
Draco walked up to the building's front door and knocked on it. He could hear a commotion inside before the door opened, showing his mother. Draco instantly noticed that she looked older, As if she had aged by 5 years. "Who is it?" when she saw Draco standing there, her eyes started looking over him in confusion. Draco tried to speak, but, the words came out as a whispered "Hi, mom. it's me, Draco."

"Draco?" his mother looked him over before settling back on his eyes. She must have noticed the one different eye because his mother's own eyes started watering before she wrapped her arms around him. She started to weep into his chest while repeating the same couple of lines over and over. "Where did you go?" "My baby boy." and, "You said you would come back"

Draco felt terrible that he had been gone for so, and he couldn't help repeatedly apologizing. Deciding that it wasn't good for people to watch them just weeping in the doorway, he ushered them into the apartment. The first thing Draco noticed was that it look exactly like the day he left, leading him to believe she had kept everything the way it was.

After crying for 20 minutes, Joice was able to talk coherently and started asking him where he had been and why he was gone for so long. Draco told her he had been trapped inside a Door when it closed and that he had managed to escape when the new Boss of the Door he was in connected to Earth. And then made his way back home to her.

Draco didn't want to lie to his mother, but if anyone found out about his abilities or that he was a creature, they would throw him in jail and throw away the key, and that was if he was lucky. After finally calming her down, they sat and ate together before they both went to bed. Draco had a hard time falling asleep, as he wasn't used to the constant noise outside his window.

Brutis must have noticed this because Draco suddenly felt his matrix dip heavily before a warm body that must have weighed 120 pounds laid across his lap before letting out a content sigh. "I'm glad you made it buddy," Draco said as he started to slowly rub behind Brutis's ear before they both fell asleep. Draco awoke to his mother's scream, jumping out of bed, effectively throwing Brutis clear across the tiny space he calls a room, while also bending the metal pipe with his forehead.

After accessing what was going on, Draco realized that his mother had peaked into his room to make sure he was okay and had seen Brutis lying on top of him. After Draco cleared the mix up he introduced Brutis to his mother and after an hour she was scratching his belly as he lay on the floor.

His mother decided to have a big celebration the next coming week and invite everyone in the neighborhood. Draco didn't really want to as being around people after all those months was making him jumpy. However, he decided to go along with it as his mother was very excited and he didn't want to stress her out as soon as he had come back. Once everything was cleared up and he had dressed, Draco decided to walk down to the Strikers exchange building.

He told the teller that he had a large amount to sell, and they sent him into a room like the one he was put in the last time he was there. Again they made him wait an hour before the same three people came into the room. The Rook, the Listener, and Toby. he took out all his Spinewebs, again receiving a reaction from the Rook, however this time he kept it in check. His facial expression giving away that he was feeling emotion.

Everyone in the room could feel that the lady was feeling extremely stressed, however, everyone acted as though they didn't notice anything. Draco decided on keeping 20 C-rank, the only D-rank, and 200 of the E-rank gems. He knew there were other things crafters could do with them if you asked and he only needed a small amount of money. The total amount came out to $553,600.

Once it would arrive in his account his total added up to $555,800. Draco's mouth nearly fell open at this amount and the Rook's face had turned a deep red as he held back from saying anything. Draco could tell the Rook was teetering on the edge, and all he would have to do is lightly tap him and he would happily dive off. Deciding not to anger Toby as he was indifferent about everything so far, he stayed his tongue.

Draco was escorted out to the main desks where they added the money to his account. He thanked Toby and the main desk lady and started walking out of the building back to his house. Again he felt someone following him, however, he didn't care. He was going to go home and seeing as he figured they worked for the Strikers association then they already knew where he lived. He first walked over to the Striker's main testing building to register that he had ranked up. He could stay as an F-rank, however, you weren't able to go into higher Doors unless you were ranked up.

He walked in and told the teller he was reassessing, to which she told him to fill out the sheet once more. Marking down the rank his window said, his Title, where he currently lived, his current age, which he found out from his mother before he left was now 20, his current height, and every other describing factor. When he handed the paper back to the lady, she quickly skimmed it before looking between it and Draco. "Sir, you said your hair color was only black, is the red artificial? And I also don't think your height is 5'4." The woman let out an annoyed sigh before standing from her chair and motioning for him to follow. "Come with me sir, we will give you a basic checkup seeing as I don't think you saw, or simply noticed the changes."