Snatch And Grab

Draco felt the tail start falling behind so he knew she couldn't track him while he was Cloaked, which he found to be rather amusing. He made it to where the sound was coming from and found a larger version of the first battle he had witnessed unfolding in front of him. However, instead of ten goblins facing off against one spider, it almost seemed like a village of Goblins was being invaded by a bunch of spiders. Draco quickly counted, finding that twenty-three Goblins were facing five large spiders. He quickly checked the levels of both parties and was impressed by what he saw.

Goblin Grunt



strength-24 wisdom-21

Agility-23 vitality-11

Description-A bipedal monster from the world Arknis. They have low wisdom. Bloodthirsty by nature they are hunters of anything in their weight class. Due to coming out of the shattered Door they are out of range of their leaders' sway and have reverted to their savage ways. Due to more than 5 goblins in one pack the race trait has been activated.




strength-35 wisdom-12

Agility-27 vitality-30

Description-A creature that walks on eight legs from the world Ethren. The barbs on its legs allow this creature to walk on walls. Spiderlings have adapted to being awake during the day to keep their nocturnal brothers and sisters safe.

Draco was rather impressed with their average stats. From the last time he had seen these two types of monsters they had been at the bottom of the F-rank spectrum, now they were close to being a third way through E-rank. Draco got excited and couldn't watch anymore. "Brutis, we are targeting the spiderlings first. I want you to assist when I give you the signal, then duck back into a Gate after one attack. You are too weak compared to these creatures, meaning you can't get hit. Is that understood?"

Draco watched as a Gate opened and closed once, meaning he understood. "Perfect, we will be taking on whichever gets pushed away from the group. Remember, watch out for Goblins. Their wisdom will be high enough to be thinking logically." Draco was watching for an opening, while the tail had caught up to them and heard the end portion of that one-sided talk. She was confused but was content with doing her job and only observing.

Draco took off running, knowing Brutis could follow him while Cloaking was cast. He ran around an intense battle going on between nine Goblins and two large Spiderlings. He slid under another spiderling as it charged at another group of Goblins fighting the fourth Spiderling. However, Draco wasn't currently interested in any of that. What he was running towards was the singular Spiderling fighting off five Goblins.

Although it was doing alright, it was taking as much damage as it was dishing out. Draco leaped high into the air, taking out his knife and changing it to the Honshu War Sword. Draco aimed it downward and fell like a meteorite. The blade slid into the middle of the fused head and thorax with a wet sound. The Spiderling let out a guttural sound, calling attention to it from the other four spiders.

Instantly two of the spiders broke off combat with their Goblin enemies and started to run over to the injured Spiderling. Draco pulled the sword out of the spider and slammed it again down into its thorax before switching it into the knife and jumping away from its back. Draco stood back and watched the two spiders run over to its now heavily wounded comrade. Draco talked just loud enough to be heard in a foot radius. "Try picking off some of the single Goblins."

After less than a second Draco watched as a Gate opened right behind the last Goblin chasing after the two spiders. Brutis leaped from the Gate, teeth bared, tackling the Goblin into another Gate he had created below them, both vanishing. Draco looked around to find that they were about fifty feet away from the current fight. Brutis was viciously biting at the Goblin. After a minute the Goblin stopped moving and Brutis took the Goblin in its teeth and jumped into another Gate, appearing next to Draco the next second.

He laid it down at his feet and bowed his head. "We are here for you, do whatever you have to do to get stronger." Brutis looked up at him, then bowed once more before he started to viciously eat the dead Goblin laying there. "After you're finished we will go again, if you find Goblins that can be picked off like you just did then you have my permission to continue attacking them."

without waiting for confirmation Draco started running towards the group of nine fighting the two spiders. The female tail watched as the teleporting dog continued its snatch and grab method of hunting. And occasionally a spider would shriek, or a limb would suddenly be cut off the spiders. The spider that was alone in the beginning was the first to fall. One of the Goblins had thrown a wooden spear that impaled its eye before it fell. Its legs kept moving, almost like it was trying, and failing to stand. But as soon as it fell the Goblins surged on it and berated it with blows.

After it was dead the Goblins instantly went back to fighting the two spiders. Although the Goblins had numbers, the spiders looked like they were going to win with sheer force alone. However, just when she was positive the Goblins were going to lose, something unexpected happened.

Draco had been slicing off limbs here and there or cutting into the underbellies of the spiders when they were focusing on the Goblins. However, when he took a second to look over and see how Brutis was doing he noticed something odd. A lone Goblin was standing between the two groups with its hands together like it was holding an imaginary ball. Then suddenly there was a bright light that flashed into existence between its palms.

Draco was dumbfounded at what he was seeing. This little Goblin was currently casting a fire spell between its palms, which was unheard of. Seeing as a Goblin's wisdom was that of a child at best, it was believed that they were incapable of even knowing about magic and Mana, however here was a Goblin that just suddenly threw down its weapon and started casting. Draco instantly inspected the little green Mage.