7 Figures

Although it wasn't illegal to sell dead Strikers' items, it was frowned upon, and the family of the Striker's item could cause a huge headache if they were to find out and bring trouble to this merchant's door. "Alright, well how about we go into my warehouse and check all of the weapons out, is that alright with you?" Draco nodded, putting all the items back into his inventory before following the mountain of a man past the Door.

They entered a medium-sized smithy, before going past it into a hallway, then they took another left into a wide-open room. It only had a small one-person desk in the corner. Draco figured this must be spatial magic, seeing as the outside of the building was only big enough to hold the main shop and the smithy at most. He knew Ruth had been looking into something like this, however, for anything bigger than a single room it went into the high millions, even going into the billions for a larger area. That, and she simply wouldn't pay for it, seeing as the enchantment would have to be recast every few years.

The fact that he had this meant he was either rich or had powerful friends. The man walked in and motioned to the floor, "just drop everything here, I will examine everything as you watch. Any questions?" Draco shook his head and proceeded to drop all the items he wanted to sell onto the floor. The man was impressed, he knew to have this many items, he had to take them off their dead bodies.

It took 2 hours for the man to inspect each item, however, Draco never complained, nor did the man. All the while the man was writing on a little notepad that was on the table. After everything was done the man looked up at Draco and smiled. "Well, that was one of the larger orders I've gotten in a while." Draco returned the smile as he spoke. "Does that mean you're willing to do business?"

The man laughed from his belly as he liked the boy's directness. "I'm willing to do business, however, regarding the Striker's weapons. I will buy them but only at a discounted price." Draco thought it fair so he nodded his agreeance. "And I don't want the mage's staff, I have no use for it." Draco returned the Strikers mage staff to his inventory while the man named the price for all the weapons.

"So getting down to business, the 155 E-rank Daggers, they are of good quality. Their craftsmanship of them is not at all bad for the rank they are. However, I don't know what enchantments are on them or if they even have enchantments. That plus the fact that I will have to get a weapon appraiser to come in and check for enchantments. I am willing to pay 76k for every 10 daggers, which would come out to be $1,216,000.

"Now for the bows, same deal, seeing as I don't know which enchantments are on them, I will have to cut the price. Also, the demand for bows is not that high, so taking that into consideration I would say id pay $30k for every 5 bows. Which would come out to be $600,000. The clubs are a different story, seeing as they are made out of wood, they are too large for most Strikers to use, not to mention that they are blunt attack weapons, and again I don't know which enchantments are on them, id say id buy the whole 133 of them for the 90k."

Draco listened as he talked. He knew the man was taking into consideration what he would have to pay for the weapons after buying them, so he understood the man's numbers. So he didn't show surprise on his face, however, what the man didn't know was when he heard about the million dollars, he was satisfied. Draco hadn't attacked the monsters, he had only reaped the benefits. "Id says for the striker weapons I would give 39k for each, excluding the wand."

The man had been watching Draco out of the corner of his eye the entire time he listed out the prices, so he watched Draco try, and fail as his eyes glazed over when he said one million. He realized this kid had probably not grown up in a richer house. Because he would have realized that he could have gotten 7 figures for the Daggers alone if he would have commissioned a weapon appraiser that was paid by the day rather than the number of items.

Draco agreed to the deal and the money was sent to his bank account. He looked at the sum and saw $3,197,900 in the account. Draco did a little happy dance as he looked at it, suddenly stopping and looking at the blacksmith, who currently had his arms folded over his chest, and was smiling at Draco's display of pleasure. Draco's face started to flush so he finished up the transaction and headed out of the shop. He found the next shop he was looking for. It had the symbol of a chest plate on it. He walked in and found it was rather packed with people looking all over the shop and its items.

"Welcome new customer, may I direct you to a certain type of armor that you would like to browse?" The man got right up to Draco's face as he talked, which should have weirded Draco out, suddenly, however, he wanted to talk to this man, wanted to buy things from him simply because he was showing him attention. Draco suddenly felt a stinging pain on his right wrist, causing him to look down and find a small set of teeth marks on his skin.

Draco suddenly realized that he again thought the man being that close was creepy. 'Does the man have some sort of ability to persuade people?' Draco quickly back peddled and walked out of the store, which earned him a glare from the man. 'Thanks, guys.' He decided to take his clothing-type items to Ruth first, seeing how she probably had connections to other cloth sellers. Figuring she would know where he could go to not be scammed into wasting all his money.