your world would be asking me to invade it." Draco hadn't thought about this fact as he had been too excited, leaving him at a loss for words.

"Allow me to give you something instead. Take the items I give you." The snake stared at Draco until he nodded. Once he had nodded, the snake left his mind's darkness, quickly followed by Draco himself. Draco stood from where he had been laying before he walked out of the Threaded room, the snake surfacing after a minute.

The snake opened its mouth next to the ledge. Figuring what it wanted him to do, Draco deposited all the eggs into it. The snake feeling Draco had left its mouth gently closed it and went back into the water before coming back up and again opening its mouth, only this time to reveal three items.

Draco recognized the first one as being an Ability Core, an item that allowed normal Titleholders to get a new ability. Next was a scroll and lastly was an egg. Confused, he grabbed all three items and walked out of her mouth. She closed it and watched him as he looked at the items.

-Items gained-

S-rank ability core(x1)

High-grade Teleportation Scroll(x1)

Description- a scroll allowing the user to teleport anywhere they have previously been.


Can teleport more than one living organism. All targets for teleportation must be in contact with each other.

Fertilized egg(x1)

Draco's mouth opened at the sight of an S-rank ability core. However, he was also confused by the egg. "Are you giving the egg to me?" the snake bobbed its head before returning to the water.

Deciding to not waste time, he put all the items into his inventory besides the high-grade scroll. With thoughts of his mother rapidly flashing through his mind, he sent his mana into it and thought about Earth, particularly the front of his apartment building. Draco felt a large amount of mana leave him and blue lights started sizzling around him before he remembered he was forgetting someone.

"BRUTIS!" Instantly a Gate opened on the wall and Brutis came sprinting towards him. Draco reached out his hand, cursing himself for activating it instantly. His vision went pure white and his entire body felt like it had been suddenly ripped in every direction. The first thing Draco noticed was the noise that assaulted his ears. Draco looked up and around himself, finding he was in front of his building on earth.

Draco quickly looked down to find Brutis's muzzle had just touched his outstretched finger. Letting out the breath he was holding, he wrapt his arms around Brutis's body. He didn't know how long he had been hugging Brutis Before he was pulled back to reality by the sounds of people talking. "What is he doing?" "What a weirdo." "Is that a dog?" "isn't that a muscle mutt?" Suddenly, after that last person's comment, the people around him all started to buzz with chatter.

A ring of space was formed around him as more and more people noticed Brutis and what he was. "Go into the ground right below me, then just follow me." understanding what Draco was telling him to do, Brutis took multiple moments before he opened a gate under Draco's feet and fell into it, closing it behind him.

Draco stood as he spoke. "No need to fear everyone, that was my summon, due to me being teleported I summoned him out of fear. However, I have de-summoned him so we are all good here." people all around him started looking up at his Title in confusion. What they saw had no hints of it being a summoners Title. And some of them knew that to get that kind of Ability Core would be near impossible. Either way, after a minute most if not all had already moved on, deciding that it wasn't worth being late to arrive wherever they were heading.