
Draco awoke to stand in the dark room. He felt the mana leave his body, the tell-tale sign that the three were going to appear. And sure enough, first, it was the Scout to appear, then the Elf Royal. And lastly Ann. he figured they wanted to talk seeing they had pulled him in here when he was asleep. "Everything okay?" "No, there is someone that keeps appearing in your room as you sleep."

"We have been using your senses to watch, however seeing as they haven't done anything but stand there, we thought it might be your mother. However, the way they are arriving is strange. They suddenly appear, then instantly disappear when they leave." Draco was thrown off by this. "Why couldn't I sense them when they arrived?" "we don't know, we're thinking they are somehow hiding from you, and seeing as they don't know about us it's not affecting us."

"So an ability that allows them to hide from a targeted person? Okay, so what do you three think I should do?" It went quiet for a second before Sophos spoke again. "Honestly they haven't done anything so my guess is they aren't trying to hurt you. Also, it's not the female that's been following us everywhere either. She is terrible at stealth while this person only got noticed because we are here."

Draco couldn't help letting out a breathy laugh at that remark about his tail. She WAS rather atrocious at stealth. "Alright, thank you for the heads up, I'll keep my eyes out." Draco was about to leave the Darkroom to see if he could catch whoever it was, however, Thanatos started yelling at him. "Also, would you please switch into your true form? I get your trying to blend in and all that, however from what you have been thinking I don't even think you remember."

Draco was confused at that. "What d-" Draco was cut off by Thanatos yelling once more. "Cast shapeshift you, idiot." The Elf slapped the scout after he said that. Draco thought about it, and Thanatos was right. He hadn't even thought about that ability after getting Dragons coil. Which was also an ability he had to test out. "Fine. is there anything I should worry about?" Thanatos, now rubbing the back of his head, lightly laughed and said. "Just do it."

Draco rolled his eyes and exited the black space. His eyes shot open and he searched around with his sense, still feeling nothing there. 'Nip somewhere under my clothes if they are still here?' Draco thought inwardly and instantly he got three small bites on his shin. Draco, trying to act normal, started rubbing Brutis before he started to slowly get up. After standing up he quickly cast a look around the room, not finding anything he again thought inwardly.

'Bite my left shin if they leave, bite my right if they follow me.' Draco walked to the bathroom and lightly knocked, hearing no one respond he walked in and shut the door before taking a pee. He didn't feel anything so he guessed they had at least not followed him into the bathroom. After washing his hands he walked out. Instantly his right shin was bitten, meaning they were still there and had followed him out of his room.

That also meant that they were 100% invisible to him without the three helping him. Trying not to make it obvious that he knew someone was there he kept a groggy look on his face as he walked back over to his room. He started pulling his pants and underwear down when he got a bite to the left shin. He pulled them up and fell into bed. 'Doesn't want to watch me strip.'

Draco again started to fall asleep while the three all had something to add to his move. "What if he was suddenly attacked? His pants would have been down." Thanatos and Sophos took different approaches to what just happened. "Can you imagine what he would do if they stayed?" Thanatos let out a laugh at the thought. Sophos however, saw the problem with this. "So they aren't watching his every move, just looking in on him sometimes. Plus they have always left after a couple of seconds, a minute at the most. So following him out of his room is cause for concern."

Draco awoke the next morning and just laid in bed for an hour. He knew he had a lot to do, however, he didn't know where to start. Letting out a sigh he got up. He decided he wanted to go hunting with Brutis. Draco put on a pair of cargo pants and a tank top before heading out the door. He told his mom he was going to be out for a while and to not wait for him. After looking around for any fields besides Thread Forest, he came up with nothing.

Figuring he was different now he decided that it would be alright to go back there for some hunting. Especially as it was considered an F/E rank field so he should have no problems. Draco caught a taxi and he was on his way to the field. When he arrived back at the main gate of the Field he noticed it was a different officer than the previous one signing people in. this time when he went through the person just nodded and allowed him to enter.

Draco started running in as his usual tail followed behind. A man with a scar on his face walked out and faced the man signing people in. "Mark that boy down with a Question mark.'' the man nodded and put a question mark next to the name. Draco again ran a mile into the forest, however, he went more to the right this time, seeing as he didn't want to end up in that clearing again if he could help it.

Draco knew the tail was following him, however, he didn't mind seeing as he was here to level up Brutis, not himself. After 20 minutes of running, he noticed the sounds of battle happening. He activated Cloaking and sped off in the direction of the fighting. Brutis could still smell him so he didn't have an issue following him, however, this event caught his tail off guard. She hadn't received any reports of him having or buying an ability that allowed him to go invisible. She was about to give up when she heard the fighting for herself, figuring it was why he hid she started heading for it.