Chapter 25: Deviation from History (Edited)

He signed the contracts with the Prophet that same day, but Ivan underestimated the Prophet's influence, when he sat down to eat toast the next morning, he saw a shower of owls fly into the Great Dining Hall.


It was not known who shouted, but all the students in the Great Dining Hall looked up and saw a fantastic scene.

Countless owls flew into the Great Dining Hall, covering almost the entire ceiling.

"Hogwarts Great Dining Hall, Ivan Masson!"

Ivan saw his name and address on an envelope, frowned and went to get it, but soon, three, four, five owls flapped their wings beside him, stepped on butter and knocked over salt shakers, all trying to be the first to give him the letter.

Colin asked in amazement, "What's going on?"

No one answered, and then seven more owls flew down, but this time they were looking for Harry.

They screeched and flapped their wings, and the entire Gryffindor table raised their heads to look at them.

Hermione pondered for a moment, picked up a packet from an owl and passed it to Ivan, saying, "I think I know what's going on, look at this, guys!"

Hermione tried to hand the package she got from an owl to Ivan, but before she could say anything else, more than ten owls flew in and instantly surrounded her.

Ivan opened the package Hermione handed over, which contained the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

The article about Harry's mother was published on the front page along with other articles he edited and Bathilda Bagshot's.

Lockhart's pictures and novels occupied the entertainment section and the novels section. Hermione's two articles took up space under the Rita Skeeter article.

Hermione said excitedly, "They're readers' letters, all of them."

The letter Hermione had in her possession was sent by a witch in her fifties, thanking Hermione for her efforts to keep underage wizards safe since she lost her daughter in a plane crash when her daughter was eight years old. Many of the letters came from Muggle-born wizards, who thanked her for saying what they always wanted to say.

Unlike the thanks Hermione received, Harry received much more touching thanks. People used some beautiful but exaggerated statements to express their sorrow for Harry's unfortunate life.

As for Ivan, he received more criticism.

People complained about some of the things he wrote, such as how Voldemort failed, what Lily's last spell was, and who the black-haired boy in the pendant was.

One man said they had a right to know the truth.

Ron opened one of Ivan's letters and muttered, "What does he want to know?"

Colin read a letter and said, "Look, this woman is suggesting that you go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Illness and Injury, She might be a follower of he who must not be named..."

In fact, the teachers were more stressed than Ivan.

Almost all the professors received a large number of letters, including Dumbledore and McGonagall, readers who read Ivan's article expect the professors to take better care of Harry.

Faced with an endless stream of owls, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were overwhelmed.

Professor Snape, at their side, cast a spell to send all the owls flying away.

Unlike Snape who was angry, Lockhart was extremely excited, he was the one who received the most letters, he put all the letters in a particular pocket so that in his spare time he could write to his fans.

Anyway, Ivan's articles had an unforeseen result.

Many adult magicians were surprised that young magicians could write so well, but most people thought it made a lot of sense, although some of the writing was inaccurate, considering the age of such people, the flaws are insignificant.

The good news of all this is that the editor of the Daily the Prophet said he was willing to reprint Ivan, Hermione and Lockhart's articles for a while, which will significantly improve the sales of The Magic of Hogwarts. In addition to students at the school, there are even adult wizards willing to order the paper.

With the head start he had achieved so far, Ivan successfully printed about 800 follow-up articles.

Everything was going well, and the newspaper "The Magic of Hogwarts" became part of the everyday life of several young wizards, the newspaper received more and more contributions and earned some modest profits. Teachers and students became accustomed to the countless owls raining down for breakfast every Wednesday.

Because of the small amount of money he earned, Ivan bought himself a small amount of potions materials and a new quill for Hermione, while the rest of the money he invested in Fred and George's research.

Under the supply of materials, the twins achieved excellent results.

In addition to the increasingly extravagant magic fireworks, they also developed Extendable Ears that could eavesdrop, a feather pen that automatically ejects ink, a Nougat that made the nose bleed after eating them, and Longing Candy that made the tongue enlarge after eating it.

All of these things are interesting and, of course, fraught with danger.

Fred and George received many requests, and many young wizards expressed enthusiasm for their new product. However, Percy and Hermione would not allow them to make other people their guinea pigs. They had no choice but to experiment on themselves, which resulted in the twins spending more and more time in the school hospital.

The head nurse at Hogwarts, Madame Pomfrey, was going crazy, even without Fred and George she was busy every day.

From October onwards the weather turned cold.

So there had been a sudden epidemic of colds at the school.

Ginny and Ivan, who were recently ill, were not spared by Percy, who forced them to drink some of Madame Pomfrey's pepper potion, which caused steam to come out of their ears for hours.

His cold, manuscript revivals, and increasing class assignments greatly reduced Ivan's focus on the Chamber of Secrets.

Fortunately Ginny hadn't had any anomalies, she had gone to the library every night to help Hermione edit the manuscripts, so she shouldn't have time to open the Chamber of Secrets, or perhaps it wasn't yet under Tom Riddle's control.

Ivan found time to talk to her about the diary, but Ginny said she had never seen a black diary.

This surprised Ivan greatly, if Ginny didn't have Tom Riddle's diary, it was Lucius Malfoy who didn't give it to her, perhaps because being reborn produced more than just a ripple from the butterfly effect.

But in any case, the plot had changed and Ivan's biggest advantage was gone.

After worrying about it for a while, Ivan cleared his mind and decided to worry about it another time.

Hopeful that Tom Riddle wouldn't show up and not have to find a way to destroy the Horcruxes, he decided to stop thinking about it and let Dumbledore worry about it.