Chapter 18: Ivan's Revenge (Edited)

All the Gryffindor students thought potions class was worse than Transfiguration.

Potions class was in the basement, the classroom had a slight herbal smell, with different specimen vials making one shudder.

The worst part of potions class was Professor Snape. While he was there, no one dared to whisper.

In the first lesson, after teasing everyone, Snape turned to Ivan and prepared to embarrass him.

But Ivan was prepared and answered all the questions correctly.

Professor Snape said disdainfully, "Another one like Mrs. Granger, Mr. Perfect."

Mr. Perfect was another nickname he received from Snape after the last one, `Potter's Follower', which matched Hermione's Miss Perfect.

After Snape asked about almost everything from A Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms to Magical Erasers and Potions, Snape decided to change his strategy, but Snape still deduced a Gryffindor stitch on his uniform buttons that wasn't quite right on.

He decided to treat Ivan as he treats Hermione, that is, with indifference.

This was much easier for Ivan, but it was hard to be happy when Snape was still looking for some reason to deduct a point from the Gryffindor students.

But Ivan had to admit that Snape was competent.

For example, Snape wrote on the board a simple potion recipe for the treatment of scabies, which differed slightly from the one written in the book.

It was a small change, but it was superior to the recipe in the book.

Everyone except Ivan had not practiced this potion before, so he knew how superior it was in quality.

Snape acted like it was no big deal, but Ivan knew that. Every potion was refined and documented by countless potion masters over the years, so to improve the recipe just a little bit would take countless hours of research by numerous potion masters, but for Snape, it was a simple feat.

Even improving the most basic of basic potions must prove to people that he was one of the best, if not the best potions master.

When dinner was served, Colin still hadn't recovered from potions class and said, "Snape is terrible, as everyone told me."

He looked distraught and would probably be reporting to the school hospital right now if Ivan hadn't stopped him from putting the wrong ingredient in the potions. Then again, he probably wouldn't have forgotten if Snape hadn't been watching him.

For Colin's mistake, he was deducted two points and got the "Idiot" grade from Snape.

Ivan tried to reassure him and said, "Colin, cheer up, even if people seem mean that doesn't mean they aren't still good people."

When Ron, who had just sat down, heard his comment, he immediately stood up and said, "My God, you're praising Snape."

Ivan decided not to respond to Ron and simply said, "I'm just being honest."

Colin, seeing Harry running up to him, quickly stood up and said, "Hi, Harry!"

Harry reluctantly replied: "Hi, Colin!"

Colin had said hello to him six or seven times so far. Harry was tired of it, but Colin was still enjoying it, as if it was the most exciting thing in the world.

Harry looked like he wanted to ask for help, but Ivan couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't stop Colin or Ginny from worshipping Harry even if he tried, any more than he could stop Hermione from worshipping Lockhart.

Ivan turned to Hermione and said, "Professor Lockhart has agreed to help us, he invited me to come to his office after dinner and promised to put some of his unpublished manuscripts in the paper.

Hermione looked at Ivan and with a look of pure joy said, "That's great Ivan, can I come with you?"

Ivan looked at Hermione excitedly and said, "I don't think there should be any problem, but I have some writing to do tonight, so you can go with with with Colin and remember to take some pictures!"

Ron said, "I thought after class yesterday you realized the nature of that guy, Hermione"

Then Ron muttered, "He's a fraud."

Hermione looked at Ron and yelled, "Nonsense, you've all read his books and all the amazing things he's done...."

Ron rebutted her, "Only that he said he had done."

The argument didn't last long, and after dinner, Hermione and Colin went to Lockhart's office, while Harry and Ron went to find Nick nearly decapitated, and asked him to contact other ghosts about the paper.

Ivan had intended to go with them, but received a reply from Bathilda Bagshot, detailing the life and death of Lily Potter, the day Voldemort was defeated, including a lot of little details.

These were things that had never appeared in any other book.

Ivan didn't even tell Harry what he was writing about, he quickly returned to the Gryffindor common room, and after reading the letter several times he began to write.

"Guardian of Love, the Great Mother, Lily Potter!"

Ivan briefly introduced Lily's life first, including her excellent performance at Hogwarts, and how she escaped Voldemort three times before.

Then he wrote about Lily's last days with a slightly pompous and rigorous tone, as if he had seen all these things happen, and added countless details of Bathilda's response.

At the end he wrote how James was killed by Voldemort and how Lily fought to protect Harry, making the article reach its climax.

Ivan emphasized what a great mother Lily was, her love for Harry, and the tragic battle scene, he believed that as long as one was not a Death Eater, one could not help but shed a tear.

Ivan omitted the magic Lily had last used, he didn't know what it was, and he wasn't sure if Dumbledore wanted people to know because Bathilda's answer didn't mention it.

When the rumor spread, Voldemort killed Lily and tried to kill Harry, but failed, whether it was a spell bounce or something else, people never knew.

The truth could not be told, but that did not stop him from conceiving some details.

In his description he stated, "After Lily's death, as she slowly fell to the ground, her hands still holding Voldemort's robe, stopping his march towards Harry, in her hands was a locket with a Potter family picture, on the back of the locket was a picture of her childhood friend, a young black haired boy."

Here the picture is finally framed and the entire text ends.

As for the dark-haired boy, Ivan had written it in exact reference to Snape, and whether or not one would guess who he was was was not something he considered.

Ivan wondered, "Well, does this count as my revenge against Snape?"

Then Ivan thought mischievously, "Since you dare deduct points from me, I have to let you suffer a little."