Chapter 8: Life in the Burrow (Edited)

Ivan couldn't buy much, as there was no way to transport everything, but there were orders in the stores until he ran out of all the galleons he had in his pocket, which would be delivered to Hogwarts once school started.

By the time they returned to the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, it was nearing dusk.

After saying goodbye to their parents, Ivan, Harry and the Weasley family used flu powder to travel to the Burrow, while the Mason and Granger families went home by bus and car. Mr. Weasley was tempted to follow them to see what a bus station looked like, but after seeing Mrs. Weasley's expression, he had to dispel the idea.

As it was Ivan's first time using the flu dust, he choked on the ashes, then felt dizzy once he reached the Burrow, Ivan saw Harry's face and knew they both felt the same.

Once Ivan emerged from the fireplace, he looked around curiously.

It was finally his first visit to a wizarding home.

The kitchen was small and crowded, but it had a clean wooden table with chairs. On the wall hung a clock, instead of times on the clock face were a series of places, including "home", "school", "work", "travel", "order", "hospital", "prison" and "mortal danger", as well as more cheerful activities such as "time to make tea", "time to feed the chickens" and "you're late".

Next to the fireplace was a large mirror.

Ivan had just walked past it, and the mirror suddenly shouted, "Tuck your shirt into your trouser belt, scruffy!"

Above the mirror was a shelf with three tiers of books, including "Charm Your Own Cheese", "Charm in the Oven", "One Minute Party - It's Magic!", and many more, all of which were magical books for household chores, and not far away, next to the sink, was an antique radio.

Mrs. Weasley came out of the fireplace and said" All right, boys, go back to your room and put your things away."

Then Mrs. Weasley looked at Fred and George and said, "And especially you two, don't bother me while I'm making dinner."

Fred said, "Yes, Mum! We'll be quiet in our room!"

George continued, "Like a house elf!"

The twins ran out of the kitchen laughing, and behind them Percy and Ginny followed with their belongings.

Ron escorted Harry and Ivan and said, "Come on, I'll show you my room."

The three of them walked up the narrow staircase.

The staircase twisted and turned, the second floor of the staircase had an adjacent door, Percy was sitting at his desk, with his newly purchased pen, and not far from him was a beautiful brown owl.

Ron looked at the new owl and said, "It's Percy's new owl that Mum and Dad bought him for doing so well in his O.W.L.L.'s, but he refused to lend it to me, in fact, he's been very strange this summer, he's been getting a lot of letters."

Ivan said, "That's not strange at all, your brother probably has a girlfriend!"

Ron cried out in shock when he heard Ivan's words, "Oh my God!"

But then Ron came to his senses and said, "But it's Percy, who would date him? I mean... of course, he's ambitious, he always has a plan, he wants to be Minister of Magic, but... I think I'll tell Fred and George and see what they think about it."

Ivan was speechless at Ron's response and said quickly, "Don't get too excited, it's just a guess."

When the three of them reached the third floor, Ivan glanced up at a pair of glowing brown eyes watching them, but the next moment, the door slammed shut.

Ron said, "It's Ginny."

Ron then looked astonished and said, "That's amazing, her door never closes."

Ivan smiled and said, "Obviously, she saw Harry, and got a little shy."

Ivan looked at the door and pondered how to get Tom Riddle's diary away from him.

Said Ron as he looked at Harry, "Yeah, she talked about you all summer."

Ron then said, "Fred said he wanted your signature, maybe you should give it to him."

Ivan said as he walked over, "Don't be stupid, Ron."

After a few moments, Ivan said, "It's not as simple as giving her Harry's signature, she wants to be his girlfriend."

Ron shouted in surprise, "Ivan!"

As Harry blushed like a ripe apple, pretending not to have heard the conversation between Ivan and Ron.

Ivan was speechless at Ron's reaction and said, "Well, these are just my thoughts."

Then Ivan covered his forehead with his hand, those two boys were just as retarded and really innocent little boys, it was no wonder they had almost failed to find a dance partner at the fourth year Yule Ball.

They went up one more floor and stood outside the twins' room, the door was closed, and there was no sound, the three of them had no idea what Fred and George were doing.

The three finally made their way up to the top floor, they came to a door that had peeling paint on it with a small sign that read, 'Ron's Room'.

As soon as Ivan and Harry entered, the sloping ceiling almost touched their heads.

It was like walking into a giant stove, everything in Ron's room was burnt orange: the bedspread, the walls and even the ceiling.

Ron put posters of the Chudley Cannons in bright orange robes on every inch of the wall.

Harry asked, "Is that your Quidditch team?"

Ron replied to Harry, "It's the Chudley Cannons, they're in ninth place in the Quidditch League!"

Ron's quilt was orange and was printed with two large C's and a speeding cannonball.

Harry and Ron continued to talk about Quidditch while Ivan stared at a fat, brown rat lying in the corner of the room.

While ignoring Ivan's gaze, it continued to snore.

Ivan watches it for a while without noticing anything strange. If he didn't know he was an animagus, he'd think he was just a pet rat missing a toe.

Bang! Bang!

Then a sound of pipes banging from above startled Ivan.

Ron quickly explained, "Don't worry, it's just the ghost in the attic, it's always banging on the pipes. I wanted to get rid of him, but Dad likes him."

Just as Ron said, life at the Burrow is captivating.

For more than a month, Ivan and Harry followed Fred, George and Ron to clean the garden gnomes, and some of them went to the mountains to play Quidditch from time to time.

In the evening, Harry and Ron were busy completing their summer homework while Ivan used that time to ask Percy some questions about his studies, as Percy was excellent in almost every subject, especially in History of Magic lessons and spells.

Ivan had a chance to talk to Fred and George, but they were still in their infancy, however, after he made some suggestions to them, they locked themselves in their room investigating and making strange noises at night.

For over a month, Harry and Ivan became acquainted with the Weasley family.

Mrs. Weasley mended their socks, made them eat four more meals at every meal, and Mr. Weasley kept asking them questions about Muggle life.

Except for Ginny, the others quickly adjusted to Harry and Ivan in their home. To be more precise, while Harry was present, Ginny was always nervous to touch anything, but when she is alone with Ivan, it is completely normal.

Because Ivan and Ginny were the same age, they got along very well, but Ivan still couldn't get Ginny to give him Tom Riddle's Diary even until the last day.

Ivan hinted at it several times, but Ginny didn't respond.

He couldn't explain it to her and he couldn't sneak into her room to find it, Ivan wasn't even sure if he had the diary.

He was in no hurry, there was still time, if the worst comes to the worst, in the plot Ginny will only be in a little trouble.

But being rescued by her hero, Harry Potter, might not be a bad thing.