On the last day of the summer vacations, Mrs. Weasley prepared a grand dinner.
Everyone gathered around the table merrily, eating elaborate pudding made by Mrs. Weasley, watching Fred and George's laborious fireworks display, these fireworks were apparently enhanced by them, orange, red and blue stars filled the kitchen, bouncing between the ceiling and walls for at least half an hour.
At Ten o'clock that night, after drinking the last cup of hot chocolate, everyone went to bed.
Because he and Harry shared the same bed, Ivan could feel Harry continually tossing and turning, which made him very uncomfortable as he tried to sleep.
The next morning, Harry woke up early, looking very pale and said, "Ivan, I had a dream last night that I turned into a big snake last night and.... anyway, the dream sucked!"
Ivan sighed and said, "Harry, you're just nervous about starting school."
Harry said, "I hope everything goes well today."
Apparently his wish backfired, after breakfast, everyone was running around like a chicken with their heads cut off, Mrs. Weasley ran around looking for spare socks and quilts, always bumping into the twins on the stairs, while Mr. Weasley ran to the car to put Ginny's suitcase in, but tripped over a chicken in the yard, nearly breaking his neck.
Without allowing everyone to get into the car, Mr. Weasley started the engine and the car left the yard. They made three round trips in less than half an hour, and by the time Ginny finally got into the car, everyone was already irritated.
When they finally arrived at King's Cross station, there were only five minutes left before the train was due to leave.
Mrs. Weasley said, "Alright guys, we don't have much time, get through this wall as fast as you can and be careful not to be seen by Muggles."
Then Mrs. Weasley looked nervously at the clock and ordered, "Percy first!"
By the time Percy passed, Mr. Weasley had grabbed his bags and followed, followed by Fred and George.
Just before grabbing Ginny's hand and walking towards the wall, Mrs. Weasley looked at Ivan, Harry and Ron and said, "I'll take Ginny, you three stay close."
Ron said, "Let's get the three of us across together, there's only a minute left."
Ivan thought, "Well, what should I do now?"
He had intended to follow Percy, but who knew the car would be so slow, and Mrs. Weasley would arrange it with Harry and Ron.
If memory served him correctly, the wall should be sealed by Dobby now.
Harry looked at Ivan and explained, "Ivan, stay with me and don't be nervous, as I told you before, to get to the platform you have to go through the wall. If you're scared, you can run."
Both Ron and Harry ran towards the wall with confidence.
Ivan couldn't stand to see them like that, so he quickly closed his eyes. Based on the way they were running, he knew it would be painful.
The next second, he heard them crash into the wall.
Ron's suitcase hit the ground hard as Harry was knocked down and Hedwig's cage hit the ground, she screamed angrily. Many people stared at them as a guard shouted, "What the hell are you doing?"
Harry groaned in pain and said, "Sorry, I lost control of the cart."
Ivan ran to pick up Hedwig, who was still there, screaming and causing many onlookers to say that they were mistreating the animal.
Harry asked Ron quietly, "Why can't we go through?"
To which Ron replied, "I don't know!"
Ron walked over and silently pushed against the wall, saying, "This has never happened before, we're going to miss the train!"
Ron got nervous and said, "I don't know why the ticket is sealed...."
Harry looked at the clock, and carefully pushed the trolley against the wall, but it didn't budge one bit.
Ivan looked at the wall and said, "It looks like the wall was sealed with a barrier; obviously someone did it deliberately."
Harry asked in confusion, "Who would want us to miss the train?"
Ron said hatefully, "It must be Malfoy!"
Then Ron's expression became tinged with despair and he said, "It's over, the train has already left, and if Mum and Dad can't come and pick us up, do either of you have any Muggle money?
Harry said angrily, "The Dursleys never gave me pocket money in six years!"
Ivan rummaged in his pocket and found nothing, so he said, "Me neither. I traded everything of mine for money from the magical world and spent it in Diagon Alley. I knew I should have saved some."
Ron looked around nervously, and as Hedwig shouted, a lot of people were staring at them, so he could only say, "I don't know how long it will take Mum and Dad to come back for us, so what do we do now?"
Ivan suggested, "I think we should write a letter to the school to explain what happened."
Harry tried to calm Hedwig down to keep her quiet and said, "Ivan is right, but before we do that we need to get back to the car!"
Ron's eyes lit up and he said, "Harry, we can drive the car back to Hogwarts, it has been modified by my father so it can fly!"
Ivan tried to persuade Ron to drop the idea, so he shook his head hurriedly and said quickly, "Ron, this is not a good idea, we can't use magic outside of school!"
Ron said excitedly, "Come on Ivan!"
Ron's eyes were shining brightly and he said, "We're stuck, aren't we? We have to go to school, don't we? Even underage wizards can use magic if it's a real emergency, section nineteen or something from the Restraint and something-"
After hearing Ron's explanation, Harry went from panic to excitement and quickly said, "Can you drive?"
Ron smiled and said, "No problem, I've seen Fred and George drive countless times!"
Ron quickly looked at Ivan and said seriously, "We'll be able to catch the Hogwarts Express in no time. Ivan, you especially have to be on time this year, you're going to be sorted into a house, so we can't be late!
Harry agreed and said, "Yes, Ivan. It's scary enough thinking about not being on time for the Sorting Ceremony."
"It's scary to go to school in a flying car."
This was the only thought Ivan had, looking at the two people who had a look of excitement, but he could only follow them helplessly.
After making up his mind, Ivan had no choice but to cooperate, and at the time Ivan missed Hermione, because if she was here, she could stop these two.
Ivan also wanted to see the flying car, but after thinking about the outcome, he was not happy.
They would be seen by Muggles, and Mr. Weasley might lose his job, and for a first year student who hadn't even been sorted into a house yet, he wasn't sure what would happen to him. Ivan wasn't sure what repercussions his unusual entrance would have.
Ivan tried to make one last effort and said, "Guys, I think we should..."
Ron didn't wait for him to finish and said, "Ivan, let's go!"
Then Ron looked at Harry and said, "Harry, make sure no one is watching."
Harry reached out and pulled Ivan into the car, then looked around and quickly said, "There's no one on the street."
The next second, Ron pressed a small silver button next to the steering wheel, the three of them and the car disappeared.
Ivan felt the seat shake, he could hear the engine roar, and in the next moment, they were floating above the street full of parked cars.
Ron shouted, "Let's go!"
The ground and the buildings on either side shrank as the car climbed higher and higher, a few seconds later, they could see the entire city of London below them.