
Inside Draco's mind, Thanatos was ecstatic. "Wow, that was intense. Who would have guessed he would subconsciously merge our two minds together to fight. On that note, i wasn't even aware he could do that. Awesome." Both Pride and Sophos were also impressed at what he had accomplished.

"The closest he got to something like that was when he killed for the first time, and a fraction of that when he cut the legs off that hunter." "I'm going to claim that as my kill." Sophos and Pride rolled their eyes before they each let out a breathy laugh. Draco tried and succeeded in putting the Bronchorn body into his inventory, much to the girl's surprise. Normally seeing as Storage Rings didn't have enough space to hold a body that large unless they were of the highest Rank, so for the guy in front of her to be able to just up and make one vanish was suspicious.

After deactivating and , seeing as they took mana to keep cast, Draco rushed back to Brutis and made sure he was still alive. He then put all the bodies into his inventory which he had no idea he could do until just a minute ago before he lifted Brutis onto his shoulder and made sure he could grab onto the tree. Finding that with his current strength his fingers could dig into the wood and that he could slam his shoes into it to make a foothold, he activated and jumped straight up.

Draco soared upward a hundred feet before he reached out with his right hand and took a handful of the tree. He started falling and used the momentum and his strength to slam his feet into the tree. He was now at least a hundred feet above the ground and hanging from a tree. He looked at Brutis and grabbed the eye, finding he still had five hours and fifteen minutes. Which meant he had spent 17 minutes fighting off that Bronchhorn and ended up using close to half his mana and almost lost half of his health.

Not to mention he could feel that his rib was currently pushing into his lunge and was threatening to puncture it if he kept moving. Meaning his body was a ticking time bomb. "This forest hates me." Draco couldn't help but say before he lightly laughed, coughing and wincing as he did. He activated before looking at his stats window as his eyes were getting sleepy. He read and noticed why he felt tired.

Name-Draco lionheart


Title-Impaling sight





Strength-103 Wisdom-98

Agility-92 sense-86 vitality-93


Draco was about to put points into his stats when it suddenly jumped up to 100. Draco's eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep. The three noticed this and manifested, biting parts of his muscles, allowing him to continue to hold the tree and Brutis as he fell asleep. As Draco was asleep he had a dream about a brown-haired girl that he swore he recognized, looking over at his face before shaking her head and disappearing.

Draco woke with a start, only to find it was bright and he was in the same position he had fallen asleep in. He moved around, testing out his body. Draco found that his rib no longer hurt. And that Brutis was no longer on his shoulder. Getting a little worried he quickly spoke. "Brutis, are you here buddy?" Almost instantly a Gate opened next to him and Draco let out a deep sigh of relief. "Let's go home, buddy."

The Gate closed and opened again and Draco hopped into it appearing 400 feet off from the main wall Doors. Draco thanked Brutis and started walking towards the doors where he was greeted by the man he had seen the day before. A man with a scar walked out of the little building and was noticeable looking over Draco as if looking for someone. 'Is he wondering where I put the bodies?' After a minute he felt bad for leaving his tail in the forest, however, Draco decided that she should be fine.

Draco took a cab home and went right to his room. He shut the door and started piling all the bodies he had gotten from the field onto the floor, almost instantly the room was filled from top to bottom. Draco decided to save the spiderling bodies and the Bronchorn body, seeing as they were too large for his room. "You can eat, however, don't make a big mess."

A Gate opened as a sign of understanding so he walked out of his bedroom and closed the door behind himself. He could hear the sounds of Brutis scarfing down the bodies as he left, so he knew he was doing what he asked. Before he headed out he checked out the key he had been given by the Ice Queen. It was an old-fashioned skeleton key, the keys handle came together in the middle to then curl out and then in on themself in the shape of a scale. It reminded him of the scale lady justice held, which reminded him of the merchants guild's logo. It wasn't until he took another look at it that he realized it Was the logo of the merchants guild.