Draco made his way to the shopping district. First, he looked for the jeweler section, where he sold his first storage ring for $2000 before selling the 4 E-rank hunters rings all together for a total of 50k. Draco knew the price he was given for the 4 rings individually was a lot lower than what the actual cost of an E-rank storage ring was worth by just looking at the rings all around the shop, however, he understood that they wouldn't buy them off him for the retail price because then they couldn't make money from them.

Draco showed the jeweler the two rings he kept, asking how much the two rings would cost to reshape. The man looked at the rings for a couple of minutes before replying. "I would say the 30 slot one would cost a little under 7k, while the 46 slots would cost around 16k." Draco nodded along as the man said this. "Are you able to make the changes here?" the man nodded. "We have a reforger in the back that could get both these rings finished in two days. Of course once provided with a description of what the customer would want them to look like, The time and price may vary."

Draco's mother was a crafter so he knew most of this stuff, as well as had a higher respect for merchants than most people, Strikers included. Draco described how he wanted the 30 slots ring to look, which earned a smile from the man behind the counter, then taking a little bit to think, he described how he wanted his to look. "Wonderful choices, sir. However, I have to warn you, if you would like that on the second ring, you will have to pay an extra 30k and it will take the Reforger a half-day more to complete, is that still alright with you?"

Draco agreed, much to the jeweler's pleasure. "Perfect, then you are able to pick the first one up in two days and the second in 2 and a half, or we can hold both until you come to pick them up." Draco agreed and walked out of the shop, taking a left from the shop and going deeper into the shopping district. He noticed a shoe shop, so he walked in and asked if they were able to reshape enchanted shoes.

They said yes, however when they saw the shoes had a built-in ability they offered to buy the shoes off him instead. Draco hesitated and they jumped the offered price even higher. "I don't know…" the teller looked at Draco, then the shoes. "62k, and we will throw in a pair of F-rank shoes of your choosing. With that much, you could buy yourself a low-rank storage ring, or a new weapon."

Draco wasn't an idiot, he knew that 62k wouldn't even be close to buying a half-decent E-rank weapon. He had been looking for weapons since he turned 18, so he knew how expensive they were. "I could use a weapon..." The man's smile dripped with greed before he quickly hid it behind a cough. "Okay, I will sell it." The man led Draco over to the F-rank shoes and he quickly scanned all of them. He found the one with the highest stat boost and chose it.

The selected shoes were bright yellow sneakers that weren't his size, however, they gave the wearer +5 to agility. Draco then gave the man the enchanted shoes while he received the money. He saw the money enter his bank account and thanked the man, before putting the shoes into his inventory and walking out. The man was too busy to notice Draco didn't have a storage ring to put the shoes into as he was currently running to the back to set up a buyer for the shoes.

Draco then walked to the shop with a weapon in the windows. "CUSTOMER!" a loud shout echoed almost as loud as the sound of a hammer slapping metal. The hammering stopped and a tall man built like a mountain walked out from behind a door. He must have been at least 6 and a half feet tall, muscles bulging out of a sweat-covered t-shirt. The man looked around the room and noticed Draco standing by the door just staring at him. "What can I do for you?"

The man's voice was gravely and deep but held an air of authority to it. Almost like he had led hundreds into battle before. "I'm looking to sell some weapons. And maybe buy a few if I find something that fits me." Draco held back the "sir" that was threatening to escape at the end of that sentence. The man, picking up on Draco's confused discomfort, suddenly smiled and looked to his right. Instantly Draco didn't feel the pressure to follow this man's orders.

Draco breathed out, realizing he had been holding his breath. "Sorry about that, it's an ability I forgot to cancel." Draco nodded and walked further in, looking around at all the weapons as he did. There were many different types, ranging from non-enchanted daggers and swords to D-rank weapons that just sat on wall mounts. However, when he looked at the price of the first D-rank weapon he saw, it read 970k. And that was what seemed like the worst one out of the current ones displayed.

"So what were you looking to sell? I will buy most things at a reasonable price, however anything over D-rank I will look at, but unless it's something truly special I will have to deny." Draco, figuring the man was all business, quickly took out 10 of the daggers, 3 of the bows, 2 of the clubs, and all the striker's weapons. The man's eyes widened at all the gear for a second before he spoke. "You collected quite a bunch haven't you?" "This is just to show you the quality of them. I have a total of 155 daggers of around the same quality, 100 bows, and 133 clubs."

The man's face went cold, and Draco recognized the look. He was crunching the numbers and slipping into full business mode. He instantly respected the man, as the other two showed their surprise and greed on their faces. It was a nice welcome to see someone who was heavily experienced in this sort of thing, even if it would cost him a large sum of money. "First I must ask, did you steal these items from someone?" The man motioned towards the Striker's weapons.

Draco responded instantly. "All the previous owners are dead." The man's face stayed neutral as he continued asking the questions. "Will I have people come looking for any of these items if I were to sell them?" This one gave Draco pause, figuring it best to tell the truth and not make enemies. He motioned for the man to look at the Striker's weapons. "These weapons are from P.K'ers, so I have no idea if they will be noticed by people."

The man nodded at him as he said that. The man knew that the weapons he pointed to were used by different strikers, while the other ones were from the Doors, simply because of the Mana signatures on the weapons. However for the boy to tell him this was surprising. The man would have ended the transaction if he had lied, however, the boy told him they were from people, in turn, jeopardizing the sale all on his own.