Option 3

"Don't let it hit the ground." the lady looked at the staff then back at him. "Go on." Draco gulped down a breath before continuing. "First, you have charged it three times, and I'm pretty sure the staff will implode in on itself if you do it again." The lady's eyes widened a bit before looking at the staff and staring at it. "Mana Surge." Draco nodded as he had heard the term before.

Similar to Striker Pulse, when a bunch of Mana gets trapped it will start to fill whatever it's trapped in. and like a balloon being filled with water, once there's no more room for the Mana to stay, it will force itself outward. The only difference between the balloon and something like this is was the balloon will explode making everything wet, whereas the item will explode and take everything in a certain radius with it.

"First, do you have an ice spell? Something that can be shot forward?" the lady nodded over at Draco as she continued to stare at the staff in what could only be considered fascination-fueled horror. "Perfect, now shoot the ice spell forward, and let it embed in something, then when it's still embedded in the target, picture the ice detonated like a bomb. Then, as you picture that, slam the staff to the ground.

"however be warned, unless guided, the resulting effect will hit in an A.O.E, so I'd suggest willing it to go towards the target." Draco slowly backed up behind the lady. She looked over at him before nodding once more and then mumbled something, suddenly an ice spear the size of the spear Findor had used went hurtling towards the targets. When it got embedded in the target she slammed the staff into the ground.

As soon as the staff hit the ground a lightning bolt of frost traveled across the floor, before connecting itself to the end of the spear. In less than a second, the spear detonated. The target was ripped to shreds and the back wall, which was made out of pure white marble suddenly had hundreds of fist-sized ice shards embedded in it.

Draco was relieved that she was able to guide it away from the aoe part of it. "W-would you mind if I did it again?" the lady's face was in pure awe. Draco checked out the staff, finding it was fine. "Unfortunately it has a cooldown of an hour. However, know that the cooldown isn't enforced but rather the further use of the spell will chip away at the ability intertwined with the staff. As you can see the staff is now a subtle red, when the ability is able to be used again the staff will turn back to its wooden color."

The shop owner seemed dismayed, but the look of excitement later covered her face. "Ehm. I think that's demonstration enough, don't you?" Draco nodded and followed her out to her main shop. "Now then, back to business. the E-rank staff, I'll pay 59 thousand for it. While the D-rank staff is another conversation entirely. I figured you saw my interest so there is some bargaining to be done. I can offer 3 things.

"1. The original sum of money which would come out to a little more than 17 million." Draco felt his stomach drop at that large sum of money. He bit his tongue, so as not to blurt he would take it. He knew that if he was being given three options then that means she believes the other two options are equal or more valuable than the first. Not to mention it's most likely a test to see if he would be blinded by greed and instantly take the cash.

She watched as his thoughts visibly raced across his face. She expected him to take it, however when the muscle tightened in his jaw and all the decisions stopped racing across his face, only leaving curiosity and determination there, she couldn't help but smile. 'So you are also smart, interesting, interesting indeed.' She waited five whole minutes but still, he didn't budge, but rather he had a look of pure determination on his face.

"Know that once I move onto option 2, option 1 is off the table. Also if you want to know the other two you have to sell the staff to me, no matter which one you pick, the staff is mine." This time, Draco did crack, only a little, however, he flinched and the resolve returned stronger than ever. "So be it, option two is I will pay you 11 million for the staff." Again he started to crack but stayed calm for the moment.

'Now isn't this interesting.' "That's 6 million lost. Would you like to know number three?'' She thought he would cave but once more he flinched and he stole his resolve. Draco slowly nodded but the lady wasn't having it. "Say it with your words." Draco opened his mouth, shut it, then opened it again. "What is option 3?" the lady smiled a broad smile and appeared beside Draco on the other side of the counter before both of them disappeared.