2¾ Rank.

The lady had looked Draco up and down with a judgmental and disgusted look. Turns out he had forgotten to change clothes, and while the water he was swimming through had cleaned away months of not showering, it did however have its own smell. The water succeeded in turning him into a greasy disgusting-smelling mess. The lady led him to a room that was three turns past the main desk. Confused, he walked into the room to find a single shower, a sink, a large mirror, and a power washer for his clothes.

The large machine had a slot in the side of it that accepted cards. He thanked the lady and walked inside, locking the door behind himself. He quickly shed his clothes, throwing them and all the other dirty clothes in his inventory into the machine before he paid for them to be deep cleaned. It weighed the load and then told him it would cost 100 dollars. Even though Draco knew it was overpriced, it was still a chance to clean all the clothes he had gotten dirty over those multiple months inside the Door.

Draco, after paying and pushing start, quickly walked into the walk-in shower positioned at the far corner from the door. He quickly noticed that his body was no longer the 'malnourished small guy' but now had muscle covering his entire body. He looked healthy. After cleaning himself he called for Brutis, so he could give him a cleaning too, however, after waiting a minute he had still not shown up.

Figuring it must be due to a Teleportation Blocker Orb which was why he probably wasn't able to create Gates into this building. Seeing that his clothes still had half an hour to wash, Draco grabbed a towel and tied it around his waist. He decided to go over to the mirror and take a look at himself. He noticed his once full black hair, now had bright almost neon red streaks through it. He touched it, finding that it was all real and it had the same feeling as his black hair.

After looking at himself in the mirror for another five minutes, simply soaking in the differences in his appearance and even talking to himself in the mirror to hear his new deeper voice. Draco sat against the wall and activated . He took a look at his current abilities, both active, and passive abilities with a keen eye, trying to figure out which ones could go and which should stay.


Enhance, Spider's Thread, Absorb, Devour, Predators Tracking, Predators Insight, Cloaking, Coagulation, Mend, Healer Hands(¾), Ogres Roar, Sprint, Ability Devour, Ability Absorb, Title Devour, Title Absorb, Lunge, Ice Cloak, Weapon Aura, Ice Spear, Mana Foot, Flash Step, Overwhelming Defensive, Mutt Tamer, Mini Ogre Tamer, Pet Home, Paralyzing prick, leap, shapeshifting, Dragon's Coil

Passive-Body Film, Passive Race trait-Red Hair, passive-Piercing Arrow, Passive race trait- Growth of the Mini Ogres, Passive race trait- Poison Resistance, Passive race trait- Cold Resistance, Passive race trait- Aging, Passive-Mana Breath, Passive-Ogre's Hunger, Passive- Mutt Hunger, Passive- Elf Hunger, Passive- Toad Hunger, Passive-Elf Synergy, Passive-Eggspearimenter, Passive-Skin Respiration, passive Race Trait-Mana Resistance, passive Race Trait-Dragons Brutality

Instantly Draco clicked on . Although it was a C-rank ability that would shoot up his vitality, he couldn't fathom the idea of his skin being slimy like that of a frog. Next, he started thinking. After a bit he decided on Leap, Flash Step, and Passive-Body Film. he selected to receive the essence from them. He clicked confirm and they all entered the middle, condensing into green mist before entering Mana Breath on the right.


Ability- has risen by 2¾rank.

Passive-Mana Breath

Description-Air has mana in it. You have learned how to breathe in the Mana to speed up your recovery.


Speeds up Mana recovery by 5 mana per minute


Current rank (D)

Draco left the darkroom to find his clothes had been washed and dried in the same machine. He took a pair of jogging pants and a baggy tank top, allowing him the free movement of his arms, and put them on before putting the rest of the clothes into his inventory. After a bit, he walked out of the room where a man took him to a different room.

In the room the man had Draco take his clothes back off and step onto a device in the corner. Once Draco was on the machine, it suddenly lit up and scanned his whole body before beeping and sounding out in an automated female voice. "Male. Weight, 175 lbs. Height 5'10. Healthy." Draco was shocked, he had gained a bunch of muscle, he knew that. But the height, he had grown 7' in the last year since he was gone.

After redressing again, He then walked out to the main desk by the lady once more and grabbed a new sheet of paper before filling it out with all the currently correct information. He handed it back to the lady and after a brief moment of her looking at the paper, she told him he could go sit down. Again it only took the man a minute to come out and call his name. Draco walked with the man and once more put his hands on the two hand holds.

The machine spiked, showing a dim D, before the machine beeped and it changed to a Bright E and stayed there. This time the checker looked flabbergasted. However, due to the machine never being wrong, he once more ushered Draco out of the building, personally looking that he got his new identification card. The card he received was the same card he got for being an F-rank, except the big bold letter on the card was showing an E instead.

He exchanged his old card for the new one and left the building. He walked over to the better side of the town and looked at all the apartments for rent. As he looked, he noticed a lot of the lowest ones were around 600k as a down payment, and you had to sign a lease for a year. After that, you still had to continuously pay 75,000 every month to stay in the apartment. However, that was for people not working for the S.A. Seeing as if you worked for the S.A, you were given a discount depending on your rank.

F-rank hunters got 5% off rent. E got 10% D30% C50% B70% A80%. While S-Rank Strikers were so rare they normally gave them whatever they wanted for free, as long as that ranker would clear 5 Doors for the strikers association of their choosing. This usually only happened in a worse-case emergency, seeing as the striker would get to keep all the Door's spoils free of charge. It was a safeguard they put into place in case there was a large-scale Door that needed to be cleared, which they couldn't clear themselves.

Draco did the math in his head and, to pay the monthly payment, he would have to kill and take around 113 E-rank Spinewebs just to pay his rent, and that was with the 10% discount strikers got. That was another reason people went and joined guilds. Normally higher ranked guilds would have apartment buildings where guild members could live for a low cost. That or if you were a promising candidate they would give you a house.

Draco decided that he couldn't comfortably afford one of these houses so he started to head back to the apartment. When he got home and opened his door, he instantly sensed someone talking to his mother, then he remembered the fancy car outside their house. He had been too busy thinking to tie it to anything.

Suddenly Draco's mind flashed back to the house and her dissing him to the man and how he was a burden to his mother. He tensed, wondering if he should just walk out and wait for her to leave. However, his mother had heard him come in and called out to him. "Draco? what took you so long?" "Yeah ma, just went sightseeing after running some errands."