
Draco continued looking at all of the shops when he noticed a magic items shop. Wanting to sell the two staffs he acquired he quickly walked in. It was sort of like the Blacksmiths shop, in the sense that there were a bunch of items on the walls, however this time it was staffs and wands that were on the wall, instead of daggers and axes.

He inspected one, finding it was an F-rank wand that allowed the user to cast a spell 2% faster. He looked at the price and honestly wasn't surprised. It cost $90k. He kept looking when suddenly he felt something lightly touch his back, while a quiet voice behind him spoke. "Can I help you find anything, dear customer?" Draco nearly screamed as he spun. He looked down to find a little old lady who couldn't be taller than 4'5.

Draco bent over, clutching his heart. He wasn't expecting that at all. He didn't even sense her before she openly talked. He gave an involuntary shudder before standing back up, putting on a smile, and speaking. "I was wondering if I could sell mage-specific items here?" the lady's left eyebrow lifted while she looked up at his Title, then she looked back at him.

"We do buy magical items here, however, be warned, I will not take hostility in my shop. Is that understood?" The air-dropped multiple degrees when she said that last part, making all the windows around the room coat with frost. Once more in the last 2 minutes, Draco shuttered. "You need not worry ma'am, I wouldn't risk breaking these items, that would be a waste." "Hmph." The lady slowly walked over to and then behind the counter at the far back of the room, opposite the Door. "Show me what you would like to sell before I kick you out for loitering."

Draco quickly walked over to the counter and pulled out both the healer's staff and the elf's staff. The lady instantly recognized the Ranks of the two items, then after taking a second to inspect them, she saw that one was held by a striker and one by a Creature. She looked up at Draco and her eyes narrowed. Suddenly Draco felt something weird happening to his mind, almost like someone was trying to invade it.

Draco pushed against it only to find the three were not helping him. Taking it as they wanted to let it in, Draco stopped resisting and allowed the foreign force to invade his mind. He felt the force go after his memories, however, he also felt the three nudging and guiding the force away from seeing anything important. It was going back before it suddenly stopped on the memory of him attacking the remaining Strikers.

"You traitor" echoed in his head, then as it was about to pull out the three suddenly latched onto the force, Pulling it farther back inside his mind, to find when they first arrived inside the Door. The three made it watch the group of 10 all come together to threaten the 5 stragglers into giving them their food, under the pretense that they were hungry. After that, the force stayed, no longer resisting.

It continued watching when the man was beheaded, and the promise to use the healer. When the force saw the girl's body and the damage done to her, it swelled. It only started settling down after watching Draco kill and abduct the group. Only after each one was shown dead and decapitated at the end did the force suddenly pull out of his head, leaving so fast that it caused Draco's mind to spin.

Draco rapidly blinked, only to find the room he was just standing in covered in ice, only he and the lady remaining untouched. He looked over at the lady to see she was currently looking into his eyes. Hers was no longer squinted. "I see. Well then, onto business shall we." the lady blinked, looking at both staff. "the D-rank staff looks to have a built-in affinity, that's rather rare. It also has a built-in ability called Shatter... Hmm, I haven't seen that one before. Follow me, boy."

The older lady gestured for Draco to follow her into the door that was behind her desk. 'I'm noticing a trend here, I would have hated to follow the clothing guy into the back…' Draco visibly cringed at that thought.

The lady led Draco into a small target range, where she held out the D-rank staff and activated Shatter, only for nothing to happen. "Now that is strange, I felt the mana leave to activate the spell, it should have gone off." The lady held the staff up and out twice more, and still, nothing happened. Draco, worried that she might think it is a fake, quickly checked the description of the ability. His face went deathly pale. "Maybe you have to speak to activate the spell?" the old lady mumbled.

The lady was about to raise the staff and speak the word when Draco yelled out. "DONT." The lady turned, looking at him with a questioning look. "Don't cast it again. Please." thinking the boy may know how to activate the ability, she lowered the staff, letting it hang horizontally at her side, "Do you know how to activate the spell?" Draco wondered if he should tell her, which could give away his abilities, however, he was more scared of her activating it again without knowing about the ability than revealing the three.