
The world once more appeared in Draco's eyes, only this time they weren't clouded by the overwhelming fear of this creature. No longer was there a shred of doubt that he could beat it, or that he could die if he made one wrong move. Now all that remained was a cold and calculating calm.

The beast whipped its arm around. Draco ducked, and the beast's arm sailed over his head. Draco turned into the beast's now exposed mouth, which was open and moving towards him. He cast , sending two spears hurtling into the beast's throat. Not allowing the dark black blood that sprayed out of its now cut-throat to slow him down as he slid under the arm, which was holding it up, and sliced across where the tendon would be for the human hand.

Draco was moving like a dancer, coming close to death on multiple occasions but avoiding it with the slightest of movements, like he had done this dozens, if not millions of times. The Bronchorn didn't know what had changed but it didn't matter, it had gotten two hits onto the quick little creature and it was confident it would land more until it was no longer flying around it like an annoying fly.

Draco ducked as the creature instinctively lifted its arm off the ground to try and catch the bug, only for it to fall forward before catching itself with its left arm. Draco leaped up onto the back of the creature and slammed his blade down into the creature's now exposed wound. The blade slid down to the hilt and he changed the blade to the sword, then back again before pulling it out and using the creature's back as a launchpad to get to the ground faster.

The creature once more opened its mouth and roared before it reached onto its back and grabbed a spear that had been attached to its chest piece. Not giving it more time to prepare Draco activated and hurtled towards the beast's knee once more. Only to have the blade clash into the shaft of the spear. Not wasting the momentum Draco grabbed onto the spear's shaft and used it to swing himself under and between the creature's two legs.

Sliding to a stop just underneath the creature's chest Draco slashed upward, again the blade didn't penetrate. The beast used its arms and pushed itself onto its one good leg, standing straight up and swinging the spear in a wide, low arch. Draco jumped to avoid the spear, only to have the beast's right-hand grasp onto his neck and instantly start squeezing. Draco started viciously slicing at the wrist he had hit before.

As he did the creature dared open its mouth, only this time it kept it facing to a sky, only for a snaking tongue to go flying up then down towards Draco. Draco finally managed to cut a hole into the creature's wrist and instantly activated , slamming his wrist into the open wound. The tongue slammed into Draco and he sliced at it, however, the creature knew to protect the tongue and pulled it back.

It must have thought to just squeeze him to death as it continued to tighten his grip. Draco felt one of his ribs break. He went to let out a scream only for there to be no air in his lungs. Just when it felt like he was going to die the beast's arm suddenly went limp and fell. Its fist loosened enough for Draco to push himself out and jump away from it. Draco watched as the beast started falling backward. It corrected itself by doing a rough hop and instead fell forward, only to brace itself with its left and fall due to both its supporting joints being on the same side.

It let out a roar and Draco fired 3 Fireballs into the open mouth. 2 entered its mouth before it closed it, the last one hitting leather and not doing any damage. The mouth opened just enough to allow the snaking tongue to leave and go hurling towards Draco. Sidestepping and slicing down with his blade, the tongue's end was sliced off. The creature let out a roar of pain. Only this time it kept its mouth shut due to learning Draco liked to attack the inside of its mouth.

Draco sprinted in and started slashing the beast. It would swing its spear around or kick out with its leg, however, Draco avoided every failed attempt and continued attacking the creature, then slapping his spikes into those same wounds. After a minute the only thing that was still moving on the creature was the holes on its chest. Which were closing and opening steadily, making Draco assume they were how it breathed when its mouth was open. He continued to stab at it until finally, the creature stopped breathing. As soon as the creature was dead, the cool calm seeped out of Draco, leaving him feeling physically and mentally weak. Draco dropped to one knee panting, the effects of his battle hitting him all at once.